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《价值工程》
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2014年5期
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关于电牵引采煤机变频器的故障诊断与维修
关于电牵引采煤机变频器的故障诊断与维修
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摘要
院随着我国经济的不断发展,煤炭能源开采的规模越来越大,电牵引采煤机作为综采工作面的主要配套设备,对煤炭的利用效率及开采量有着重要的影响,占据着重要的地位。同时,由于采煤机工作面工作环境的恶劣,对采煤机的可靠性及其工作效率有着较高的要求。变频器作为电牵引采煤机的核心控制部分,出现故障后准确判断并排除故障,对发挥采煤机的效率、加强安全生产具有重要的意义。
54ymgqr940/2926804
作者
毕晓斌
机构地区
毕晓斌BIXiao-bin(阳泉煤业集团装备制造局,阳泉045000)(YangquanCoalIndustryGroupEquipmentManufacturingDepartment,Yangquan045000,China)
出处
《价值工程》
2014年5期
关键词
Abstract
With
the
constant
development
of
economy
in
China
the
scale
of
the
coal
mining
is
increasing
rapidly.
As
main
equipmentin
the
fully
mechanized
working
face
electric
traction
shearer
has
important
influence
on
coal
utilization
efficiency
and
production
so
itoccupies
an
important
position.
At
the
same
time
due
to
the
bad
working
environment
in
the
working
face
of
the
shearer
it
requires
higherreliability
and
working
efficiency
of
the
shearer.
Frequency
converter
is
the
core
control
part
of
electric
traction
shearer
so
it
is
veryimportant
to
judge
and
remove
its
every
possible
fault
which
is
essential
for
keeping
the
efficiency
of
the
shearer
and
enhancing
productionsafety.院采煤机
变频器
故障诊断
维修Key
words
coal
mining
machine
frequency
converter
fault
diagnosis
maintenance中图分类号院TD421.6
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)15-0078-020
分类
[经济管理][企业管理]
出版日期
2014年05月15日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
相关文献
高阳.
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朱丹.
Plc变频器故障诊断与维修朱丹
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宋永康,乔振洲,岳强,卢玉辉,付跃明,熊永强.
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李涛,邓博辉,孙文勇,袁令松.
变频器的故障诊断与维修方法分析
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徐玥.
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白盼盼周杰.
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徐淑冬.
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邓娜.
PLC变频器故障诊断与维修邓娜
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MG250/600-AWD交流电牵引采煤机变频器常见故障及判断
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张友凯.
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来源期刊
价值工程
2014年5期
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相关关键词
Abstract
With
the
constant
development
of
economy
in
China
the
scale
of
the
coal
mining
is
increasing
rapidly.
As
main
equipmentin
the
fully
mechanized
working
face
electric
traction
shearer
has
important
influence
on
coal
utilization
efficiency
and
production
so
itoccupies
an
important
position.
At
the
same
time
due
to
the
bad
working
environment
in
the
working
face
of
the
shearer
it
requires
higherreliability
and
working
efficiency
of
the
shearer.
Frequency
converter
is
the
core
control
part
of
electric
traction
shearer
so
it
is
veryimportant
to
judge
and
remove
its
every
possible
fault
which
is
essential
for
keeping
the
efficiency
of
the
shearer
and
enhancing
productionsafety.院采煤机
变频器
故障诊断
维修Key
words
coal
mining
machine
frequency
converter
fault
diagnosis
maintenance中图分类号院TD421.6
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)15-0078-020
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