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《中国医学人文》
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2016年4期
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新建本科医药院校病理生理学教学的转型达标探讨
新建本科医药院校病理生理学教学的转型达标探讨
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摘要
摘要本文依据笔者单位2014年5月升格为本科医药院校后亟需推行转型发展的办学实际,从树立教学理念、完善教学环节、加强实践教学、优化教学细节等四个层面,阐述了即将承担本科多专业病理生理学教学任务的教师,应当如何更新观念,转变角色,增强能力,优化素质,严按本科教学要求,稳步实现病理生理学教学规范转型和有效达标的办学思路,以求与各位同行切磋探讨。
6jrmx37yd5/4087515
作者
李晓阳
机构地区
李晓阳(湖南医药学院湖南怀化418000)
出处
《中国医学人文》
2016年4期
关键词
新建医药院校
病理生理教学
转型达标思路中图分类号
R2
文献标号
文章编号
2095-9753(2016)4-0003-03The
Teaching
Transformation
of
Pathophysiology
in
Newky-built
Medical
UniversitiesLI
Xiaoyang(Hunan
University
of
Medicine
Huaihua
Hunan
418000)Abstract
The
thesis
is
based
on
the
upgrading
of
the
college
that
the
writer
works
in
into
undergraduate
medical
college
inMay
and
focuses
on
the
inner
requirements
targets
and
missions
for
the
transformation
and
development
of
newly-constructedmedical
colleges.
Concentrating
on
four
levels
of
setting
up
teaching
concepts
improving
teaching
link
strengthening
experimentteaching
and
emphasizing
the
combination
of
pathophysiology
instruction
and
clinical
applications
the
thesis
analyzes
and
elaborateshow
the
teachers
that
are
about
to
undertake
the
instruction
of
pathophysiology
for
the
undergraduates
of
several
specialties
shoulddo
to
renew
ideas
shift
roles
enhance
competence
optimize
qualities
and
comply
with
the
requirements
of
undergraduate
teaching
so
as
to
carry
out
the
分类
[医药卫生][卫生事业管理]
出版日期
2016年04月14日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
相关文献
吴珍.
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.教育学,2018-02.
李涛1赖春凤2.
病理生理学教学方法改革的探讨
.公共卫生与预防医学,2009-12.
黄海.
病理学与病理生理学在高职医药方面的综合教学体系研究
.临床医学,2015-03.
admin.
《病理生理学》双语教学几点体会
.医药卫生,2019-07.
唐君,袁云川,齐蕊*通讯作者.
高职院校病理学与病理生理学课程思政改革应对
.卫生事业管理,2022-05.
谢川.
病理生理学教学中思维导图应用探讨
.临床医学,2018-05.
李瑞峰;李莉;陈融.
《病理生理学》自测题
.教育学,2005-05.
李丽娜.
实践先行高校病理生理学教学探究
.卫生事业管理,2021-07.
谢浩,卢毅,金建涛.
技工类院校病理学与病理生理学教学中创新思维的培养策略
.教育学,2023-01.
陈晔.
关于让“说课”走进病理生理学教学的探讨
.人力资源管理,2019-03.
来源期刊
中国医学人文
2016年4期
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相关关键词
新建医药院校
病理生理教学
转型达标思路中图分类号
R2
文献标号
文章编号
2095-9753(2016)4-0003-03The
Teaching
Transformation
of
Pathophysiology
in
Newky-built
Medical
UniversitiesLI
Xiaoyang(Hunan
University
of
Medicine
Huaihua
Hunan
418000)Abstract
The
thesis
is
based
on
the
upgrading
of
the
college
that
the
writer
works
in
into
undergraduate
medical
college
inMay
and
focuses
on
the
inner
requirements
targets
and
missions
for
the
transformation
and
development
of
newly-constructedmedical
colleges.
Concentrating
on
four
levels
of
setting
up
teaching
concepts
improving
teaching
link
strengthening
experimentteaching
and
emphasizing
the
combination
of
pathophysiology
instruction
and
clinical
applications
the
thesis
analyzes
and
elaborateshow
the
teachers
that
are
about
to
undertake
the
instruction
of
pathophysiology
for
the
undergraduates
of
several
specialties
shoulddo
to
renew
ideas
shift
roles
enhance
competence
optimize
qualities
and
comply
with
the
requirements
of
undergraduate
teaching
so
as
to
carry
out
the
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