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1 个结果
  • 简介:医疗机构数据规是数字社会的外生产物,也是维系和平衡数据保护与数据共享、个人利益与公共利益之间关系的重要途径,对于健康中国战略的实施具有重大现实意义.实践中,医疗机构数据囊括了诊疗前收集的个人身份识别数据、诊疗中产生的临床医疗数据、公共卫生管理中收集的医疗数据、日常生活中产生的潜在医疗数据等主要样态.在全面推进中国式现代化的新征程上,应明晰从个人本位向社会本位的价值转向,凸显信赖理念的补强作用,以数据利用的最小化原则为指南,着眼于后疫情时代医疗机构数据的新发展和新变化.与此同时,通过履行告知同意义务、明确数据收集和使用范围、强化相关技术措施的规范使用、健全数据规法律责任体系等一系列举措,建构出一套灵活且高效的医疗机构数据规体系.Abstract:Medical institution data compliance is an exogenous product of the digital society,serving as a crucial means to maintain and balance the relationship between data protection and data sharing,as well as individual inter-ests and public interests.The implementation of the Healthy China Initiative greatly benefits from its practical signifi-cance.In practice,data from medical institutions takes varied forms,including personally identifiable data collected before diagnosis and treatment,clinical medical data generated during diagnosis and treatment,medical data collected in public health management,and potential medical data generated in daily life.In the new journey of comprehensively promoting the Chinese pat...

  • 标签: 医疗机构数据隐私保护数据安全合规治理