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500 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory arthropathy characterized by psoriasis and bone erosion on radiology. Dickkopf-1 (Dkk-1) is considered to be the main inhibitor of the Wnt signaling pathway and results in reduced osteoblast proliferation. The aim of this study was to investigate the serum level of Dkk-1 and its association with bone erosion in PsA patients.Methods:Serum Dkk-1 levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 69 patients with PsA and 60 controls, including 39 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, and 21 healthy controls (HCs). Rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide levels were also determined by ELISA. The association of Dkk-1 level with clinical and laboratory features of PsA was analyzed. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the risk factors for bone erosion in PsA.Results:Dkk-1 was elevated in 68.1% (47/69) of the patients with PsA, 46.2% (18/39) of RA patients, and 9.5% (2/21) of HCs. Serum Dkk-1 concentration was significantly higher in PsA patients compared with that in HCs. The level of serum Dkk-1 was correlated with a swollen joint count, and levels of complement components 3 and 4. Elevated Dkk-1 level (odds ratio = 4.440, 95% confidence interval: 1.246-15.817, P = 0.021) was identified as the risk factor for bone erosion in PsA.Conclusions:The serum level of Dkk-1 is abnormally elevated in PsA patients. The elevation of Dkk-1 might be involved in the mechanism of bone erosion in patients with PsA.

  • 标签: Dickkopf-1 Psoriatic arthritis Bone erosion
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs), resident mesenchymal cells of synovial joints, play an important role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Dickkopf-1 (DKK-1) has been proposed to be a master regulator of bone remodeling in inflammatory arthritis. Here, potential impairation on the activity of FLSs derived from RA to small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting DKK-1 was investigated.Methods:siRNAs targeting DKK-1 were transfected into FLSs of patients with RA. Interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 2, MMP3, MMP9, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1, TGF-β2 and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 levels in the cell culture supernatant were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Invasion assay and 3H incorporation assay were utilized to investigate the effects of siRNAs targeting DKK-1 on FLSs invasion and cell proliferation, respectively. Western blotting was performed to analyze the expression of nuclear factor (NF)-κB, interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK)1, extracellular regulated protein kinases (ERK)1, Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and β-catenin in FLSs.Results:DKK-1 targeting siRNAs inhibited the expression of DKK-1 in FLSs (P < 0.01). siRNAs induced a significant reduction of the levels of IL-6, IL-8, MMP2, MMP3 and MMP9 in FLSs compared to the control group (P < 0.05). DKK-1 targeting siRNAs inhibited the proliferation and invasion of FLSs (P < 0.05). Important molecules of pro-inflammatory signaling in FLSs, including IRAK1 and ERK1, were decreased by the inhibition of DKK-1 in FLSs. In contrast, β-catenin, a pivotal downstream molecule of the Wnt signaling pathway was increased.Conclusions:By inhibiting DKK-1, we were able to inhibit the proliferation, invasion and pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion of FLSs derived from RA, which was mediated by the ERK or the IRAK-1 signaling pathway. These data indicate the application of DKK-1 silencing could be a potential therapeutic approach to RA.

  • 标签: Dickkopf-1 Fibroblast-like synoviocytes Rheumatoid arthritis small interfering RNAs
  • 简介:冬残春起的刹那,正是飞魂走魄的季节。的荒城远郊,枯林古刹之间,作一个萧萧独行客,访一访千百年来客死、情死、横死、醉死的游魂,祭一祭或远或近、或亲或疏的先祖坟茔,这种时刻,最会忆起许许多多的故人旧事,遗音残梦,都宛若明日黄花纷纷如坠,令人痴然。消失已久的人,再被忆起,被凭吊,对于从未谋面的后世子孙而言,就不再有具体的形态,而只是一种岑寂、一种苍凉,一种墓碑的厚度。

  • 标签: 家族 季节 情死 横死 游魂 远郊
  • 简介:不知什么时候开始,我家浴霸排风口里居然住进了一对“鸟夫妻”。它们披着一身灰白色的羽毛,一双敏捷的翅膀,还有一个黄颜色的小尖嘴,每天不停地在我家上空盘旋,可爱极了,有时还不停地发出“叽叽叽……”的叫声,好像在“嘻嘻嘻”不停地大笑呢。

  • 标签: 《鸟家族》 小学 语文 作文
  • 简介:豌豆一家住在菜园的角落里。春天到来的时候,豌豆花纷纷盛开。这些豌豆花,有的是红色,有的是白色,有的是粉红色,还有的居然是紫色。有一天,粉红色的豌豆花提出要给豌豆家族推选一位族长,大家纷纷表示赞成。不过,红色的豌豆花认为,族长应该从粉红色花或红色

  • 标签: 碗豆 乱作一团 凭什么
  • 简介:<正>我的母系一我的母亲是湖北沔阳(今仙桃市)人,生于农历戊戌年(公历1898年)正月十八日。我生于癸酉年二月三十日(1933年3月25日)。这样说来,她应是35岁生的我。我是在武昌外国教会(基督教会)办的一所不大的仁济医院

  • 标签: 仁济医院 翰林院庶吉士 大宅 光绪皇帝 小哥 同治三年
  • 简介:话说皓天和鹏飞在虚拟世界经历了宇宙大坍缩,到达了宇宙的终点——时空奇点之后,他们不得不再回到现实世界,皓天显得十分沮丧,看来宇宙终究只能是一场空,所有的一切最终只能化为乌有。

  • 标签: 宇宙 家族 虚拟世界 现实世界
  • 简介:7岁那年,我妈在医院住了一段时间,回来的时候,抱着一个弟弟。从此以后,爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈,他们的眼睛全都盯在弟弟那张皱巴巴的小脸上了。我独自坐在屋门前的竹林里生气。生了一会儿气以后,我觉得自己完完全全变成了一个孤儿。我开始怀疑:也许我根本就不是我爸爸妈妈亲生的,只有这个弟弟才是他们的亲骨肉。我越想,越觉得只有这样才能解释为什么他们那么喜欢他。这个问题让我彻夜难眠。让我坐立不安。我开始竖起耳朵听家里人的脚步声,听他们的谈话。我开始斜着眼睛看他们。因为我想从他们的言谈举止中,看出一点儿蛛丝马迹,听出一点儿什么破绽。因为只有这样,我才能找到我真正的家,我的亲人。

  • 标签: 家族 言谈举止 妈妈 眼睛 才能 爷爷
  • 简介:<正>吃肉要吃最好的肉1先说爷爷。爷爷叫王二金,来土唐煤矿挖煤的时候才20岁。20岁的王二金一身牛劲。进矿那天,王二金跟着村里几个一起进矿的后生,把行李一放,就去将矿区的景色欣赏了一遍,然后,众口一词地认为,他们的选择是无比正确的,至少矿里有电灯,亮堂堂的,仅这一点,村里就比不上,村里还是千百年来的昏黄的油灯。还有一点也是必须要议论的,那就是说,这么大

  • 标签: 胡司 王建民 一只手 激动万分 给你 跑来跑去
  • 简介:  吃肉要吃最好的肉  1  先说爷爷.  爷爷叫王二金,来土唐煤矿挖煤的时候才20岁.20岁的王二金一身牛劲.进矿那天,王二金跟着村里几个一起进矿的后生,把行李一放,就去将矿区的景色欣赏了一遍,然后,众口一词地认为,他们的选择是无比正确的,至少矿里有电灯,亮堂堂的,仅这一点,村里就比不上,村里还是千百年来的昏黄的油灯.……

  • 标签: 追星家族
  • 简介:<正>当我们谈到英格兰国家队的成员,在切尔西效力的中场明星弗兰克·兰帕德时,一个人不应该被遗忘,因为必须涉及到对他的事业产生巨大影响的人——他的父亲。家庭情感和足球圈里的是非通常相隔很远,但兰帕德是个特例,他是造随着自己父亲杰米·兰帕德的足迹踏入绿茵场的。弗兰克现年25岁,他已经实践了自已儿时的梦想,为西汉姆联队效力——弗兰克的父亲老杰米,作为球员和教练为这支俱乐部在最辉煌的二十年里增光添色——包括将自己的儿子培养成球星。

  • 标签: 兰帕 西汉姆 达格利什 兰克 家庭情感 诺丁汉森林
  • 简介:我是一只小蜜蜂,我们蜜蜂是过群体生活的,在一个蜂群中有三种蜂:一只蜂王,少数雄蜂和几千到几万只工蜂,我就是这千万工蜂之一。

  • 标签: 蜜蜂 家族 群体生活 蜂王
  • 简介:狮子是群居动物。它们常15只或者更多只群居在一起,成为狮群。狮群的规模小到3只,大到40只。在狮群中,雄性狮子和雌性狮子分别扮演什么样的角色?它们在生活中分别承担哪些工作?

  • 标签: 狮子 家族 群居动物 雄性
  • 简介:精彩导读学生进入高中后大多在外读书,从此之后也是经常与家人朋友相隔两地,本文介绍了一些的方法。

  • 标签: 家族 保持联系 相隔两地 方法