简介:AbstractIntroduction:Nail psoriasis has a profound negative influence on quality of life and has a more closely relationship with psoriatic arthritis. However, patients with nail changes only were often overlooked with the diagnosis of psoriasis. It is necessary to pay more attention to nail psoriatic changes.Herein, we report a 24-year-old male patient with nail changes as the initial sign of psoriasis who was finally diagnosed with nail psoriasis.Case presentation:The nails presented with white streaks, deformations, and had been missed for 8 months. Physical examination further revealed one erythematous scaly plaque on the buttock, anusand scalp respectively with positive Auspitz sign. Combined with the negative fungal microscopic, dermoscopic results and pathological results, the diagnosis of nail psoriasis was made. Oralacitretin (30 mg/day) and topical calcipotriene liniment was prescribed for 3 months followed with etanercept (50 mg once per week), and the nail symptoms were well controlled.Discussion:Nail psoriasis is usually noticed after the occurrence of skin lesions, but may occur simultaneously with or before skin psoriasis. Occasionally, nail involvement is the only manifestation of psoriasis. Nail lesions maybe one of the strongest clinical predictors of psoriatic and it has a profound negative influence on quality of life, so that timely recognition and proper treatment are improtant.Conclusion:Nail psoriasis can cause substantial physical and psychological impairment. However, nail involvement is an often overlooked feature of psoriasis. More attention should be paid to nail psoriatic changes and the administration of appropriate treatment.
简介:AbstractNail involvement is common in psoriasis and is considered a risk factor for and a predictor of the development of psoriatic arthritis. The treatment of nail psoriasis is challenging because of the unique anatomical structure of nails and the absence of standardized treatment protocols. Herein, we provide an up-to-date overview of the treatment options for nail psoriasis, including topical drugs and penetration enhancement strategies, traditional and novel oral drugs, and biologic agents. In addition, we highlight the available individualized management strategies in special patient populations such as pediatric patients, geriatric patients, women of childbearing age, and patients with concomitant onychomycosis or psoriatic arthritis.
简介:Objective: Toanalyzethecausesofdistalfemoralnonunionanddelayedunionandassesstheoutcomeofthecorrespondingtreatment,retrogradeintramedullaryinterlockingnail(RIIN). Methods: FromJune1995toDecember1998,15patients(9malesand6females)withdistalfemoralnonunionanddelayedunionweretreatedwithRIIN.Theaverageageofthepatientswas34.5years(23-46years).Bonegraftingwasperformedin10patients,closedreamingwasdoneintheother5patients.Correctionosteotomywasperformedin2patients,andintra-articularreleaseofkneeadhesionin11patients.X-rayexaminationandkneesocietyclinicalratingsystem(KSS)wereusedtoevaluatetheresults. Results: Allfractureswerefollowedupforatleast9monthswithaveragefollow-updurationof14.5months(9-33months).Solidunionwasdocumentedinallpatientsat6.4monthsonaverage.Therewerenoinfectionsormalunionsinthisseries.Basedonthefinalfollow-updata,acceptablefunctionalrangeofmotion(ROM)ofover90°wasachievedinmostpatients.TheaverageROMwas93.5°withsignificantimprovementof28°(42.7%,P<0.05)comparedwiththepreoperativeROM.Theaveragekneescorewas96.ExcellentROMemergedin13patients.Thekneefunctionscorewas90.5onaverage. Conclusions: Themaincausesofdistalfemoralnonunionanddelayedunionareimproperindicationsandimproperuseoftheimplants.RIINisaneffectivealternativefortreatmentofdistalfemoralnonunionanddelayedunionbecauseitcanprovideastableandreliablefixationwhichisbeneficialforearlyfunctionalexerciseofknee.Bonegrafting,closedreamingandintra-articularreleaseofkneeadhesionshouldbeconsideredinordertoenhancethebonehealingandimproveROMandthekneefunction.
简介:AbstractPurpose:Olecranon fractures are particularly vulnerable to distraction and subsequent fracture dislocation due to the high tensile forces. Surgical treatment aims at reducing the fracture and restoring the anatomical joint surface condition, as well as neutralizing the strain inhibiting fracture healing. The XS nail® (Intercus GmbH, Bad Blankenberg, Germany), an intramedullary implant exerting compression across the entire fracture surface, unlike plates, leaves a minimal extra-cortical profile, and can be secured with threaded locking wires, thereby retaining the anatomical reduction without displacement or steps within the articular surface, which was often found in tension band wiring. After encouraging initial results, the long-term outcome was assessed.Methods:This retrospective study evaluated the long-term outcome of patients surgically treated at our trauma center between January 2002 and December 2005 using the XS nail®. Patients over the age of 18 years eligible for the study must have undergone surgery for isolated, recent (less than 14 days) traumatic olecranon fractures, without concomitant injuries to the ipsilateral elbow and forearm. Further exclusion criteria were pseudarthrosis, re-fractures and osteotomy for distal humerus surgery, as well as polytraumatized patients unable to aid in their own recovery. Data were retrospectively gathered by standardised questionnaire and patient records, as well as surgery and anesthesiology reports. Data analysis was performed using Microsoft Office Excel® 2016.Results:There were 32 patients, 13 males (mean age 49.0 years) and 19 females (mean age 68.9 years) with 11 Schatzkers type D, 7 each type A and C, 5 type B and 2 type E at an average of 55.2 months, all showing complete consolidation. Of them, 6 patients had a loss of range of motion with more than 10° in the sagittal plane, and only 1 patient exceeded 10° reduction of supination. Twenty-five patients reported being pain-free under all circumstances, and all but 2 patients (93.75%) had returned to their previous activity level. The average disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand score was 21.15 (range 0-88.3), and the overall Mayo elbow performance index was 91.87, without complications, such as wound infection, neurovascular impairment or premature hardware removal.Conclusion:Using the XS nail® system, all fracture types can be successfully treated and the rate of complications was lower than that treated by standard methods published in current literature. An excellent functional outcome, high range of motion as well as good retention of reduction without soft tissue irritation makes this a very suitable implant for fractures subject to tension.
简介:AbstractBackground:The reverse obliquity inter-trochanteric fracture is a distinct fracture pattern that is mechanically different from most inter-trochanteric fractures and the optional treatment of it is still controversial. The purpose of this study was to compare differences in the efficacy of a novel nail (medial support nail [MSN-II]) and proximal femoral nail anti-rotation (PFNA-II) in the treatment of reverse obliquity inter-trochanteric fractures (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Osteosynthesfrogen/Orthopedic Trauma Association [AO/OTA] 31-A3.1) using finite-element analysis.Methods:Modeling software was used to establish a three-dimensional model of MSN-II and PFNA-II and an A3.1 inter-trochanteric fracture model. Abaqus software was used to implement different force loads to compare finite-element biomechanical parameters such as the maximum stress in implant and the displacement of fracture site.Results:The femoral stress, implant stress and fracture site displacement of MSN-II was less than that of PFNA-II. The results indicated that the maximal femoral stress was 581 MPa for PFNA-II and 443 MPa for the MSN-II. The maximum stress values in the PFNA-II and MSN-II models were 291 and 241 MPa, respectively. The maximal displacements of the fracture site were 1.47 and 1.16 mm in the PFNA-II and MSN-II models, respectively.Conclusions:Compared with PFNA-II for inter-trochanteric fracture (AO/OTA 31-A3.1), MSN-II which was designed with a triangular stability structure can provide better biomechanical stability. The MSN-II may be a feasible option for the treatment of reverse obliquity inter-trochanteric fracture.