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10 个结果
  • 简介:奥迪驾控之旅:1983年奥迪公司创办的一个系统的高级驾驶训练课程,并在奥迪公司位于德国的总部设有独立的奥迪驾控之旅机构,自2003年正式在国内启动,奥迪驾控之旅开设了安全驾驶培训课程、高级赛道培训和冬季冰面拉力培训等诸多培训项目。奥迪驾控之旅的教练员人数为四人,都是专业赛车手和优秀试车手,并经过奥迪驾控之旅德国总部的严格培训。

  • 标签: 驾驶培训 安全驾驶 培训项目 驾驶技术 奥迪 培训课程
  • 简介:欧内斯特·海明威是二十世纪世界文学巨匠。他一生中写了多部长篇小说。《太阳照常升起》是他的第一部也是最好的一部作品。它准确地抓住了第一次世界大战之后出现的“迷惘的一代”的特点,反映了当时人们傍徨无依,孤独苦闷的心理。不像其他作家,如享利·詹姆斯等,喜欢追求华丽的辞藻,海明威继承并发展了始于马克·吐温的简洁文风。他的用字简洁有力,涵义深远,同时整部小说充满了对话和简短的语句,是海明威文风的最好体现。

  • 标签: 崩溃 迷失 简洁 细节
  • 简介:这五个词都有“也,又,同样”的意思,但用法各异。一、aswell意为“也。还”,常用作状语,相当于too或also,常位于句末。无须用逗号与句子分开。例如:

  • 标签: well ALSO EITHER TOO 状语 逗号
  • 简介:ThepapermakesaresearchondelaminationmethodinEnglishteachinginseniormiddleschool—adimensionofEnglishteaching.Byapplyingtheoriesoflinguistics,theauthoranalyzesthepresentsituationoftheapplicationofdelaminationmethodinEnglishteachingbothincollegeschoolandinseniormiddleschoolandaconclusionis,then,drawnthatdelaminationEnglishteachingcanalsobeapplicableinseniormiddleschool.

  • 简介:我们都知道“盲人摸象”这个寓言故事及其寓意,它告诫我们,看待事物要全面,从整体出发,了解事物的全貌,不能仅凭自己的片面了解而做出判断。这个故事时常比我想到中国人学习英语的现状。我们在学英语的过程中,何尝不是在盲人摸象?

  • 标签: ONLY 本质分析 ALSO Not BUT 倒装句
  • 简介:这五个词都有“也,又,同样”的意思,但用法各异。_、aswell意为“也;还”,起_词作用,相当于1〇〇或also,常位于句末,强调它所修饰的部分。如:Whydon’tyoucomealongaswell?你为什么不也一起来呢?ShiChangisastudentatGreenSchoolaswell.史畅也是格林学校的一名学生。

  • 标签: well ALSO EITHER “也” TOO Green
  • 简介:AbstractIntroduction:Muir-Torre syndrome is a phenotypic variant of Lynch syndrome characterized by a predisposition for the development of visceral malignant disease and sebaceous gland neoplasms, and it is caused by germline mutations in the mismatch repair genes MSH2 and MLH1.Here, we reported a patient with sebaceous neoplasm containing MLH1 c.199G>A mutation.Case presentation:The proband was a 42-year-old man who had undergone surgical resection of colorectal adenocarcinoma at 28 years. He presented with macular rashes and red papule. Histological examination of the lesion on his head revealed a sebaceoma at 37 years. Follow-up of the family history revealed that the proband’s 65-year-old mother had been highly suspected to have Lynch syndrome with colorectal cancer at 40 years of age. The proband’s daughter underwent colonoscopy because of blood in the stool at the age of 13 years, but no abnormalities were found.Discussion:We have herein reported a pathogenic missense mutation c.199G>A (p.Gly67Arg) in exon 2 of MLH1 in patients with MTS. This mutation has been reported in patients with Lynch syndrome who have no skin tumors. However, we also found that some patients with MTS had no history of any internal malignancy or skin tumor. Our data support the idea that a hiatus of many years may pass before both elements-a sebaceous neoplasm and an internal cancer-are present in a patient, thus finally allowing the diagnosis of MTS.Conclusion:A pathogenic Lynch syndrome mutation c.199G>A in exon 2 of the MLH1 gene was found in a patient with MTS who presented with a sebaceous neoplasm.

  • 标签: case report MLH1 gene Muir-Torre syndrome mutation sebaceous neoplasm