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500 个结果
  • 简介:摘要:本文通过对G06Q下的CPC进行深入研究,通过逻辑分析,归类梳理将CPC图表化,在查找CPC时,只需要按照CPC树状,一层一层地去找,以图表化的形式展示CPC,形象直观,逻辑清晰,能够帮助审查员快速查找CPC。

  • 标签: 商业方法 CPC 树状图 快速查找
  • 简介:摘要:本文通过对G06Q下的CPC进行深入研究,通过逻辑分析,归类梳理将CPC图表化,在查找CPC时,只需要按照CPC树状,一层一层地去找,以图表化的形式展示CPC,形象直观,逻辑清晰,能够帮助审查员快速查找CPC。

  • 标签: 商业方法 CPC 树状图 快速查找
  • 简介:摘 要:本文介绍了专利检索时CPC分类在实际审查的应用,通过具体案例的分析,对比了使用CPC分类与IC分类在中文库、外文库的检索效率,以期给审查员提供一种便捷的检索思路。

  • 标签: CPC 电缆敷设 检索
  • 简介:摘要:水利领域申请多为水工结构和施工方法,存在技术方案复杂,关键词难表达的特点,因此利用好分类对提高检索效率和质量有明显的帮助和提升。本文结合水利领域的特点,针对CPC分类进行研究,探讨CPC分类对检索效率提升的意义。

  • 标签: CPC,水利,检索,分类
  • 简介:摘要:在专利审查过程,一般会经过理解发明、检索、撰写通知书、答复申请人的意见陈述、结案等几个阶段,而在理解发明之后,撰写通知书之前,对专利的技术方案进行检索,是尤为重要的步骤,这一步直接决定着整个专利申请的授权或驳回走向。而通常在检索阶段使用到的是IC分类体系,这种分类比较全面,是通常使用的类型之一。但同时还存在着其他分类体系,例如FT分类或CPC分类等,这些分类对于具体技术方案细节有进一步的细分,因此对于检索而言,有时利用这些分类体系能够快速准确的检索到对比文件,从而提高检索的效率。

  • 标签: 分类号 cpc 检索
  • 简介:摘要:检索是专利实质审查工作中最为重要的环节,而通过对发明的准确理解找准合适的分类和关键词是进行有效检索的重要前提。在审查过程中会遇到一些篇幅较长的权利要求,在检索这类权利要求时,容易出现检索要素难提取等问题,从而造成漏检或是检索结果过多不易筛选,这种情况下,找准分类和关键词进行有效检索尤为重要。本文借助1个实际案例,探讨了对于上述情况的权利要求,如何准确理解发明,把握发明实质,通过找准分类和关键词,提高检索效率。

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  • 简介:摘要:近几年来,提质增效专项工作一直是专利审查部门的重点,所谓“提质增效”即提升审查质量,提高审查效率。而发明专利的检索是专利审查的基础,如何高效检索,快速准确的获得有效对比文件,对于提高审查效率至关重要,本文结合实际案例行分析,浅谈如何提高实质审查的检索效率。

  • 标签: 发明构思 CPC 检索
  • 简介:摘 要:UA205领域涉及燃料电池外的电化学电池非活性部件的结构零部件或制造工艺,本文通过对该领域所涉及的CPC及FT分类定义进行梳理,并结合具体案例探索了CPC及FT分类体系在该领域的检索应用。

  • 标签: UA205,CPC,FT
  • 简介:摘 要:电路板间电连接分领域下的CPC分类体系对该技术领域进行了进一步的新增和细分,覆盖范围更全面,文献分布更加合理,为高效检索提供了便利条件。本文对电路板间电连接分领域下的CPC与IPC分类进行了梳理和对比,并结合具体案例探索CPC分类在该领域的应用,体现了CPC分类准确且利于检索的特点。

  • 标签: 电路板间电连接 CPC IPC 检索
  • 简介:

  • 标签:
  • 简介:AbstractTransparency Ecosystem for Research and Journals in Medicine (TERM) working group summarized the essential recommendations that should be considered to review and publish a high-quality guideline. These recommendations from editors and reviewers included 10 components of essential requirements: systematic review of existing relevant guidelines, guideline registration, guideline protocol, stakeholders, conflicts of interest, clinical questions, systematic reviews, recommendation consensus, guideline reporting and external review. TERM working group abbreviates them as PAGE (essential requirements for Publishing clinical prActice GuidelinEs), and recommends guideline authors, editors, and peer reviewers to use them for high-quality guidelines.

  • 标签: Guidelines Recommendations Editor Peer review Transparency
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC) are tumors arising from epithelium of the nasopharynx. The 5-year survival rate of primary NPC is 80% with significant risks of recurrence. The objective here is to provide an evidence-based systemic review of the diagnostic value of different modalities in detecting local, regional, and distal recurrent NPC, as well as the associated costs with these modalities.Methods:MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane review database were queried. Two hundred and twenty-three abstracts were generated using the inclusion criteria: patients >18 years of age; histopathological reference standard; and modalities pertaining to imaging or microbiology.Results:Twenty-four manuscripts fulfilled the inclusion criteria and 5 surveillance tools identified: endoscopy, MR, FDG-PET, Tc-99m MIBI and 201TI SPECT, and EBV DNA.Conclusions:For local surveillance, endoscopy is the gold standard recommendation, with increased efficacy if Narrow Band Imaging or contact endoscopy are utilized. MRI and FDG-PET is also recommended to help with local to distal spread; however, Tc-99m MIBI and 201TI SPECT are options as well. EBV DNA is recommended as a cheap and accessible adjunct surveillance tool if an available as an option.

  • 标签: EBV DNA FDG-PET Imaging MR Endoscopy Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
  • 简介:摘要:近几年我国经济不断发展的同时,城市风险也在不断增加、地震、疫情、暴雨、干旱等天气持续影响着环境和人们生活的质量,城市如何在突发事件面前的迅速应变能力是考验一个城市是否“韧性”的重要标志。而社区作为社会最小的单元,与“人”生活最为密切的空间,其应变能力的高低决定

  • 标签: 韧性城市 社区更新 青原区铁建路
  • 简介:AbstractSince October 2021 in Alabama, the United States, and March 2022 in central Scotland, the United Kingdom, the number of cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown etiology/causes in children was found to increase, and the total number of cases has reached 920 worldwide by June 22 this year, 45 cases (5%) required liver transplantation, and 18 cases (2%) died according to World Health Organization (WHO). To understand the basic characteristics of this disease/syndrome, a literature search was performed at PubMed, websites of WHO, UK Health Security Agency, and US and European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and more than 20 reports were enrolled as references for this review. The main clinical manifestations are anorexia, vomiting, fatigue, jaundice, and so forth. Most of the cases seemed to have a self-limited course of the disease, about 6% of cases may develop life-threatening acute liver failure. The disease seems to be transmissible from person to person. Human adenovirus was detected in up to 75% of cases, but this virus seems not to be the only and major etiologic agent, other cofactors probably are involved. Researchers proposed many hypotheses concerning the etiology and pathogenesis, and many important works and studies are ongoing. This mini-review is aimed at summarizing, reviewing, and further understanding the characteristics of the disease, raising some clinically relevant questions, and trying to discuss some questions that may be related to the treatment of the disease for consideration.

  • 标签: Acute liver failure Children Severe acute hepatitis of unknown causes
  • 简介:摘要:在高一物质的分类教学,为了使学生能够快速地把握课本的重点知识,教师需要以思维导构建为主要方法引导学生高效学习,使每个学生能够认识到学习高中化学的作用以及特点,为学生后续的学习提供重要的保障,在学生构建思维导时,教师要做好针对性地指导,帮助学生解决在学习和认知方面存在的各项难题,凸显思维导在高中化学的应用优势。

  • 标签: 思维导图 高中化学 物质的分类
  • 简介:摘要斑秃的确切病因未明,部分患者反复发作。有证据显示过敏参与部分斑秃患者早发、重症、复发和迁延。尘螨过敏可能是部分重症斑秃患者尤其是儿童重症斑秃的病因之一,估计因为Th2型免疫反应占优势。脱敏可抑制Th2型免疫反应,改变机体免疫格局,降低斑秃复发时的病情严重程度。另外,斑秃治疗前高IgE水平可预测度普利尤单抗有效率较高,高白细胞介素(IL)-4水平可预示二苯环丙烯酮局部免疫疗法无效,因为该疗法通过拮抗Th1型反应而起作用。因此,血清总IgE、尘螨特异性IgE和IL-4可作为生物标志物,在斑秃患者中提示Th2型反应占优势。本文重点分析过敏与斑秃的关系、抗过敏和脱敏在治疗斑秃的作用,旨在为斑秃的精准/个体化治疗提供思路。

  • 标签: 斑秃 过敏反应 Th2细胞 免疫球蛋白E 白细胞介素4 JAK抑制剂 Ⅱ型炎症反应 Th2型免疫反应 固有淋巴样细胞
  • 简介:摘要:随着科技的发展和人们的生活节奏的加快,大部分家居都实行的智能化来适应不断变快的生活节奏,当然,垃圾桶也不例外。加上“垃圾分类”政策的发布,为了让这一政策更快的融入到我们的生活当中,因此,本团队自主研发了一款自带垃圾识别的垃圾桶。该垃圾桶是基于单片机、触摸屏、语音模块、蓝牙控制系统的智能垃圾桶,区别于当下市场的智能垃圾桶,这款智能垃圾桶能够自主识别用户扔的垃圾并通过语音播报将识别的结果反馈给用户。在使用中学习垃圾分类,让垃圾分类融入我们的生活。

  • 标签: 垃圾分类 STM32单片机 智能化