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7 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractIntroduction:Scarring and non-scarring alopecias have rarely been described to occur together in the same patient. Distinguishing these two different types of alopecia is important as treatment and prognosis can be different.Case presentation:Here, we report the first case of simultaneous alopecia areata (AA) and central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA) in a 35-year-old woman. New alopecic patches were noted on her frontal and vertex scalp. Biopsy of the frontal scalp revealed miniaturized hair follicles and dense lymphocytic infiltrate surrounding the hair bulbs, consistent with AA; while biopsy of the vertex scalp revealed decreased hair follicles, perifollicular fibroplasia with eccentric atrophy of the follicular epithelium, and premature desquamation of the inner root sheath at the level of the lower isthmus, consistent with CCCA.Discussion:Proposed mechanisms of these two alopecia types occurring together include loss of immune privilege, genetic predisposition, as well as unknown external factors that trigger an autoimmune lymphocytic response. Most recently, the peptidylarginine deiminase type III gene has been implicated in both diseases. Although treatment options can overlap between the two diseases, treatment response can differ and CCCA tends to have a worse prognosis.Conclusion:Awareness of this concomitant presentation of two alopecic types is important for appropriate treatment and prognostication.

  • 标签: alopecia areata central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia non-scarring alopecia scarring alopecia peptidylarginine deiminase type III gene
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  • 简介:QigongisapartoftraditionalChinesemedicine.Accordingtotheantiquetreaties,thefoundationsoftraditionalChinesemedicinearebasedinmaintainingtheharmonybetweenQi(energy),Jing(essence)andShen(spirit).Alterationsinthisharmonycandevelopanddeterminetheappearanceofdisease.TherapeuticeffectsofQigongarehelpfulinthepreventionandtreatmentofseveraldiseases.It'smainroleinrestoringbodyfunctionsisduetothecommunicationbetweeninternalorgans,tissuesandcells.ThemaingoalofthisworkistoshowtheefficacyofQigonginthetreatmentofadermatologicaldiseasecharacterizedbytheappearanceofcircularorovalpatchesofmissinghair,knownasalopeciauniversalis.Forwesternmedicinetheexactcauseofthisillnessisnottotallyrevealed,however,it'sattributedtopsycological,geneticsandmetabolicalterations.FromthetraditionalChinesemedicineperspective,hairalterationsareframedintheareaofthewaterenergy,representedbythekidneyorgan.TheresultsofQigongtreatmentsuggestedthatthecranialhairfollicleshadbeenactivatedsincethefirsttreatment.Astreatmentprogressed,thecranialhairfolliclescontinuedtogrow,what'smore,thebrightnessandpigmentationofthehairalsoincreased.Therefore,intheclinicalconditionsevaluated,Qigongcouldbeaneffectivealternativetreatmentinconsiderationofthevisibleevidenceaboutrapidandlonglastingresults.Besides,wedidnotobserveanysideeffectsofQigonginthiscase.

  • 简介:脱发areata是头发滤泡的疾病,与支持自体免疫的病原学的充分证据。脱发areata经常与象干癣和地衣planus那样的皮肤表明与调停免疫者的疾病被联系,或没有象自体免疫的甲状腺炎和自发的thrombocytopenic紫癜病那样的皮肤表明。Helicobacterpylori(H。pylori)感染在约50%世界人口是在场的并且包括自体免疫的甲状腺炎,自发的thrombocytopenic紫癜病,和干癣与许多调停免疫者的额外消化的混乱被联系了。有头皮和胡子的脱发areata的8瞬间历史的一个43年的老人的一个盒子被介绍。病人被一个皮肤学家正在对待并且有精神病学的支持,没有任何改进。他有消化不良的历史,脲呼吸测试证实了H。pylori感染。病人在H以后从脱发areata走进宽恕。pylori根除。如果如此的一个协会被为这个目的设计的流行病学的研究证实,新治疗学的选择能为这些病人是可得到的,特别在区域在哪儿有H的感染。pylori是高度流行的。

  • 标签: 幽门螺杆菌 治疗方案 关联 根除 自身免疫性 血小板减少
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Chronic total occlusion (CTO) is a critical and unique subgroup of coronary lesions. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between the Selvester QRS score and late gadolinium enhancement cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (LGE-CMRI) in quantifying myocardial scarring to provide a simple and feasible method for treating CTO.Methods:The medical records of 134 patients with absolute CTO who underwent coronary angiography between May 1, 2014 and December 30, 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. All patients were grouped according to the CTO location (right coronary artery [RCA] CTO, left artery descending [LAD] CTO, left circumflex [LCX] CTO, and multivessel CTO groups). The degree of myocardial scarring was determined according to the Selvester QRS score and using the LGE-CMRI. All patients were followed up for at least 12 months.Results:Among the 62 CTO patients, 55 had occlusion of a single vessel and seven had occlusion of multiple vessels, of which 27 (43.55%) were in the RCA CTO group, 16 (25.81%) in the LAD CTO group, 12 (19.35%) in the LCX CTO group, and 7 (11.29%) in the multivessel CTO group. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for the QRS score that was used to determine the degree of myocardial scarring was 0.806, with a sensitivity and specificity of 94.7% and 42.1%, respectively. The Selvester QRS score and LGE-CMRI measures of scar size were correlated in the RCA CTO, LCX CTO, and multivessel CTO groups (r = 0.466, 0.593, and 0.775, respectively).Conclusion:The Selvester QRS score was feasible for detecting myocardial scarring in patients with CTO.

  • 标签: chronic total occlusion late gadolinium enhancement cardiac magnetic resonance imaging myocardial scar Selvester QRS score
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Androgenetic alopecia (AA) is a progressive hair loss disorder mediated by systemic androgens and genetic factors. A variety of AA treatments have been investigated. Currently, there is emerging evidence and growing interest in the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for AA. This study describes a single-center experience using PRP to treat AA in women.Methods:A retrospective observational study design was employed. The study cohort comprised 20 women >18 years of age who were diagnosed with AA. PRP was prepared using a commercially available PRP kit. Each patient received six PRP treatment sessions at 4-week intervals. The severity of alopecia tool (SALT) scoring system was used to measure the severity of alopecia, and a paired t-test was used to calculate significance levels.Results:The mean pre-intervention and post-intervention total SALT score was 27.5 ± 6.35 and 9.41 ± 3.71, respectively. The difference in the total mean SALT score was 18.33 ± 1.64 and the effect size was 3.52. The scalp area with the largest effect size was the vertex (Cohen d= 2.53). The effect size was similar across other scalp areas (Cohen d= 1.91-2.09). There were no serious adverse effects of the treatment; only mild transient adverse effects were reported.Conclusion:The present study demonstrated the efficacy and safety of PRP injections in treating AA in women. However, these findings require confirmation in well-designed studies using standardized treatment protocols and evaluation methods.

  • 标签: androgenetic alopecia case series platelet-rich plasma Qatar
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