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500 个结果
  • 简介:1.认识化学式的意义是掌握有关化学式计算的基础。化学式表示的意义;宏观上表示某种物质及该物质由哪几种_______组成。微观上表示该物质的一个分子由哪几种________构成。充分认识和真正理解化学式这两方面的意义后,才能依次进行有关化学式的计算。

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  • 简介:摘要目的观察走罐治疗痤疮的疗效。方法用背部走罐法治疗19例痤疮患者,20天后观察疗效。结果总有效率为89.5%。结论走罐法对痤疮有明显疗效。

  • 标签: 走罐 痤疮
  • 简介:StudioOne19是Dell推出的新款一体式电脑。它除了具有轻薄、时尚的外形.还提供多点触控配件.即使从来没有用过电脑的老人、小孩。也可以直观地操控它游戏娱乐。

  • 标签: DELL 游戏娱乐 一体式 电脑
  • 简介:1981年6月5日发行的普19.“北京长话大楼图案”普通邮票(见附图),看上去似乎普普通通,平平淡淡,细一琢磨,其实不然:首先它具有新中国普通邮票的好几个独特之处:第一,它是惟一的一套单枚成套的普通邮票;第二,它是普通邮票中第1枚30×40mm的“大票幅”邮票;第三,使用的周期极短,发行不及3个月,即被“祖国风光”所取代;第四,尽管没有资料,但从周期推估,它很可能是普通邮票中印量最小的最常用面值邮票。在没有任何档案资料支持的情况下,笔者凭当时的历史情况和邮迷的悟性对“普19”推估如下:

  • 标签: 普通邮票 异类 普票 1981年 40mm 档案资料
  • 简介:摘要Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was first reported on December 31, 2019. Because it has only been studied for just over three months, our understanding of this disease is still incomplete, particularly regarding its sequelae and long-term outcomes. Moreover, very little has been written about the rehabilitation needs of patients with COVID-19 after discharge from acute care. The objective of this report is to answer the question " What rehabilitation services do survivors of COVID-19 require?" The question was asked within the context of a subacute hospital delivering geriatric inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services. Three areas relevant to rehabilitation after COVID-19 were identified. First, details of how patients may present have been summarized, including comorbidities, complications from an intensive care unit stay with or without intubation, and the effects of the virus on multiple body systems, including those pertaining to cardiac, neurological, cognitive, and mental health. Second, I have suggested procedures regarding the design of inpatient rehabilitation units for COVID-19 survivors, staffing issues, and considerations for outpatient rehabilitation. Third, guidelines for rehabilitation (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology) following COVID-19 have been proposed with respect to recovery of the respiratory system as well as recovery of mobility and function. A thorough assessment and an individualized, progressive treatment plan which focuses on function, disability, and return to participation in society will help each patient to maximize their function and quality of life. Careful consideration of the rehabilitation environment will ensure that all patients recover as completely as possible.

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  • 简介:10岁的苗苗最近参加了“我是你的眼”公益活动。和苗苗同行的18名学生在从家去往盲童学校的途中,被红领巾蒙住双眼,体验盲童的感知世界。他们给盲童带去了300册绘本,还有—些文具和蛋糕。

  • 标签: 盲童学校 世界 孩子 公益活动 红领巾 学生
  • 简介:袁浩老人是广州医学院的教授,因患中风卧病在床,始终在身边照料他的人,既非袁老的亲戚,也不是请来的护工。有人来看望袁老,问他是袁老的什么人。他答。我是袁老的病人。病人为何照顾医生?他叫李敬斋,来自河南的普通农民,19年前曾是袁老的病人。

  • 标签: 《19年前的善缘》 中学生 语文学习 阅读知识
  • 简介:2011年8月18日,俄共网站发表了俄共领导人r.A.久加诺夫的长文:《谎言的深渊——苏联反苏政变20年》。文章指出,“8·19”事件已经过去20年了,但时至今日,涉入此事件的国家紧急委员会成员代表谁、他们是否有机会成功、他们失败的原因等种种问题仍引起广泛争论。

  • 标签: 久加诺夫 事件 领导人 委员会 俄共 国家
  • 简介:AbstractCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a newly emerged infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The number of COVID-19 cases is continuously increasing and no effective drugs or vaccines are currently available. Accurate and efficient diagnostic testing methods are desperately needed for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 and antiviral antibodies in infected individuals. Various assay techniques, including nucleic acid tests [eg, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), reverse transcription-PCR, real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification, and CRISPR-Cas-based detection], serological tests [eg, immunoglobulin (Ig)A, IgM/G], imaging tests (eg, computed tomography and positron-emission tomography), and nanoparticle-based detections have been reported for COVID-19 diagnosis. This review aims to present the current diagnostic tools for SARS-CoV-2 and their performance characteristics to inform the appropriate selection of diagnostic and surveillance technologies at optimal testing times. We also describe the advantages of detection using combined nucleic acid and imaging tests, or serological testing and point-of-care diagnostics. Developing reliable protein biomarkers targeting the conserved proteins of SARS-CoV-2 rather than IgA, IgM, or IgG would be useful to manage SARS-CoV-2.

  • 标签: COVID-19 imaging tests nucleic acid tests point-of-care diagnostics serological tests
  • 简介:1991年8月,为了解决各种问题,我有时一天要同戈尔巴乔夫通几次电话.最后一次和他通市内电话是在1991年8月18日中午,大约12点钟.我们交谈并正在解决某些问题.我问他什么时候飞回?戈尔巴乔夫说,他将在1991年8月19日深夜飞回.我说,我将去伏努科沃机场接他.

  • 标签: 前苏联 政治事变 亚纳耶夫 当事人 苏联 "8·19事变"
  • 简介:

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  • 作者: 佚名
  • 学科: 艺术
  • 创建时间:2019-03-14
  • 简介:1798—1863)是法国浪漫主义最伟大的画家,渴望在艺术中看到自己生活的时代,安格尔是出生于法国大革命时期的人物

  • 标签: 法国绘画 浅论法国
  • 简介:这一组对话表示请求允许或答应。could比can在语气上更加客气、委婉,加上please显得更有礼貌。CouldI/you…?结构的肯定回答有:Yes,行,好。/Yes,Ican.我能。/Yes,please.好,请吧。/

  • 标签: 回答 委婉 口语 肯定 语气 礼貌
  • 简介:水痘多发生于儿童,成人较为少见。2005年1月至2010年6月,我学院门诊部共收治成人水痘19例,现报道如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料19例中,男16例,女3例;年龄18~24岁,平均21岁。均以躯干、头颈及四肢丘疱疹就诊。其中11例体温正常,8例体温37.0~38.7℃之间,心肺正常。11例患者疱疹集中在胸背部,疱疹明显,部分溃破、结痂,

  • 标签: 水痘 治疗