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500 个结果
  • 简介:make the translation accord with the expressive way of target language. So make the translation acceptable. A translation which translated literally is close to the original. But literal translation is not omnipotent. Some sentences should not translate literally,it is a skill of translation. All in all. literal translation is not word-for-word translation. Literal translation is acceptable and nimble. 2.3 Some sentences should not translate literally. Some source language sentences are very difficult to translate literally. It only though of the meaning of surface,Any source language which does not accord with the expressive way of target language should not use literal translation. For example

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  • 简介:There they watch the first sunrise of the new Year.1. This story is about New Year's Eve in ______.A. EuropeB. Europe and Latin Aucerica.C. Four capital cities.D. Three countries.2. The writer thinks New Year's Eve in Rome is _____.A. interestingB. dullC. noisyD. happy3. The number of grapes that must be take. From each bag is _____.A. one B. twelveC. thirteenD. fourteen4. People in both Spain and Japan spend the New Year's Eve ____.A. throwing things awayB. eating a special foodC. climbing a mountainD. watching the first sunrise5. People climb Mount Fuji on the New Year's morning to ____.A. look for happinessB. meet their friendsC. enjoy the beauty of natureD. do something strange6. People who hope to gain long life from their New Year's food are the ____.A. JapaneseB. SpanishC. ItaliansD. both A and BLook through the questions first. No. 1,question No. 2 and No. 5 are comprehensive ones.Then browse the article. From the questions and the title you may know that the article is about the festival custom of different countries. The article includes three paragraphs. Each talks of a different place ____ Rome,Madrid and Tokyo.So when you have the first glance over the article

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  • 简介:on the other hand the response ability is also another reason.It is clear that the reading speed of a material also affects. About 43% of the students thought that the material was read too fast and they couldn't follow.A lot of students have their own listening habits. Some students often tries to understand each word or each sentence. They will think hard when they meet some difficult words or sentences,you can hardly have a chance to meet it. So I think you should try to let the students be in a language environment.Let the students grasp the phonetic symbol. I think the phonetic symbol is the base. A good intonation and phonetic depends on the base. Oral reading after a radio or a teacher is a good way at the beginning,My father is a teacher and my mother words in a company.T摘要

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  • 简介:Toanalyzetheprocessofhand-timingandtheresultingdatacollectedfromthehand-timingcomputersystem(HTCS),includingthetimingoperator′sreactiontimesofstartingandstoppingthewatch,theresultsfromthetiming,thesimulatedelectronictiming,themajorfactorthataffectsthetime-keeper′saccuracyoftime-keepingwerestudied,i.e.thestabilityofthetime-keeper′sreactiontime,ratherthanthetime-keeper′sreationtime.Theleadingcausethatinflictserrorbetweenthehand-time-keepingandtheelectrionictime-keepingconsistsinthepitfallthatthetime-keepermakesawrongjudgmentinstoppingthewatch.Theanalyticalresultsprovidetheoreticgistfortheselectionandtrainingoftime-keepingoperators.

  • 标签: 手动定时 定时器 模拟电子定时 动态定时 作用时间 误差
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  • 简介:WiththeriseofChina'spositionintheinternationalpoliticalandeconomicfields,theWestbegantoquestionChina'sdevelopingcountrystatus.thewrongperceptionoftheWestliesprimarilyinthefollowingaspects:first,thevaguenessoftheconceptof'developingcountries'andthetendencytowardsnarrowingthenotion;second,thewesterncountriesarepressingChinatoshouldermoreinternationalresponsibilitiesinsodoing.

  • 标签: 发展中国家 西方国家 国际政治
  • 简介:Onlydevelopingthestudents'interestinreadingisnotenough.Ifthestudentswanttomakerapidprogressinreadingandgetagoodresultintheexaminations,theymusttrytoimprovetheirreadingskills.Weallknowthatdifferentaimsneeddifferentmethods,differentmaterialsneeddifferentmethods,anddifferentsortsofbooksneeddifferentmethods.So,knowingthedifferenttypesofthereadingmaterialsisthebaseofimprovingthestudents'skillsinreading.Generallyspeaking,

  • 标签: 中学 英语教学 学生 阅读技能
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  • 简介:同学们,在八年级上第二单元英语学习中,我们学习询问或谈论别人饮食、锻炼的频率、休息的时间及选择不同频率的理由,能够运用所给的提示,完成对某人饮食习惯的描写,总结回顾所有的频率词,并学会运用所学的频率词来谈论某人的生活习惯。许多知识点需要我们进行归纳、梳理。同学们,下面让我们来整理一下这些知识点吧。

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  • 简介:AtpresentmanyCADsoftwareproductsdidnotfullymeettherequirementsofNationalStandard《TechnicaldraftingandMechanicalDrawing》thatgreatlyaffectsthequalityandspeedofengineeringdesign.Takingcomputer-aideddesignoftypicalmechanicalpartsasanexample,thispaperproposesanapproachtodevelopcorrespondingfunctionsinCADsoftwaretoenhancethestandardizationofengineeringdesign.

  • 标签: 机械绘图 CAD 工程设计 软件开发 计算机辅助设计
  • 简介:what与how虽然含义不同,但常可用来表达同样的意思。请看,在下面的一些情况下,what与how句式是如何相互转换的:

  • 标签: WHAT 相互转换 HOW 句式
  • 简介:Currently,therearetwomainproblemsfacingChinesethinktanks:one,theydonotproperlyunderstandwhatdecision-makersneed;two,decision-makersdonotfindthesethinktanks’researchuseful.Thefirstproblemisrelativelyeasytosolve.Decision-makerscouldassigntaskstothinktanksaswellasthinktankscomingupwiththeirown

  • 标签: 质量 决策者 坦克制作 中国
  • 简介:Hello,boysandgirls!How在历届中考中均为必考内容之一.这里结合近两年各地中考试题对其主要考点作如下搜索。

  • 标签: HOW 搜索 考点 中考试题
  • 简介:据说,寒假时大大小小的公司都停止了招聘,许多人对此深信不疑。实际上,尽管企业招聘在12月会有所减少,但却从来没有停止过——如果你准备在新的一年里展开求职攻势的话,了解这一点是非常重要的。

  • 标签: 停止 企业招聘 公司 假期 求职 实际