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149 个结果
  • 简介:ANCIENTRELIGIONINCHINAANDTHEWESTCOMPAREDRobertL.Chard,InstituteforChineseStudies,UniversityofOxfordReligioninChinatakesverydi...

  • 标签: 宗教 山海经 郑玄 礼记 淫祀
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  • 简介:AbstractFamily integrated care (FICare) is a collaborative model of neonatal care which aims to address the negative impacts of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) environment by involving parents as equal partners, minimizing separation, and supporting parent-infant closeness. FICare incorporates psychological, educational, communication, and environmental strategies to support parents to cope with the NICU environment and to prepare them to be able to emotionally, cognitively, and physically care for their infant. FICare has been associated with improved infant feeding, growth, and parent wellbeing and self-efficacy; important mediators for long-term improved infant neurodevelopmental and behavioural outcomes. FICare implementation requires multi-disciplinary commitment, staff motivation, and sufficient time for preparation and readiness for change as professionals relinquish power and control to instead develop collaborative partnerships with parents. Successful FICare implementation and culture change have been applied by neonatal teams internationally, using practical approaches suited to their local environments. Strategies such as parent and staff meetings and relational communication help to break down barriers to change by providing space for the co-creation of knowledge, the negotiation of caregiving roles and the development of trusting relationships. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the vulnerability within programs supporting parental presence in neonatal units and the profound impacts of parent-infant separation. New technologies and digital innovations can help to mitigate these challenges, and support renewed efforts to embed FICare philosophy and practice in neonatal care during the COVID-19 recovery and beyond.

  • 标签: Family integrated care Neonatal intensive care Parent-child Caregivers
  • 作者: ZHU Qingxian
  • 学科:
  • 创建时间:2023-03-08
  • 出处:《临床医学论坛》 2023年第1期
  • 机构:Department of Urology,Wujin Hospital Affiliated to Jiangsu University(Wujin Clinical College,Xuzhou Medical University),Changzhou Jiangsu 213000,China
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  • 简介:ThisisaphotographItookduringmytriptoSanya.Thatwasmyfirsttripbyair.Ihadbeenlookingforwardtobeingthereforalongtime.

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  • 简介:AFTERatrialopeninguponitscompletionatyear-end,theDunhuangMogaoGrottoesTouristCenterwillopentothepublicnextMay,FanJinshi,directoroftheDunhuangAcademyofChina,toldChinaTodayinaninterviewonApril8.AsamemberoftheNationalCommitteeoftheChinesePeople’sPoliticalConsultativeConference,MsFanhasraisedseveralproposalsontheconservationandutilizationofDunhuang-oasiscityandmainstoponthehistoricalSilkRoad.Buildingatouristcenterwasoneofthem.

  • 标签: 敦煌莫高窟 文化 护理 服务中心 记者采访 研究院
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  • 简介:OnOctober12,2008,atrain-ingschoolfororphanswasinauguratedatNanshanggangVillage,FangshanDistrict,BeijingMunicipality.'Oursisnotanordinaryorphanage,'saidschoolocialZhangMei.'Itaimstoproducemembersofthesocialelitebylettingorphansgrowinloveandwarmthcharacteristicofwholesomefamilies.'

  • 标签: 家庭护理 培训学校 孤儿院 社会精英 房山区 北京市
  • 简介:However,itisagreatpitythatinmanyplaces,someofthepublicfacilitieshavebeenpurposelydamaged.Someelectricbulbsweresmashed;sometrafficsignsweredamagedbeyondrecognition,somepublictelephonescannotwork;somestatuesstandtherewithoutanarmoraleg.What'sworse,somepeopleevenstolethecoversofthesewers.

  • 标签: 高中 英语 学生习作 书面表达
  • 简介:AbstractImportance:Pediatric palliative care (PPC) is an interdisciplinary collaboration that focuses on the prevention and relief of patient suffering. PPC has emerged as a critical field of medical expertise and practice. However, no information is available regarding the progress of PPC in the Chinese mainland.Objective:This study investigated the geographic distribution, team structure, and services of PPC teams in the Chinese mainland. It also investigated the level of understanding and implementation among pediatric oncologists regarding PPC.Methods:The PPC subspecialty group of the Pediatrics Society of the Chinese Medical Association included 45 PPC teams. The team structure and services were investigated using questionnaires mailed to the team leader of each PPC team. In addition, we sent questionnaires regarding the level of PPC understanding and implementation of PPC practices to 170 pediatric oncologists in 11 hospitals.Results:The geographical distribution of PPC teams is uneven in China. Most PPC teams are concentrated in the eastern provincial capital of China. Most PPC teams had limited staff and services. The level of PPC understanding was considerably limited across all demographics; most pediatric oncologists reported "some understanding" (n =71, 41.8%) or "poor understanding" (n = 50, 29.4%). Only 62.9% of pediatric oncologists had experience providing advice to family members regarding PPC matters.Interpretation:China is currently experiencing a critical shortage of PPC resources. Most pediatric oncologists had a limited understanding of PPC and reported limited practical implementation of PPC, which leads to underutilization of PPC resources.

  • 标签: Pediatrics Palliative care China Oncologist