简介:he revived the ACFTU and allowedlimited union reforms.[45]This predated the emergence of any domestic capitalismor a foreign-funded sector.The purpose was to provide a pressure valve to alleviatetensions between managers and workers,and then the HongKong Chinese.[38]The latter two groups are the major investors in both countries.[39]The harsh work regimes in many of these Asian firms have led to an increase in disturbancesand strikes and have instigated an adversarial pattern of industrial relations.In China,the Chinese government raisedthe nomenklatura rank of the enterprise-level trade union chair to a level equivalentto a deputy manager.[46]A few years later multi-candidate elections for trade unionchair were introduced
简介:and all union branches in theory are to be subject to the dualleadership of both the industrial unions and the local trade union federation(Article 10),lays out a new organizationalstructure that is geared to help lower levels of the trade union organization togain greater autonomy.The constitution downplays the direct leadership role ofthe Party.[62]The trade union organizations in local areas will be allowed to setup occupational trade unions(Article 14), A third major difference is that Vietnamese trade unions have the right to joininternational trade union organizations (Article 1.3)
简介:Washington apparentlycalculated that enlisting Beijing in the North Korean nuclear debate would causeBeijing to move Pyongyang in the direction the U.S.wanted.Instead,the North Koreans demanded that the U.S.use itsinfluence with Japan to deliver on Japanese economic aid and diplomatic ties.Butthe North Korean representative did not respond to U.S.insistence that North Koreadismantle its nuclear weapons program "completely,with China and Russia supporting the DPRK and the U.S.backed by Japan andSouth Korea.In those talks
简介:resultingin further U.S.sanctions against Chinese firms on July 9for "knowingly and materially"contributing to the proliferation of destabilizing numbers and types of cruise missilesin Iran.Nor was Chinese proliferation to Iran limited to missiles.On both January16and July 9, The CIA's January 2002report also documented that Chinese firms had "providedsignificant assistance"to Pakistan's ballistic missile programs, China also has a long history of aiding North Korea's missile program.Intelligencehas recently revealed that China sold specialty steel and missile-related accelerometers