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396 个结果
  • 简介:Iamverysatisfiedwithmylife,whichisvariedandcolourful,distinctive,andhappyexceptforsomefrustrations.Inthepast,IwishedIwouldhaveasecondlifelikethisone.NowIgiveuptheideabecauseIamconfidentthatthe

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  • 简介:我在东半球,你在西半球;他在北半球,她在南半球……你是不是很好奇,“地球村”里那些未曾谋面的同龄人,有着怎样多姿多彩的生活?他们是不是都有着自己独特的语言、文化和习俗?从本期开始,我们将一起穿越到世界的不同地方,去看、去听、去感受……

  • 标签: 小学 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
  • 简介:LhasansleadingAModernLifeDOQUNOnemorning,Lhasacitizenswokeuptofindsuspensionoftheirelectricalsupply.Noradionews.NoTVprograms....

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  • 简介:Atierschoolwasover,Iranallthewayhome.MumwaseookingwhenIgothome.“I'mhungry,Mum.MayIhavesomethingtoeat?”“Oh,waitaminute.Supperwillbereadvsoon.Andsomeguestswillcomefordinnertoday.

  • 标签: 初中 英语 学生习作 书面表达
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  • 简介:我们有时烦恼,有时忧伤,有时谴责生活的不公平,生活对于我们到底意味着什么,读过此文,你会懂得许多……

  • 标签: 高中 英语 读物 阅读欣赏
  • 简介:AbstractType 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders have become an epidemic globally. However, the pathogenesis remains largely unclear and the prevention and treatment are still limited. In addition to environmental factors during adulthood, early life is the critical developmental window with high tissue plasticity, which might be modified by external environmental cues. Substantial evidence has demonstrated the vital role of early-life nutrition in programming the metabolic disorders in later life. In this review, we aim to overview the concepts of fetal programming and investigate the effects of early-life nutrition on energy metabolism in later life and the potential epigenetic mechanism. The related studies published on PubMed database up to March 2020 were included. The results showed that both maternal overnutrition and undernutrition increased the riskes of metabolic disorders in offspring and epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation, miRNAs, and histone modification, might be the vital mediators. The beneficial effects of early-life lifestyle modifications as well as dietary and nutritional interventions on these deleterious metabolic remolding were initially observed. Overall, characterizing the early-life malnutrition that reshapes metabolic disease trajectories may yield novel targets for early prevention and intervention and provide a new point of view to the energy metabolism.

  • 标签: Early-life nutrition Energy metabolism Epigenetics In later life