简介:AbstractAdult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) is an aggressive peripheral T-cell lymphoma caused by the human T lymphotropic virus type-1. The skin is affected in approximately half of ATLL patients, and skin lesions may be the first manifestation of the disease. The skin lesions of ATLL are polymorphous, and depend on the type of skin eruption, which makes it possible for doctors to predict the prognosis of the disease based on the characteristics of skin lesions. In this review article, we describe the clinical manifestations and histopathological patterns of skin lesions in ATLL, focus on its diagnostic and prognostic significance, and also summarize the advances in the treatment of ATLL.
简介:AbstractRespiratory viruses are major human pathogens that cause approximately 200 million pneumonia cases annually and induce various comorbidities with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), resulting in significant health concerns and economic burdens. Clinical manifestations in respiratory viral infections and inflammations vary from asymptomatic, mild, to severe, depending on host immune cell responses to pathogens and interactions with airway epithelia. We critically review the activation, effector, and regulation of T cells in respiratory virus infections and chronic inflammations associated with COPD. Crosstalk among T cells, innate immune cells, and airway epithelial cells is discussed as essential parts of pathogenesis and protection in viral infections and COPD. We emphasize the specificity of peptide antigens and the functional heterogeneity of conventional CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to shed some light on potential cellular and molecular candidates for the future development of therapeutics and intervention against respiratory viral infections and inflammations.
简介:摘要: 目的 探讨结核感染T细胞斑点试验的临床影响因素 方法 收集2015年7月至2018年7月检测结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T-SPOT)60例诊断肺结核患者,分别从年龄、性别、基础疾病、免疫状态(CD4计数、影像学等方面分析T-SPOT的临床影响因素。结果 男性T-SPOT阳性率低于女,但是无统计学差异;而合并糖尿病患者阳性率明显低于非合并患者,有统计学差异(P<0.05)。 CD4200μl,但差异无统计学差异(P>0.05);A 孔或者 B 孔(T-SPOT数值)不同病变范围的肺结核患者之间比较差异有统计学差异(P<0.05),范围重度者T-SPOT数值明显低于轻、中度者,有统计学差异(P小于0.05)。结论 T-SPOT 受复杂的临床因素影响较小,有很好的灵敏度并且能很好的反应病情严重程度,因此可以广泛的应用于肺结核的诊断及评估。