简介:《海陆空天惯性世界》是国内外公开发行的军事科普刊物,创刊于1989年5月。由中国科协主管、中国惯性技术学会主办,挂靠单位为中国航天时代电子公司。该刊的出版宗旨是:贯彻落实中央关于加强科普工作的方针,积极向广大读者宣传、介绍海、陆、空、天各领域的高新技术知识、军事科技知识、武器装备知识及其在国防和国民经济建设中广泛应用的惯性技术知识。 该刊为月刊,每期48页,彩页大十六开,图文并茂,内容充实,得到许多读者欢迎。该刊具有较强的编辑、制作、出版力量,凝聚了一大批记者群,国内外读者市场在不断拓展,社会效益和经济效益在不断增长和提高。
简介:《计算机网络世界》创刊于1992年,是中国首份专业网络杂志,中国计算机用户协会网络分会会刊。以传播网络与通信最新技术为宗旨,以报道网络通信实际应用为重点,内容涵盖计算机、网络及通信等领域,架起沟通专业领域供需双方的桥梁。 它的读者主要为各级政府信息主管部门技术主管、决策层。各行业信息化主管机构领导及其专业人员。各行业、各企事业单位的网络及相关专业技术开发应用人员、网管员。IT设备供应商、系统集成商、经销商及代理商,Internet内容及服务商、大专院校和科研所的研发人员、网络分会会员。
简介:The World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery(WJOHNS) is an international peer-reviewed journal which encompasses advances in clinical practice, as well as contributions in basic and translational research pertaining to the field of otorhinolaryngology – head and neck surgery. Submissions related to all aspects of the field are highly encouraged including those in head and neck surgery and oncology, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, laryngology, neurolaryngology, rhinology, skull base surgery, otology, neurotology, sleep medicine and surgery, as well as pediatric and general otolaryngology. Original papers exploring related fields such as allergy and immunology, maxillofacial rehabilitation, audiology, auditory and vestibular neuroscience, vestibular therapy, speech and swallowing disorders, and craniofacial pathology are encouraged. The Journal incorporates a “Priority Publication” section, intended to fast track submissions that highlight advances in the subspecialties outlined above. Selected submissions will be available online within four weeks and printed shortly thereafter. The Journal also includes an “Expert Opinion” section. Experts affiliated with the Journal will review and comment on complicated or rare cases submitted by readers.WJOHNS is intended to be a key resource for clinicians, allied health specialists, and researchers in the fields of otorhinolaryngology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery and oncology. To this end, the editorial board consists of renowned specialists from around the world with a broad range of expertise. The Journal is published four times a year by KeAi and includes original clinical manuscripts (retrospective case series, prospective studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses), and novel basic science and translational research studies. All submissions undergo rigorous blinded peer review and, if published, benefit from distribution to an international readership.