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《防护工程》
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2014年10期
>
浅谈对渗透性差的回填土增湿保证回填质量
浅谈对渗透性差的回填土增湿保证回填质量
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摘要
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34g07qo0d9/3878579
作者
贾鹏范晓东
机构地区
贾鹏范晓东新疆维吾尔自治区送变电工程公司新疆乌鲁木齐830011
出处
《防护工程》
2014年10期
关键词
土方工程
回填土
含水率
渗透性
增湿
旋耕机Abstract
Earthwork
construction
soil
moisture
directly
affects
the
size
of
compaction
quality.
Such
as
soil
permeability
or
range
using
conventionalmethods
on
soil
humidity
it
is
difficult
to
ensure
the
engineering
quality
and
construction
period
and
can
cause
a
rise
in
engineering
cost.
Using
rotary
tillageof
the
soil
after
watering
can
make
the
soil
material
and
the
uniformity
of
water
mixing
in
a
short
period
of
time
ensure
project
quality
and
effectively
shortenthe
construction
period.Keywords
Earthwork
backfill
moisture
content
permeability
humidification
rotary
cultivator
分类
[文化科学][]
出版日期
2014年10月20日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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杨永毅.
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.,2022-06.
滕孔连,刘芳.
湿陷性高回填土冻结孔施工技术
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钱小强.
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邓雄祥.
灌浆法加固回填土地基
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简华,李晶.
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来源期刊
防护工程
2014年10期
相关推荐
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相关关键词
土方工程
回填土
含水率
渗透性
增湿
旋耕机Abstract
Earthwork
construction
soil
moisture
directly
affects
the
size
of
compaction
quality.
Such
as
soil
permeability
or
range
using
conventionalmethods
on
soil
humidity
it
is
difficult
to
ensure
the
engineering
quality
and
construction
period
and
can
cause
a
rise
in
engineering
cost.
Using
rotary
tillageof
the
soil
after
watering
can
make
the
soil
material
and
the
uniformity
of
water
mixing
in
a
short
period
of
time
ensure
project
quality
and
effectively
shortenthe
construction
period.Keywords
Earthwork
backfill
moisture
content
permeability
humidification
rotary
cultivator
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