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500 个结果
  • 简介:  在台湾证券市场实施QFII的过程中,台湾证券市场投资者中自然人的比重下降到84.4%,而QFII制度在台湾的实施过程中

  • 标签:
  • 简介:The global capital market has grown so rapidly in recent decades. So I would like to discuss about it in the essay. ,Why has the global capital market grown so rapidly in recent decades,before more than doubling to $ 1.22 trillion in 1999--rivaling the US total. The global value of M&

  • 标签:
  • 简介:Cerebral Aneurysm statistics in United States The true incidence of intracranial aneurysms is unknown but is estimated at 1-6% of the population (Wiebers,and another series found aneurysms in 1% of patients undergoing 4-vessel cerebral angiography for indications other than subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Familial intracranial aneurysms have been reported (Schievink,1997). Whether this represents a true increased incidence is unclear. Aneurysms typically become symptomatic in people aged 40-60 years

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  • 简介:如果我们从人类社会的需要开始去设计'太极',人们会如何理解'太极'对天、地、人的真实作用呢,'太极'能够引导我们创建一个新的"能源动力系统"的话

  • 标签: 东方太极 人类科技 太极文化
  • 简介:patrol person who examine with non- contact-type to patrol weak point to patrol examining device.,patrol person who examine utilize reaction card technology needn't exposed to information point may read message in sure range,patrol contact time of examining etc. information position recorded at the button

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  • 简介:  (2)主张知识具有统一的基础而且确信哲学能够给所有知识以合理的证明,  启蒙时代的客观主义理想是给全部知识以合理的证明,  以物理学为知识模式的客观主义在人文社会科学中的失败导致人们承认人文社会科学应有不同于自然科学的合理性和知识标准

  • 标签: 相关主义
  • 简介:this economic order were no more than the implementation of a utopia - the utopia of neoliberalism - thus converted into a political problem,the economic world is a pure and perfect order,between a properly economic logic

  • 标签:
  • 简介:inFranceneo-liberalphilosophyhasbecomeembeddedinallthesocialpracticesandpoliciesofthestate.Ithasbecomeinternalisedinthemindsofthepoliticalestablishment.Theministerofeducationwhowasrecentlyforcedoutofoffice,Onecouldsaythesameabouthealthcare.Irecentlyreadarecordofameetingbetweenagroupofprofessorsofmedicinewhoaretraditionallyveryconservative.TheywenttomeetprimeministerJospin.Hedidnotreceivethem.Atechnocratmettheminstead.Thetranscriptofthediscussionisterrible.Thepeoplesay,whohavetocompeteforbudgetsandforstudents.Thiscompetitionisfake--itisartificiallyconstructed.Itdoesnotarisespontaneouslyfromthewaytheeducationsystemworks.Theeducationsystemwasnotperfect.Iwasverycriticalofit.Butinsteadofcorrectingitandprovidingthemeanstobetterit

  • 标签:
  • 简介:     二、招商银行金融创新的三步战略      不难看出,     三、招商银行金融创新的,金融创新主要是产品服务上的创新

  • 标签: 金融创新
  • 作者: 佚名
  • 学科: 军事
  • 创建时间:2019-04-17
  • 简介:便说风气变了,便成为风气,  让我们先讲风气如何般形成

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  • 简介:Newmark’s ,it ,translation 

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  • 简介:  人类的这种选择能力支持着伯林的自由概念,正是伯林对否定的自由的价值的解释,伯林所说的这种否定的自由是由多种多样的经常冲突的有时还是不可通约的自由构成的

  • 标签: 自由观
  • 简介:造物主命令普罗米修斯和他的兄弟爱比米修斯替生物进行装备,技术本质上是一种开放式演进的旨趣,普罗米修斯前来检查分配的情况

  • 标签: 技术网络
  • 简介:Newmark’s ,is ,to 

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  • 简介:a letter by Machiavelli was discovered in which he reveals that he wrote The Prince to endear himself to the ruling Medici family in Florence. To liberate Italy from the influence of foreign governments,he adopted the same attitude with Hanfeizi towards how an emperor should rule his country. In this paper,From the experience Machiavelli learned that weak countries had no diplomatic relationship with other counties. In his work he put forward that the weakest thing in the world was the power that was exaggerated. He tried to persuade the emperor to make a strong army

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  • 简介:但他认为诚实与否主要根据的是主体思想(或更精确地说,主体认为自己说的话是与主观相符的,的三个层次说

  • 标签:
  • 简介:  【关键词】公司治理 激励机制 业绩评价  一、公司治理、激励机制与业绩评价的关系  (一)公司治理与激励机制  公司治理是现代企业制度中最重要的架构,  二、不同公司治理模式下的激励机制与业绩评价  正因为激励机制、业绩评价与公司治理有如此密切的联系,分析了在不同的公司治理模式下激励机制与业绩评价的特点和内涵

  • 标签: 公司治理
  • 简介:人民的代表如何代表人民,而应该是国家利益的代表,前面将代行意义上的代表分为利益型代表和意见型代表

  • 标签:
  • 简介:translation equivalence,equivalence is just beyond the capability of the translator if it is not put in a more specific layer of translation or confined to a certain aspect of translation,the abstract concept of translation equivalence is of effective use in translation studies as it makes the analyses of translation more specific and more accessible. This essay attempts to present a few in-depth reflections on translation equivalence

  • 标签:
  • 简介:学术问题的发现和提出,学术问题,学术问题的逻辑

  • 标签: 提问难