简介:摘 要: 思维导图是一种有效的创新思维工具,它把知识点与知识点之间相关联,使思维可视化。思维导图主要是从中心概念出发,向四周发散,将知识以脉络的方式呈现出来。政治 学科知识点多、 理论性强 , 通过思维导图学生可以把零散的知识组合起来,形成有条有序的知识网络,有利于培养学生的发散性思维能力。论文 以高中《政治生活》为例,分析 思维导图在高中政治主观题复习中的应用,探索优化高中政治主观题复习策略,提高学生解答主观题的能力,让学生拿高分。 Abstract: Mind mapping is an effective innovative thinking tool, which links knowledge points with knowledge points and visualizes thinking. Mind mapping mainly starts from the central concept and spreads around, presenting knowledge in the way of context. Political science has many knowledge points and strong theory. Through mind mapping, students can combine scattered knowledge to form an orderly knowledge network, which is conducive to cultivating students' divergent thinking ability. This paper takes "Political Life" as an example to analyze the application of mind mapping in the review of high school political subjective questions, explore and optimize the review strategy of high school political subjective questions, improve students' ability to solve subjective questions, and let students get high marks.