简介:we are quite satisfied with your services during the three years. The reduction of staff is entirely due to business doldrums. You will of course be entitled to a redundancy payment. In your case you will be given one month's salary for every year of service with the company. Besides,you may already know that the Directors of the company will soon have finished the reorganization of the business and that this will result in a decrease in staff. I am very sorry to inform you that your position is one that will shortly become redundant,To Francis Wu
简介:一、案情简介 王某,男,36岁,1979年7月参加工作,原系某市劳教所一中队干警。 1995年12月,王执意要求将吸毒劳教人员李某带出劳教所,并因玩忽职守,监管失控,造成李某逃跑,在逃跑期间,李又重新吸毒。市司法局根据王某所犯错误的事实,决定给予辞退,同时,给予行政记大过处分。 对王某的处理决定,引起了一些同志的异议,他们认为,市司法局的决定,犯了对同一错误事实重复给予行政处分的错误。即,如果给予王以辞退,就不应再给予记大过处分;或给予王以记大过处分,就不应辞退。市司法局的处理决定是否正确呢? 二、案情调查 王某所犯错误发生后,市劳教所进行了立案调查,查明的案情是: