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  • 简介:AbstractThe effects of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on offspring include macrosomia, hypoglycemia, respiratory distress syndrome, cardiovascular disease, neural and mental injury, etc. The effects of GDM on the health status of offspring are sustained although pregnancy has ended. It has been proposed that fetal reprogramming causes long-term consequences to metabolic health in offspring. An intrauterine high-glucose environment may lead to changes in the multi-differentiation proficiency of intracorporal stem cells, showing decreased proliferation and osteogenic ability, increased adipogenic ability, accelerated apoptosis, and occurrence of premature failure. This environment also reduces the mobilization of bone marrow stem cells, whereas it increases that of medullary cells. This results in pro-inflammatory conditions and sustained inflammation in the body, thereby increasing the risk of obesity, cardiovascular and neurological disorders, and metabolic abnormalities. Stem cells derived from the amniotic membrane, umbilical cord, or placenta may be a reliable predictor of the long-term effects of GDM on offspring. The levels of blood glucose during pregnancy should be effectively controlled to reduce harm to the neonate.

  • 标签: Diabetes gestational Growth and development Offspring Stem cells
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To build a reference fetal growth chart for the Chinese population based on fetal ultrasound measurements.Methods:This was a multicenter, population-based retrospective cohort study. Longitudinal ultrasound measurement data were collected from 24 hospitals in 18 provinces of China from 1st September through 31st October of 2019. The estimated fetal weight (EFW) was calculated based on head circumference, abdominal circumference, and femur length using Hadlock formula 3. Fetal growth curves were estimated using a two-level linear regression model with cubic splines. All participants were divided into two groups: the northern group (n = 5829) and the southern group (n = 3246) based on the geographical division of China and male fetus group (n = 4775) and female fetus group (n = 4300) based on fetal gender. The EFW was compared by fetal gender and geographical group. All statistical models were adjusted for maternal sociodemographic characteristics.Results:A total of 9075 participants with 31,700 ultrasound measurement records were included in this study. Male fetuses demonstrated significantly larger EFW compared to female ones starting at 16 weeks of gestation and extending to delivery (global test P < 0.01). The overall geographic difference in EFW was significant (global test P = 0.03), and week-specific comparisons showed that the northern group had a greater EFW starting at 15 weeks of gestation and extending to 29 weeks of gestation, although this difference did not extend to the time of delivery. The Z-score of EFW confirmed that our Chinese fetal growth charts differed from previously published standards.Conclusion:This study provides EFW and ultrasound biometric reference measurements for Chinese fetuses and reveals differences from other fetal growth charts. The chart is worth promoting in more regions of China but should be tested prudently before use.

  • 标签: Growth charts Fetal development Epidemiology
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Metabolic disturbances in the folate cycle in mothers can lead to fetal growth retardation (FGR). This study was to analyze the role of intergenic interactions among maternal folate cycle genes in the development of FGR.Methods:This case-control study recruited 365 women in the third trimester of pregnancy, including 122 FGR patients and 243 controls. The women were genotyped for 5 polymorphisms of the 4 folate cycle genes: MTR (rs1805087), MTRR (rs1801394), serine hydroxymethyl transferase (SHMT1; rs1979277), and TYMS (rs699517 and rs2790). The SNP × SNP interactions in the two-, three-, and four-locus models were analyzed using the multifactor dimensionality reduction method and a modification of it (the model-based multifactor dimensionality reduction method).Results:Four loci of maternal folate cycle genes (rs1805087 MTR, rs2790 TYMS, rs1801394 MTRR, and rs1979277 SHMT1) were associated with FGR in 3 significant models of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) × SNP interactions (two-, three-, and four-locus models) (P <0.05). The highest contribution to FGR was made by polymorphic loci rs1979277 SHMT1 (1.70% of entropy), rs1805087 MTR (0.96%), and interactions between rs1979277 SHMT1 × rs1805087 MTR (-1.11%) and rs1801394 MTRR × rs1979277 SHMT1 (-0.64%). The four-locus maternal genotype combination AG rs1801394 MTRR × AA rs1805087 MTR × CT rs1979277 SHMT1 × AG rs2790 TYMS was associated with an increased risk of FGR (β = 2.69, P = 0.012). FGR-associated SNPs were correlated with the expression of 16 genes (MTR, MTRR, SHMT1, ALKBH5, CTD-2303H24.2, ENOSF1, FAM106A, FOXO3B, LGALS9C, LLGL1, MIEF2, NOS2P2, RP11-806L2.6, SMCR8, TOP3A, and USP32P2) in various tissues and organs related to FGR pathophysiology.Conclusion:SNP × SNP interactions of maternal folate cycle genes (MTR, MTRR, SHMT1, and TYMS) are associated with the development of FGR.

  • 标签: Polymorphism Associations Fetal growth retardation Folate SNP × SNP interactions
  • 简介:AbstractAlbumin solutions derived from human plasma have demonstrated clinical benefits as intravenous fluid therapy in clinical settings such as liver disease, sepsis, intensive care, and surgery. For all plasma-derived medicinal products, there is a potential risk from pathogens, including relevant blood-borne viruses, emerging viruses, and prion proteins. To minimize the risk of transmissible infections, the production of human albumin solutions includes rigorous donor selection and plasma testing, and effective pathogen removal and inactivation methods such as fractionation and pasteurization. Compliance with international pharmacopeial standards for purity and prekallikrein activator and aluminum content is crucial, as is post-marketing pharmacovigilance for the continuous monitoring of adverse events. This review focuses on the effectiveness of manufacturing methods in the production of plasma-derived albumin, to ensure the safety of hyperoncotic solutions for volume expansion. We evaluated evidence identified through online database (PubMed) searches and from unpublished sources, on the manufacturing and pathogen safety of plasma-derived albumin solutions. The results confirmed the already established and evolving pathogen reduction capacity of the reviewed manufacturing methods. Up-to-date post-marketing pharmacovigilance data and log10 reduction factors for known and emerging pathogens during albumin production are included. Towards the goal of ever-increasing clinical safety, potential areas of improvement, such as compliance rates for the completion of donor health questionnaires, are also discussed. Taken together, the current manufacturing and pathogen reduction steps result in albumin products of greater purity than previous-generation products, with a high margin of pathogen safety against known and emerging pathogens, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

  • 标签: Hyperoncotic albumin Human albumin solutions Viral reduction Pathogen safety Pasteurization Plasma-derived medicinal product
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  • 简介:摘要:课堂是教学的主阵地,能否真正落实学科核心素养,挑战在课堂.教学中,教师应立足探究数学本质,巧用课堂主阵地,培养学生综合解题及思维能力.本文拟对“2+2+36”数学课堂模式进行一些探究与实践思考.

  • 标签: 课堂模式 深度探究 核心素养
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  • 简介:摘要:随着科技与信息化的快速发展,目前传统银行越来越多的跟大数据云智能相结合,以科技的方式来开展银行的相关业务。随着科技与银行发展融合的程度越来越深,现代科技也为银行的相关发展提供了技术上的支持,如何在科技赋能的背景下进行中小银行的转型与发展,成为现在急需解决的问题。本文主要研究了中小银行在科技赋能下转型发展中遇到的问题,分析了中小银行转型的发展意义,并且探讨如何利用科技赋能为中小银行进行转型的相关策略,希望能够给相关研究提供借鉴和参考[1]。

  • 标签: 金融 科技赋能作用 中小银行转型
  • 简介:摘要:新时代对高校工会工作提出了崭新的要求,高校工会要借助信息化和新媒体为广大职工提供普惠性、常态化、精准化的工会服务。该文以国内开展普惠服务新模式的典型范例与职工问卷调查结果为参考,探索以“互联网+”为载体,依托高校自身优质资源,对标职工的普适性需求,开展高校工会普惠服务工作的新模式,努力实现职工生活品质不断上升。

  • 标签: 高校工会 普惠服务 新模式
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  • 简介:摘要直肠梅毒的症状不典型,容易误诊、漏诊,临床上缺少检测组织梅毒螺旋体的商品化试剂。现报道2例直肠梅毒病例,患者均以消化道症状起病,肠镜检查提示直肠病变,但病理检查未能明确性质,通过宏基因组学二代测序在直肠组织中查见大量梅毒螺旋体片段,结合患者梅毒血清学检测为阳性,近期有同性无保护肛交史,支持直肠梅毒诊断,驱梅治疗后病情缓解。提示宏基因组学二代测序技术可以作为特殊组织和器官感染梅毒螺旋体的补充检测手段。

  • 标签: 梅毒螺旋体 直肠梅毒 宏基因组学二代测序技术
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  • 简介:【摘要】温州在中国琴史上占有重要的一席之地,第一个产生并影响深远的琴派“浙派”便诞生于此。自古以来,温州的琴乐文脉绵绵不息,至今不衰。本文以文化生态视域为切入点,对古琴艺术在温州的兴起、传播与发展进行考证,以期客观呈现其整体样貌,为温州琴学研究贡献一己之力。

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  • 简介:摘要:量子点(Quantum Dot)是20世纪80年代发展起来的新型纳米材料,又称为纳米晶,是一种由II-VI族或者III-V族元素组成的纳米颗粒。量子点发光具有激发光谱宽、发射光谱窄等优势,应用于显示装置中可以使得显示的色域更宽,色彩更鲜艳真实,因而在显示装置的彩色滤光片、背光源等结构中得到了广泛的应用。本文以全球范围内具有量子点的显示装置的专利申请作为数据基础,从专利申请量年度分布、专利申请地域分布和专利重要申请人三个方面对全球范围内具有量子点层的显示装置的专利进行了分析。

  • 标签: 量子点 显示 专利
  • 简介:【摘要】本文对混合开关模式的液晶显示装置的专利申请进行了分析。对现有的主要技术进行了梳理,筛选出具有代表性的主要专利,对混合式开关模式中的电极设置方式进行分析,得到电极具体设置方式以及能够达到的技术效果,以期对混合式开关技术的应用提供参考。

  • 标签: 液晶显示 混合开关 像素电极 公共电极
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