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219 个结果
  • 简介:Rabbitlimbalcornealepithelialcells,cornealendothelialcellsandkeratocyteswereculturedonamnioticmembrane.Phasecontrastmicroscopeexaminationwasperformeddaily.Histologicalandscanelectronmicroscopicexaminationswerecarriedouttoobservethegrowth,arrangementandadhesionofcultivatedcells.Resultsshowedthatthreecornealcelltypesseededonamnioticmembranegrewwellandhadnormalcellmorphology.Culturedcellsattachedfirmlyonthesurfaceofamnioticmembrane.Cornealepithelialcellsshowedsingularlayerorstratification.Cellboundarieswereformedandtightlyopposed.Cornealendothelialcellsshowedcobblestoneorpolygonalmorphologiccharacteristicsthatappeareduniforminsize.Thecellulararrangementwascompact.Keratocyteselongatedandshowedtriangleordendriticmorphologywithmanyintercellularjointswhichcouldformnetworks.Inconclusion,amnioticmembranehasgoodscaffoldproperty,diffusioneffectandcompatibilitywithcornealcells.Thebasementmembranesideofamnioticmembranefacilitatedthegrowthofcornealepithelialcellsandendothelialcellsandcelljunctionsweretightlydeveloped.Thespongylayerofamnioticmembranefacilitatedthegrowthofkeratocytesandintercellularjointswererich.Amnioticmembraneisanidealbiomaterialforlayeringtissueengineeredcornea.

  • 标签: 角膜手术 羊隔膜 上皮生长细胞 生物材料
  • 简介:ThebookistheresultofajointmeetingoftheTectonicStudiesGroup,theMarineStudiesGroupandtheVolcanicandMagmaticStudiesGrouphostedbytheGeologicalSocietyofLondoninSeptember2001.Itis382pagesinlengthandconsistsofsixteenarticles,mostofwhichdescribeadifferentexampleofintraoceanicsubduction.Allthecontributionstothisvolumeareclearlypresentedandhavebenefittedfrompeerreviewandcarefulediting.

  • 标签: 内海收缩 火山岩浆 收敛率 板块几何学 沉积加速度
  • 简介:Wolbachia是感染大量节肢动物和丝虫的线虫的细胞内部的共生者。蚜虫从事与他们的endosymbionts的多样、复杂的关系。Wolbachia的四超群(A,B,M和N)以前在蚜虫和超群M被检测,N仅仅在蚜虫被发现。在这研究,我们在中国在蚜虫的自然人口检测了并且描述Wolbachia感染。三超群(A,B和M)在检验蚜虫种类被发现。超群M是优势的,而超群A和B仅仅在某些种类被检测。超群N没在这研究被发现。也就是,有在蚜虫的Wolbachia的四个感染模式有超群M的感染独自一个,有超群A和M,有超群B和M的合作感染,和有超群A,B和M的合作感染的合作感染。仅仅有超群M的感染的模式是通用的并且在所有评估亚科被发现。仅仅二个亚科,Aphidinae和Lachninae,表明了介绍所有四个感染模式。三个模式在Calaphidinae被观察(M,A&M,B&M)并且Eriosomatinae(M,B&M,A&B&M)。二个模式在Anoeciinae被观察(M,A&M)并且Greenideinae(M,B&M),并且一仅仅模式(M)在Aphidoidea的留下的家庭或亚科被观察。这些结果显示在中国蚜虫的Wolbachia感染是普遍的。种系发生的分析建议超群M在中国在蚜虫的所有主人种类之中很快并且最近散布了的那Wolbachia。为这传播和它的机制的原因在他们的蚜虫主人上与Wolbachia的可能的效果一起被讨论。

  • 标签: 沃尔巴克氏体 合并感染 蚜虫 中国 多样化 WOLBACHIA
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  • 简介:AIMTo把主要、周期性的pterygium外科的长期的结果与三种不同技术作比较:联合结膜自体移植和覆盖羊膜的膜移植(有AMT的猫),结膜自体移植移植(猫)独自一个、羊膜的膜移植(AMT)alone.METHODSIn这回顾的研究,142个pterygium病人的142只眼睛(104主要,38周期性)经历了猫(组A),AMT(组B)或有AMT(组C)的猫分别地后面的外科的切除基于复发和手术后的complications.RESULTSThe数字被考察并且比较一样的描述在下面),18(10,8)并且2(1,1)在组A,B,和C分别地;干燥眼睛是22(16,6),27(18,9)并且7(3,4);结膜发炎是30(17,13),27(16,11)并且11(6,5)。在组C(主要或周期性的任何一个或两个)的病人主要在组A或B比那些显示出显著地更好的结果(P<0.05)关于上述临床的effects.CONCLUSIONCombined猫并且过分AMT比猫或AMT为主要、周期性的pterygium外科有复发和手术后的复杂并发症的显著地更低的率独自一个。

  • 标签: PTERYGIUM 羊膜的膜移植 结膜自体移植移植 外科
  • 简介:AbstractThe demand for acquiring different languages has increased with increasing globalization. However, knowledge of the modification of the new language in the neural language network remains insufficient. Although many details of language function have been detected based on the awake intra-operative mapping results, the language neural network of the bilingual or multilingual remains unclear, which raises difficulties in clinical practice to preserve patients’ full language ability in neurosurgery. In this review, we present a summary of the current findings regarding the structure of the language network and its evolution as the number of acquired languages increased in glioma patients. We then discuss a new insight into the awake intra-operative mapping protocol to reduce surgical risks during the preservation of language function in multilingual patients with glioma.

  • 标签: Glioma Intra-operative mapping Language function Language protection
  • 简介:AbstractIntraamniotic infection (IAI) or chorioamnionitis is a common cause of preterm birth and may cause adverse neonatal outcomes, including neonatal pneumonia, respiratory distress, meningitis, sepsis, and death. Maternal morbidities from intraamniotic infection include dysfunctional labor requiring increased intervention, cesarean birth, postpartum uterine atony with hemorrhage, endometritis, peritonitis, sepsis, adult respiratory distress syndrome and, rarely, death. Chorioamnionitis can result from an ascending infection, iatrogenic causes or transplacental passage from maternal blood-borne infections. The clinical findings of chorioamnionitis include maternal fever (≥38 °C), maternal (>100 beats per minute) and/or fetal tachycardia (>160 beats per minute), maternal leukocytosis on complete blood count (>15 000 cells/mm3), and uterine tenderness and/or purulent and/or foul-smelling amniotic fluid. The management of chorioamnionitis mainly includes antibiotic therapy and delivery. Women with previable preterm premature rupture of membranes should be offered realistic counseling from a multidisciplinary approach. The separation of the mother and the fetus to preserve the life of the mother should prioritize delivery methods that result in a living fetus if possible, with appropriate neonatal resuscitation available.

  • 标签: Chorioamnionitis Intraamniotic infection Maternal infection Fetal infection Cervical insufficiency Organisms
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic hit South America badly with multiple waves. Different COVID-19 variants have been storming across the region, leading to more severe infections and deaths even in places with high vaccination coverage. This study aims to assess the spatiotemporal variability of the COVID-19 pandemic and estimate the infection fatality rate (IFR), infection attack rate (IAR) and reproduction number (R0) for twelve most affected South American countries.Methods:We fit a susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR)-based model with a time-varying transmission rate to the reported COVID-19 deaths for the twelve South American countries with the highest mortalities. Most of the epidemiological datasets analysed in this work are retrieved from the disease surveillance systems by the World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and Our World in Data. We investigate the COVID-19 mortalities in these countries, which could represent the situation for the overall South American region. We employ COVID-19 dynamic model with-and-without vaccination considering time-varying flexible transmission rate to estimate IFR, IAR and R0 of COVID-19 for the South American countries.Results:We simulate the model in each scenario under suitable parameter settings and yield biologically reasonable estimates for IFR (varies between 0.303% and 0.723%), IAR (varies between 0.03 and 0.784) and R0 (varies between 0.7 and 2.5) for the 12 South American countries. We observe that the severity, dynamical patterns of deaths and time-varying transmission rates among the countries are highly heterogeneous. Further analysis of the model with the effect of vaccination highlights that increasing the vaccination rate could help suppress the pandemic in South America.Conclusions:This study reveals possible reasons for the two waves of COVID-19 outbreaks in South America. We observed reductions in the transmission rate corresponding to each wave plausibly due to improvement in nonpharmaceutical interventions measures and human protective behavioral reaction to recent deaths. Thus, strategies coupling social distancing and vaccination could substantially suppress the mortality rate of COVID-19 in South America.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Epidemic model Infection fatality rate Infection attack rate Pandemic Reproduction number
  • 简介:AbstractChronic wounds have always been a tough fight in clinical practice, which can not only make patients suffer from pain physically and mentally but also impose a heavy burden on the society. More than one factor is relevant to each step of the development of chronic wounds. Along with the in-depth research, we have realized that figuring out the pathophysiological mechanism of chronic wounds is the foundation of treatment, while wound infection is the key point concerned. The cause of infection should be identified and prevented promptly once diagnosed. This paper mainly describes the mechanism, diagnosis and therapeutic strategies of chronic wound infection, and will put an emphasis on the principle of debridement.

  • 标签: Wound infection Debridement Treatment Therapeutic strategy
  • 简介:AbstractBismuth-containing quadruple therapy (BQT) has long been recommended for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication in China. Meanwhile, in the latest national consensus in China, dual therapy (DT) comprising an acid suppressor and amoxicillin has also been recommended. In recent years, the eradication rate of H. pylori has reached >90% using DT, which has been used not only as a first-line treatment but also as a rescue treatment. Compared with BQT, DT has great potential for H. pylori eradication; however, it has some limitations. This review summarizes the development of DT and its application in H. pylori eradication. The H. pylori eradication rates of DT were comparable to or even higher than those of BQT or standard triple therapy, especially in the first-line treatment. The incidence of adverse events associated with DT was lower than that with other therapies. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in the effects of dual and quadruple therapies on gastrointestinal microecology. In the short term, H. pylori eradication causes certain fluctuations in the gastrointestinal microbiota; however, in the long term, the gastrointestinal microbiota eventually returns to its normal state. In the penicillin-naïve population, patients receiving DT have a high eradiation rate, better compliance, lower incidence of adverse reactions, and lower primary and secondary resistance to amoxicillin. These findings suggest the safety, efficacy, and potential of DT for H. pylori eradication.

  • 标签: Dual therapy Gastrointestinal microbiome Helicobacter pylori Quadruple therapy
  • 简介:新闻事件:2016年2月24日。26名在陕西省镇安县医院进行血液透析的患者被确认感染丙肝病毒。据有关部门初步调查,此次感染为医院医务人员违规操作所致。据了解,对26名已确诊的丙肝病毒感染者,医院将制订诊疗方案,对他们实行免费治疗。陕西省卫计委事件调查组已作出决定,对镇安县医院院长给予党内聱告,分管副院长给予行政记过处分,并免去二人职务。目前共有15人受到党纪政纪处分。

  • 标签: 丙肝病毒感染者 血透 县医院 新闻事件 血液透析 初步调查
  • 简介:ProteomicshasbeenwidelyusedinthelastfewyearstolookfornewbiomarkersanddecipherthemechanismofHIV-hostinteraction.Herein,wereviewtherecentdevelopmentsofHIV/AIDSproteomicresearch,includingthesamplesusedinHIV/AIDSrelatedresearch,thetechnologiesusedforproteomicstudy,thediagnosisbiomarkersofHIV-associateddiseaseespeciallyHIV-associatedneurocognitiveimpairment,themechanismsofHIV-hostinteraction,HIV-associateddementia,substanceabuse,andsoon.Intheendofthisreview,wealsogivesomeprospectsaboutthelimitationandfutureimprovementofHIV/AIDSproteomicresearch.

  • 标签: 蛋白质组学 艾滋病毒 生物标志物 感染 主机 认知功能障碍
  • 简介:AIM:Toinvestigateandcomparethecytopathologicalandclinicaleffectsofamnioticmembranetransplantation(AMT)andoralmucosalmembranetransplantation(OMMT)insocketcontraction.METHODS:Twelvepatientswhocouldnotbefittedwithocularprosthesisduetosocketcontracturewereincludedinthisstudy.SevenpatientsunderwentAMTand5patientsunderwentOMMT.Thirteenpatientswhohadhealthysocketswereincludedascontrolgroup.Depthofinferiorfornix,degreeofinflammation,extentofthesocketcontractureandsocketvolumeweremeasuredinthepreoperativeperiodandatsixthandtwelfthweekspostoperatively.Impressioncytologyofconjunctivalfornicesandteartransforminggrowthfactorbeta-1(TGFβ1)levelsweredetermined.RESULTS:IntheAMTgroup,socketvolumeandlowerfornixdepthvaluesweresignificantlyhigher(P=0.030andP=0.004respectively)andinflammationlevelsandimpressioncytologystages(P=0.037andP=0.022respectively)weresignificantlylowerinpostoperativeperiodcomparedtopreoperativeperiod.IntheOMMTgroup,nostatisticaldifferenceswerefoundintermsofclinicalparameters,inflammationlevelsandimpressioncytologystagesofpreoperativeversuspostoperativevalues.PreoperativetearTGFβ1levelswerehigherinAMTandOMMTgroupscomparedtothecontrolgroup(25.5ng/mL,26.3ng/mLand21.7ng/mLrespectively).DecreasedtearTGFβ1levelswereobservedinboththeAMTandOMMTgroupspostoperatively(mediandecreasevalue=2.1ng/mLand2.7ng/mLrespectively).CONCLUSION:AMTisassociatedwithpostoperativeimprovementininferiorfornixdepth,socketvolume,inflammationandimpressioncytologylevelsandmaybeamoreproperalternativemethodthanOMMTinthemanagementofsocketcontracture.

  • 标签: socket reconstruction amniotic MEMBRANE ORAL MUCOSAL
  • 简介:Hearinglossisaconditionaffectingmillionsofpeopleworldwide.Conductivehearingloss(CHL)ismainlycausedbymiddleeardiseases.ThelowfrequencyareaisthepivotalpartofspeechfrequenciesandmostfrequentlyimpairedinpatientswithCHL.AmongvarioustreatmentsofCHL,middleearsurgeryisefficienttoimprovehearing.However,variablesuccessratesandpossibleneedsforprolongedrevisionsurgerystillfrustratebothsurgeonsandpatients.Nowadays,increasingnumbersofresearchersexplorevariousmethodstomonitortheefficacyofossicularreconstructionintraoperatively,includingelectrocochleography(ECochG),auditorybrainstemresponse(ABR),auditorysteadystateresponse(ASSR),distortionproductotoacousticemissions(DPOAE),subjectivewhispertest,andopticalcoherencetomography(OCT).Here,weillustrateseveralmethodsusedclinicallybyreviewingtheliterature.

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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Massive bleeding is the main concern for the management of placenta percreta (PP). Intra-abdominal aortic balloon occlusion (IABO) is one method for pelvic devascularization, but the efficacy of IABO is uncertain. This study aims to investigate the outcomes of IABO in PP patients.Methods:We retrospectively reviewed the clinical data of PP cases from six tertiary centers in China between January 2011 and December 2015. PP cases with/without the use of IABO were analyzed. Propensity score matching analysis was performed to reduce the effect of selection bias. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and the rate of hysterectomy, as well as neonatal outcomes, were analyzed.Results:One hundred and thirty-two matched pairs of patients were included in the final analysis. Compared with the control group, maternal outcomes, including PPH (68.9% vs. 87.9%, χ2= 13.984, P < 0.001), hysterectomy (8.3% vs. 65.2%, χ2= 91.672, P < 0.001), and repeated surgery (1.5% vs. 12.1%, χ2 = 11.686, P= 0.001) were significantly reduced in the IABO group. For neonatal outcomes, Apgar scores at 1 minute (8.67 ± 1.79 vs. 8.53 ± 1.68, t=-0.638, P= 0.947) and 5 minutes (9.43 ± 1.55 vs. 9.53 ± 1.26, t = 0.566, P = 0.293) were not significantly different between the two groups.Conclusions:IABO can significantly reduce blood loss, hysterectomies, and repeated surgeries. This procedure has not shown harmful effects on neonatal outcomes.

  • 标签: Placenta accreta spectrum disorders Placenta percreta Conservative management Intra-abdominal aortic balloon occlusion Propensity score matching
  • 简介:AbstractIntra-abdominal infection (IAI) is a deadly condition in which the outcome is associated with urgent diagnosis, assessment and management, including fluid resuscitation, antibiotic administration while obtaining further laboratory results, attaining precise measurements of hemodynamic status, and pursuing source control. This last item makes abdominal sepsis a unique treatment challenge. Delayed or inadequate source control is an independent predictor of poor outcomes and recognizing source control failure is often difficult or impossible. Further complicating issue in the debate is surrounding the timing, adequacy, and procedures of source control. This review evaluated and summarized the current approach and challenges in IAI management, which are the future research directions.

  • 标签: Source control Intra-abdominal infection Open abdomen Source control failure
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  • 作者: Dong Shuai-Bing Wang Li-Ping Wu Chao-Xue Li Fan Yue Yong Piao Dong-Ri Zhao Hong-Yan Jiang Hai
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《贫困所致传染病(英文)》 2020年第01期
  • 机构:Division of Infectious Disease, Key Laboratory of Surveillance and Early Warning on Infectious Disease, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, China,Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chongqing, China,Chengdu Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chengdu, China,State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, China
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Human brucellosis is a neglected public health issue in China and reports of HIV-infected individuals complicated with brucellosis are rare. This report describes the case of an HIV-infected patient complicated with brucellosis. We want to raise awareness of clinical diagnosis of brucellosis among clinicians. Furthermore, we should be more concerned about cases with pyrexia of unknown origin, especially in non-epidemic areas of brucellosis in China.Case presentation:We encountered the case of a 31-year-old HIV-infected male with a CD4+ T lymphocyte count of approximately 300. On May 1, 2019, the patient had onset of non-specific caustic irregular fever with body temperature reaching 41.0 ℃. He was admitted to two medical institutions in Yunnan with pyrexia of unknown origin. Finally, on day 7 of hospitalization in the Public Health Clinical Medical Center in Chengdu City, he was diagnosed as having brucellosis infection based on blood culture results.Conclusions:This is the first reported case of brucellosis concomitant with HIV infection in China. Laboratories in infectious disease hospitals and category A level III hospitals in the southern provinces of China should be equipped with reagents for clinical diagnosis of brucellosis and to strengthen the awareness of brucellosis diagnosis in China. Secondly, in provinces with a high incidence of AIDS and brucellosis such as Xinjiang and Henan, it is recommended to implement a joint examination strategy to ensure the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of this infection.

  • 标签: Brucellosis HIV Pyrexia of unknown origin Joint examination