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46 个结果
  • 简介:本课为北京版小学英语六年级上册第2单元'whathappenedtoyourneck'对话教学,谈论的是主人公Piggy因为午饭吃的太多,导致肚子疼去看医生这一话题。通过观看视频、师生对话、回答问题、伙伴交流、头脑风暴,情感体验,小组合作等一系列有效的语言活动调动学生的交流欲望和参与热情,从而不断发散学生的思维、拓展学生的思路,最终实现主动表达与真实语言输出的目的。

  • 标签: 表达交流 语言输出 激发兴趣 功能句
  • 简介:Yamen(GV15)Location:0.5cundirectlyabovethemidpointoftheposteriorhairline.

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  • 简介:Headandneckcancers(HNCs)areaggressivetumorsthattypicallydemonstrateahighglycolyticrate,whichresultsinresistancetocytotoxictherapyandpoorprognosis.Duetotheirlocationthesetumorsspecificallyimpairfoodintakeandqualityoflife,sothatpreventionofweightlossthroughnutritionsupportbecomesanimportanttreatmentgoal.Dietaryrestrictionofcarbohydrates(CHOs)andtheirreplacementwithfat,mostlyinformofaketogenicdiet(KD),havebeensuggestedtoaccommodateforboththealteredtumorcellmetabolismandcancer-associatedweightloss.Inthisreview,IpresentthreespecificrationalesforCHOrestrictionandnutritionalketosisassupportivetreatmentoptionsfortheHNCpatient.Theseare(1)targetingtheoriginandspecificaspectsoftumorglycolysis;(2)protectingnormaltissuefrombutsensitizingtumortissuetoradiation-andchemotherapyinducedcellkill;(3)supportingbodyandmusclemassmaintenance.WhilemostofthesebenefitsofCHOrestrictionapplytocanceringeneral,specificaspectsofimplementationarediscussedinrelationtoHNCpatients.WhileCHOrestrictionseemsfeasibleinHNCpatientstheavailableevidenceindicatesthatitsrolemayextendbeyondfightingmalnutritiontofightingHNCitself.

  • 标签: 碳水化合物 癌症 颈部 头部 肿瘤细胞 治疗方案
  • 简介:ThereisnoaccurateanalyticalapproachfortheacousticperformancepredictionofHelmholtzresonatorwithconicalneck,whichhasbroadbandacousticattenuationperformanceinthelowfrequencyrange.Topredicttheacousticperformanceoftheresonatoraccurately,ageneraltheorymodelbasedontheone-dimensionalanalysisapproachwithacousticlengthcorrectionsisdeveloped.Thesegmentationmethodisusedtocalculatetheacousticparametersforsoundpropagationinconicaltubes.Andthen,anapproximateformulaisdeducedtogiveaccuratecorrectionlengthsforconicaltubeswithdifierentgeometries.Thedeviationsoftheresonancefrequencybetweenthetransmissionlossresultsobtainedbythegeneraltheorywithacousticlengthscorrectionandtheresultsfromthefiniteelementmethodandexperimentsarelessthan2Hz,whichismuchbetterthantheresultsfromone-dimensionalapproachwithoutcorrections.Theresultsshowthatthemethodofacousticlengthcorrectionfortheconicalneckgreatlyimprovedtheaccuracyoftheone-dimensionalanalysisapproach,anditwillbequickandaccuratetopredictthesoundattenuationpropertyofHelmholtzresonatorwithconicalneck.

  • 标签: 声学性能 性能预测 亥姆霍兹 锥形管 共振器 衰减性能
  • 简介:摘要本文报道1例Van Neck-Odelberg病。患儿男,11岁。骨盆平片示右侧坐骨耻骨连接处局部膨隆,周围见硬化边。CT平扫示骨质不连续,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号,DWI示病变内水分子扩散受限。超声表现为病灶似骨皮质回声,内无彩色血流信号。患儿经保守治疗后症状消失。

  • 标签: 磁共振成像 Van Neck-Odelberg病
  • 简介:AbstractLeopard attacks on humans are reported most often from the Indian subcontinent. The bite wounds are complex injuries infected with polymicrobial inoculum and may present as punctures, abrasions, lacerations or avulsions. The presentation and acceptable treatment of these injuries vary according to the wound. We hereby describe the clinical presentation and treatment of a male victim with leopard bite injuries on the head and neck region. As bite injuries are commonly found on and around the face, maxillofacial surgeons should be familiar with the therapy. Through thorough clinical and radiological examination, it is essential to prevent missing any hidden injuries, which can easily turn lethal. To benefit the rural population, more health facilities need to be established in remote areas.

  • 标签: Maxillofacial injuries Bite Leopard Larynx Mandible Pharynx
  • 简介:与ipsilateral联系的臀部的创伤的以后的脱臼代替了大腿骨的颈骨折是稀罕损害。而且,如此的病人的管理唤起考虑主要代替或保存大腿骨的头的强壮的看法。我们与如此的损害介绍了年轻成年人的一个盒子。他被操作在之上与大腿骨的颈的脱臼和固定的减小,在cancellous的帮助下的骨折拧紧。二年以后,破裂联合起来,病人是无征状的。我们进一步为如此的破裂建议了损害的机制并且在发展中的世界的变化损伤情形讨论了管理。

  • 标签: 骨折内固定 股骨头 髋关节 损伤机制 外伤性 患者
  • 简介:From1990to2000,weusedHanssonpin,AOhollow-pullingscrew,andbendablescrewtotreat150casesoffreshfemoralneckfractureandtheresultwasanalysedtocomparetheefficacyofthethreemethodsofinternalfixation.

  • 标签: 股骨颈骨折 内固定 疗效评定 骨折治疗
  • 简介:通过对"Neck"与"颈"转喻化隐喻化的认知对比我们可以得出这样的结论:"Neck"与"颈"在隐喻化方面存在共性即通过"形状相似"进行隐喻基于相同的生理和心理特征,而"Neck"的转喻化隐喻化的程度和广度要大于汉语的"颈"。汉语"颈"没有转喻引申,英语"neck"的转喻引申有七条,汉语"颈"的隐喻方式只有具体隐喻方式"形状相似"一种,英语"neck"有四个隐喻引申,且方式丰富,这是由两个民族的自然环境、文化背景和思维视角差异所致。

  • 标签: “Neck” “颈” 转喻化 隐喻化 语义对比
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Management of postoperative pain after head and neck cancer surgery is a complex issue, requiring a careful balance of analgesic properties and side effects. The objective of this review is to discuss the efficacy and safety of multimodal analgesia (MMA) for these patients.Methods:Pubmed, Cochrane, Embase, Scopus, and clinicaltrials.gov were systematically searched for all comparative studies of patients receiving MMA (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, anticonvulsants, local anesthetics, and corticosteroids) for head and neck cancer surgeries. The primary outcome was additional postoperative opioid usage, and secondary outcomes included subjective pain scores, complications, adverse effects, and 30-day outcomes.Results:A total of five studies representing 592 patients (MMA, n = 275; non-MMA, n = 317) met inclusion criteria. The most commonly used agents were gabapentin, NSAIDs, and acetaminophen (n = 221), NSAIDs (n = 221), followed by corticosteroids (n = 35), dextromethorphan (n = 40), and local nerve block (n= 19). Four studies described a significant decrease in overall postoperative narcotic usage with two studies reporting a significant decrease in hospital time. Subjective pain scores widely varied with two studies reporting reduced pain at postoperative day 3. There were no differences in surgical outcomes, medical complications, adverse effects, or 30-day mortality and readmission rates.Conclusion:MMA is an increasingly popular strategy that may reduce dependence on opioids for the treatment of postoperative pain. A variety of regimens and protocols are available for providers to utilize in the appropriate head and neck cancer patient.

  • 标签: analgesia head and neck neoplasm NSAID opioids pain management
  • 简介:目的:提高颈部旋转手法的准确性。方法:应用定向式微型麦克风记录两组患者在施颈部旋转手法作用时发出的“咔哒”声。结果:颈部旋转手法主要作用在旋转侧,只有少部分是作用在旋转的对侧。定点旋转复位法作用范围小,作用点相对集中;端提旋转复位法作用的节段较多,作用点相对分散。结论:旋转手法主要作用在旋转侧,并非旋转的对侧;端提旋转复位法作用范围较广,对上颈段痛变的疗效较好;而定点旋转复位法作用范围较为局限,适用于下颈段病变;旋转时“咔哒”声的出现,预示着关节运动达到了极限。

  • 标签: 颈椎痛 推拿 按摩 对比研究
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Few reports have described intracranial hemangiomas and structural brain and/or arterial anomalies in patients with infantile hemangiomas. This study was performed to examine the magnetic resonance imaging findings of intracranial abnormalities in a group of infants with hemangiomas in the head and neck regions.Methods:We reviewed our hemangioma treatment center database from January 2010 to July 2018 to assess the prevalence of intracranial abnormalities in infants with hemangiomas in the head and neck regions. Clinical and electronic magnetic resonance imaging data were also retrieved from the patients’ medical charts.Results:Of 436 patients with infantile hemangiomas in the head and neck regions, 23 (5%) had intracranial abnormalities, including 20 (23%) with segmental hemangiomas and 3 (1 %) with focal hemangiomas. In total, 14 patients had intracranial hemangiomas located within the ventricle and cisterns or ipsilateral lesions involving the extradural space. Eight patients had intracranial structural abnormalities, such as cerebellar dysplasia, Dandy-Walker malformation, and hydrocephalus. Five patients had intracranial arterial anomalies, and three patients had arteriovenous malformations.Conclusions:These findings support the hypothesis that intracranial hemangiomas are commonly associated with segmental infantile hemangiomas in the head and neck regions.

  • 标签: infantile hemangiomas magnetic resonance imaging intracranial abnormalities
  • 简介:AbstractPapillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) has a high propensity for regional metastases, however, the impact of such metastases on the outcome of the patients is minimal. The central compartment of the neck is considered the first and the most common echelon of metastases from thyroid carcinoma. Physical examination along with ultrasonography are the gold standard pre-operative evaluation of patients with PTC. Ultrasonography is highly sensitive in evaluating lateral neck nodes, however, its value in evaluating the central compartment is limited, resulting in a relatively high rate of occult metastases in this compartment. The main potential complications of para-tracheal neck dissection (PTND) are recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis and hypocalcemia and these may be higher in patients undergoing PTND compared to thyroidectomy alone. New histological data is available showing no evidence of lymph nodes in the central compartment above a level parallel to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage. These findings support withholding dissection of the upper para-tracheal region routinely as a part of PTND in patients with well-differentiated thyroid cancer. By doing that, the complications may be lower and identical to thyroidectomy alone, thus may abolish arguments against more common use of elective PTND in patients with thyroid carcinoma.

  • 标签: Level Ⅵ Paratracheal neck dissection Upper limit of paratracheal neck dissection
  • 简介:Giventhehighincidenceofcervicallymphnodemetastasisindifferentiatedthyroidcancer(DTC)andtherapidlyincreasedimportanceofneckdissectioninDTC,thejournalofGlandSurgeryislaunchingaspecialissueon'NeckDissectioninDifferentiatedThyroidCarcinoma'inNovemberIssueof2013,

  • 标签: 甲状腺癌 淋巴结 分化 外科 腺体 DTC
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