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42 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:The aim of this study was to analyze the outcomes and complications of endoscopic tympanoplasties and review the strategies for endoscopic revision surgeries.Methods:Revision endoscopic surgeries are performed on patients with unsatisfactory outcomes after endoscopic tympanoplasties. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China (approval No. 2020-0045-1).Results:Residual or recurrent tympanic membrane marginal perforation is treated by autogenous fat and cartilage grafting; graft collapse is treated using tissue from the tragus; and graft displacement is treated by endoscopic fixation of the cartilage-perichondrium complex. Lateral healing of the tympanic membrane, prosthesis fracture, prosthesis extrusion, middle ear adhesions, and recurrent perforation also required revision surgeries.Conclusion:Residual or recurrent tympanic membrane marginal perforation is the most common cause of unsatisfactory outcomes after endoscopic tympanoplasty; fat grafting is effective only for small perforations. Small cartilage grafts are an effective means of dealing with residual marginal perforation; the cartilage and perichondrium complex should be fixed securely. Patients with prosthesis implants require regular examination.

  • 标签: endoscopy middle ear otologic surgical procedures revision tympanoplasty
  • 简介:Thispapergivesanoutlineofknowledgebaserevisionandsomerecentlypresentedcomplexityresultsaboutpropostitionalknowledgebaserevision.Differentmethodsforrevisingpropositionalknowledgebasehavebeenproposedrecentlybyseveralresearchers,butallmethodsareintractableinthegeneralcase.Forpracticalapplication,thispaperpresentsarevisionmethodforspecialcase,andgivesitscorrespondingpolynomialalgorithm.

  • 标签: 命题知识库 重复算法 多项式算法 可满足性问题
  • 简介:OnJune29,2006,theStandingCommitteeoftheNationalPeople'sCongress,theChineseparliament,approvedtherevisedCompulsoryEducationLawofthePeople'sRepublicofChina,whichbecameeffectiveforimplementationonSeptember1.Beforetherevision,thelawhad18articleswithatotalof1,800characters,whichwerenotdividedintochapters.Incomparison,therevisedlawhas63articlesineightchapters,withatotalof7,000characters.'Thankstothis,thefirstmajorrevisionmadetothelawsinceitspromulgationin1986,thelawhasbeenexpandedbothinvolumeandcontent,'ChenXiaoya,vice-ministerofeducation,toldtheHumanRightsmagazine.'Moreover,

  • 标签: 义务教育 教育方法 中国 教育制度
  • 简介:AnindispensableparttoGrice’ssystem,thenotionofcooperationisrelevanttotranslationinmanyways.WithregardtothetranslationsofHongLouMeng,thispaperattemptstointerprettranslationfromajointperspectiveofGrice’stheoryofcooperationandtherevisedmechanismputforwardbyLevinson.

  • 简介:AsanimportantvariantofReiter'sdefaultlogic.Poole(1988)developedanonmonotonicreasoningframeworkintheclassicalfirst-orderlanguage,BrewkaandNebelextendedPoole'sapproachinordertoenablearepresentationofprioritiesbetweendefaults.Inthispaperageneralframeworkfordefaultreasoningispresented,whichcanbeviewedasageneralizationofthethreeapproachesabove.Itisprovedthatthesyntax-independentdefaultreasoninginthisframeworkisidenticaltothegeneralbeliefrevisionoperationintroducedbyZhangetal.(1997).Thisesultprovidesasolutiontotheproblemwhetherthereisacorrespondencebetweenbeliefrevisionanddefaultlogicfortheinfinitecase.Asaby-product,ananswertothethequestion,raisedbyMankinsonandGaerdenfors(1991),isalsogivenaboutwhetherthereisacounterpartcontracitoninnonmonotoniclogic.

  • 标签: 容错 推理 信念修正 计算机
  • 简介:Peerrevision,asupplementarystrategytoteacherrevisionofwritinginL2classroom,makespassivereceiversofteacherrevisionbecomeactiverevisers,enablingstudentstoinvolveinmoremotivatedlanguagelearning.Benefitsofpeerrevisionanditsimplicationsforteacherandstudentrolesarediscussed.Thisarticlealsotentativelyanalyzeswaysofpreparingstudentsforeffectivepeerrevision.

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  • 简介:AbstractVitiligo is a common depigmented skin disease that negatively affects the physical and mental health of patients. The 2018 version of the Vitiligo Treatment Consensus has been updated based on the research progress on vitiligo in the past 3 years in combination with the clinical experiences of experts. The newly revised points include maintenance therapy, early glucocorticoid intervention, and oral mini-pulsed glucocorticoid administration protocols. The prospect of using JAK inhibitors in the treatment of vitiligo is also discussed.

  • 标签: vitiligo therapy glucocorticoids phototherapy calcineurin inhibitor expert consensus
  • 简介:客观:为王牌探索起作用的指示和主要全部的新潮的关节造形术的起作用的方法平坦骨折并且观察临床的药品effect.Methods:我们回顾地总结了并且分析创伤的条件,破裂类型,复杂并发症,起作用的时间,起作用的技术,和11patients的短期的药品效果(10男性和1女性,与42的吝啬的年龄。4年)与王牌平坦骨折经历了主要全部的新潮的关节造形术。结果;病人被跟随在上面为6-45月(吝啬的=28月)。他们手术后的新潮的关节的普通哈里斯分数是78。结论:指示的Understrict控制,有平坦骨折可以经历的王牌的病人主要全部的新潮的关节造形术,而是稳定的王牌平坦部件应该被做。

  • 标签: 关节成形术 病理 治疗 临床
  • 简介:BEIJING’Srevenuefrompersonalincometaxin2001was8billionyuan,anincreaseof42percent,andtheamountoftaxreceivedfromhigh-incomeearnersincreased2.6fold.FromSeptembertoNovember2001,high-incomeearnerspaidtaxesof60millionyuantheyhadpreviouslyevaded.Inthefirsthalfof2002,Beijingdefineditskeytaxpayers,thatis,thosewithanannualincomeexceeding100,000yuan.Accordingtothisdefinition,thetax-payingsituationofatleast30,000peopleisundercontrol.RevisionstotheIndividualIncomeTax

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  • 简介:AbstractJoint arthroplasty is an effective method for treating end-stage joint lesions and damages. Robotic arm-assisted arthroplasty, a rapidly developing technology that combines navigation technology, minimally invasive technology, and precise control technology of the robotic arm, can achieve accurate preoperative planning, optimal selection of implants, minimally invasive surgery, precise osteotomy, and accurate placement of the artificial joint. It has the characteristics of high accuracy and stability, and thus is more and more widely used in the field of joint surgery. In this paper, we systematically reviewed the application and clinical efficacy of robotic arm-assisted technology in hip and knee arthroplasty to provide reference for its future promotion.

  • 标签: Robotic arm Arthroplasty Hip Knee Clinical efficacy
  • 简介:AbstractBone cement, consisting of polymethyl methacrylate, is a bioinert material used for prothesis fixation in joint arthroplasty. To treat orthopedic infections, such as periprosthetic joint infection, antibiotic-loaded bone cement (ALBC) was introduced into clinical practice. Recent studies have revealed the limitations of the antibacterial effect of ALBC. Moreover, with the increase in high infection risk patients and highly resistant microbes, more researches and modification of ALBC are required. This paper reviewed latest findings about ALBC for most popular and destructive pathogens, summarized the influence of antibiotic kind, drug dosage, application method, and environment towards characteristic of ALBC. Subsequently, new cement additives and clinical applications of ALBC in joint arthroplasty were also discussed.

  • 标签: Polymethyl methacrylate Bone cement Antibiotic Modification
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  • 简介:模仿的austempered的一张连续冷却转变(CCT)图可锻的铁(ADI)焊接金属借助于Formastor-F图测量仪器被开发了,并且由与实际焊接作比较修订了。最后,修订的图被用来决定焊接技术。(编辑作者摘要)4个裁判员。

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  • 简介:AbstractProsthetic infection is one of the severe postoperative complications of arthroplasty. Mixed bacterial-fungal prosthetic infection is rare but can be disastrous. This case was a 76-year-old female suffered from prosthetic infection following total hip replacement due to femoral neck fracture and underwent multiple debridements. The culture of periprosthetic tissue was bacteriologically sterile following the first debridement, while the Staphylococcus hominis was identified in the second debridement in the previous hospitalization where fungal infection had not been considered. Thus the pathogen spectrum of anti-infection therapy failed to contain fungus. Ultimately, the culture result of our sampled periprosthetic tissue during the third debridement was Candida albicans without bacterium in our hospital. The fungal prosthetic infection was successfully treated by a two-stage revision with antifungal drugs. Accurate diagnosis and standardized treatment is the key to the therapy of infection after hip arthroplasty, especially for mixed bacterial-fungal prosthetic infection.

  • 标签: Candida albicans Staphylococcus hominis Prosthesis-related infections Arthroplasty Hip
  • 简介:AbstractAnterior tibiofemoral dislocation after total knee arthroplasty is an extremely rare and serious event. Amongst English-published papers, we found only 15 relevant cases, 3 of which presented vascular complications. This manuscript aims to present a 77-year-old woman with a TC-Plus (Smith & Nephew) cruciate-retaining type in first time of knee prosthesis, who suffered an anterior tibiofemoral dislocation and were admitted to our hospital. The clinical management and outcome were evaluated. Furthermore, a review of literature was performed. We concluded that early detection and surgical intervention of vascular injury is the key in the survival of the limbs. If there is still knee instability after acute recovery, it seems that revision surgery with constrained total knee arthroplasty can bring about good clinical and functional results.

  • 标签: Arthroplasty Knee dislocation Knee replacement Popliteal artery Risk factors
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  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To review current literature and experience with Gore-Tex® implant extrusion following medialization thyroplasty, as well as to report the unique case of Gore-Tex® implant extrusion following revision medialization thyroplasty.Methods:Review of existing literature and description of personal experience with unique case of Gore-Tex® implant extrusion following revision medialization thyroplasty.Results:Review of existing literature found no prior reported cases of Gore-Tex® implant extrusion following revision medialization thyroplasty. Risk factors for implant extrusion include the pressure of the implant on insertion and the inability to secure the implant. Cases of implant extrusion can be managed operatively via an endoscopic or via an external open approach.Conclusion:This is the first reported case of Gore-Tex® implant extrusion following revision medialization thyroplasty. Careful consideration should be given in revision medialization thyroplasty as additional implant material may cause increased pressure, a risk factor for implant extrusion.

  • 标签: Complications Gore-Tex® Implant extrusion Laryngoplasty Medialization thyroplasty Revision