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55 个结果
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  • 简介:Evenaftermanyyearsofstudy,studentsmakefrequentmistakesinEnglish.Inaddition,manystudentsstillneedalongtimetothinkofwhattheywanttosay.Forsomereason,inspiteofallthestudying,studentsarestillnotquitefluent.WhenIteach,Iuseonetechniquethathelpsstudentsnotonlyspeakmoreaccurately,butalsomorefluently.Thattechniqueisdictations.

  • 标签: 大学英语 口语交际 跨文化交际 学习辅导
  • 简介:Testingspeakingabilityoffersplentyofscopeformeetingthecriteriaforcommunicativetesting.ThearticledescribesthemodelofCLA,analyzesbasicfactorsinvolvedinspeakingcompetence,discusseswhatisacommunicativelanguagetestofspeaking,andsuggestssomefactorsthatshouldbetakenintoconsiderationwhendesigningacommunicativelanguagetestofspeaking.

  • 简介:众所周知,口语是BEC四个单元中挑战性较大的一部分,并且口语考试的难度随着等级的提高而加大。BEC口语考试分为三部分。第一部分是考生与考官的交流,着重于个人情况,比如学习工作,兴趣爱好。这一部分必须充

  • 标签: BEC 口语考试 商务词汇 商务英语考试 考试范围 应试策略
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  • 简介:it is affected by many elements One of the elements is their English speaking ability.. So it demands the English teachers in junior schools to develop the student's speaking ability. So also it is necessary for the teachers to help the students develop the ability of speaking.I have observed the students’ speaking English since I became a teacher. I find many students often can speak well in class or in a relaxed occasion. But when I invite some foreign teachers to talk to them,but both some teachers and students don’t find it yet. So they aren’t able to emphasize the speaking English during the teaching. Little by little,speaking、communication、ability、middle school、English teaching.

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  • 简介:Ithasbeencommonplaceforstudentstocom-plainabouttheirorallessons.ThispaperarisesfromathoughtofconcreteproblemsfacingChinesehigh-schoolgraduateswhoareunabletospeakEnglishwell.Basedonthreeelementsthatarecrucialtolanguagelearning,thepaperwillfocusondevelopingstudents’speakingabilities.Inthepaper,theteachers’roleishighlighted.Thestudentswillfinditthemosteffec-tivewaytoimprovetheirspeakingabilitiesifthemethodisappliedundertheproperdirectionofaqualifiedteacher.

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  • 简介:but this method of learning English through Chinese translation in class has not entirely catered for the new situation of learning a foreign language. We should bring the students to a full realization of the fact that learning English always through Chinese translation certainly does not help them improve their skills of using English. But we haven’t a good language surrounding to speak English all the time,which will not have a good teaching effect and the student's speaking ability also can't be trained .The teachers should let the students take part in the class. In JFFC textbooks,4. Essential methods for improving students’ speaking ability.4.1 Create a good language surrounding to arouse the students’ enthusiasm for English learning.4.1.1 A

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  • 简介:ThereexistsgreatconfusionamongstudentsaboutthechoiceofwordsinspeakingEnglish.Theyfeelitdifficulttoexpressthemselvesveryeffectivelyandclearly.Inahighlycompetitivesocietywithstrongtendencytomergeinmulticultures,onemyfailtoattainhisgoalinlifeifhe/sheturnsablindeyetotheimportanceofeffectivelyspeakinginternationallanguage-EnglishbecauseEnglishisanindispensblecommunicatingmeansincolorfulworld.ThisarticleofferscriteriathatcanbeusedbyEnglishspeaderstomeasurewhethertheirwordscontributetoaneffectiveoralstyle.Languageissymbolic,sothewordscontributetoaneffectiveoralstyle.Languageissymbolic,sothewordsweuseinourspeechesrepresentideas,objectsandfeelings,Theresders,notonlythestudents,canbeinformedofthefactthatideasareclarifiedthroughvivid,emphaticandappropriateexpressionsinadditiontoprecise,specific,concrete,simplelanguage.

  • 标签: 英语 口语 语言交流 动词 表达技巧
  • 简介:ThisarticledescribesanexperimentinvolvinganoralEnglishprogrammeconductedoverafour-monthperiodwithagroupoflearnersofESLinHuizhouUniversity.Theprogrammewasdesignedtoexaminewhethermethodinthedevelopmentofsubjects’listeningandspeakingskills,withparticularreferencetospeaking.

  • 标签: 玉鱼
  • 简介:material.I ,means.Model ,skills.Sentence 

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  • 简介:on the other hand the response ability is also another reason.It is clear that the reading speed of a material also affects. About 43% of the students thought that the material was read too fast and they couldn't follow.A lot of students have their own listening habits. Some students often tries to understand each word or each sentence. They will think hard when they meet some difficult words or sentences,you can hardly have a chance to meet it. So I think you should try to let the students be in a language environment.Let the students grasp the phonetic symbol. I think the phonetic symbol is the base. A good intonation and phonetic depends on the base. Oral reading after a radio or a teacher is a good way at the beginning,"Ask me" means that the student must say a question sentence while "Tell me" shows that the student must say a decarative sentence. But before doing this

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  • 简介:on the other hand the response ability is also another reason.It is clear that the reading speed of a material also affects. About 43% of the students thought that the material was read too fast and they couldn't follow.A lot of students have their own listening habits. Some students often tries to understand each word or each sentence. They will think hard when they meet some difficult words or sentences,you can hardly have a chance to meet it. So I think you should try to let the students be in a language environment.Let the students grasp the phonetic symbol. I think the phonetic symbol is the base. A good intonation and phonetic depends on the base. Oral reading after a radio or a teacher is a good way at the beginning,"Ask me" means that the student must say a question sentence while "Tell me" shows that the student must say a decarative sentence. But before doing this

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  • 简介:you should change your bad reading habit and raise your reading efficiency.New words prevent you from reading fast. One way to overcome this problem is to guess. There are many ways to guess the meaning of a new word. First you should find some hints. Context,there must be a proper distance between your eyes and the reading material.I think browsing is an important step while you are doing you reading comprehension.Some students begin to read at once when he get a reading material,There they watch the first sunrise of the new Year.1. This story is about New Year's Eve in ______.A. EuropeB. Europe and Latin Aucerica.C. Four capital cities.D. Three countries.2. The writer thinks New Year's Eve in Rome is _____.A. interestingB. dullC. noisyD. happy3. The number of grapes that must be take. From each bag is _____.A. one B. twelveC. thirteenD. fourteen4. People in both Spain and Japan spend the New Year's Eve ____.A. throwing things awayB. eating a special foodC. climbing a mountainD. watching the first sunrise5. People climb Mount Fuji on the New Year's morning to ____.A. look for happinessB. meet their friendsC. enjoy the beauty of natureD. do something strange6. People who hope to gain long life from their New Year's food are the ____.A. JapaneseB. SpanishC. ItaliansD. both A and BLook through the questions first. No. 1

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  • 简介:on the other hand the response ability is also another reason.It is clear that the reading speed of a material also affects. About 43% of the students thought that the material was read too fast and they couldn't follow.A lot of students have their own listening habits. Some students often tries to understand each word or each sentence. They will think hard when they meet some difficult words or sentences,you can hardly have a chance to meet it. So I think you should try to let the students be in a language environment.Let the students grasp the phonetic symbol. I think the phonetic symbol is the base. A good intonation and phonetic depends on the base. Oral reading after a radio or a teacher is a good way at the beginning,"Ask me" means that the student must say a question sentence while "Tell me" shows that the student must say a decarative sentence. But before doing this

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