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  • 简介:玩游戏之前,先龄听光碟,留意国画及相关英文生字的读音。请把以下词汇填在适当的空格里,把蓝色格子内的安母组成另一个生字,把这生字写在最下面的格子里。

  • 标签: 小学 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
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  • 简介:TheAncientInhabitantsofXinjiangandTheirOriginSINCECHINAADOPTEDthepolicyofeconomicreformandopeningtotheoutsideworldattheendoft...

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  • 简介:这篇论文为Xinjiang论述geomorphologic区域化的一个方法,与Srtm-DEM(分辨率90m)和为1990的TM图象(分辨率30m)的使用。在geomorphologic类型的解释和分类以后,现在的研究集中

  • 标签: 地理学 地形学 理论 方法 区域性
  • 简介:SincethefoundingofNewChinain1949,accordingtotheConstitutionofthePeople’sRepublicofChina,thecentralgovernmenthasmadeitabasicstatepolicytohelpethnicminorities-inhabitedborderareaswiththeirpolitical,economicandculturaldevelopment,andtoleadalltheethnicgroupsofChinaontotheroadtocommonprosperity.

  • 标签: 新疆 新中国 基本国策 中央政府 少数民族 共同富裕
  • 简介:IDepartmentofThoracic&CardiovascularSurgery,FirstUniversityHospital,WestChinaUniversityofMedicalSciences,Chengdu,Sichuan61004...

  • 标签: 创伤严重度分级 中国 医院 评估
  • 简介:Thispaperpresentsahumandetectionsysteminavision-basedhospitalsurveillanceenvironment.Thesystemiscomposedofthreesubsystems,i.e.backgroundsegmentationsubsystem(BSS),humanfeatureextractionsubsystem(HFES),andhumanrecognitionsubsystem(HRS).ThecodebookbackgroundmodelisappliedintheBSS,thehistogramoforientedgradients(HOG)featuresareusedintheHFES,andthesupportvectormachine(SVM)classificationisemployedintheHRS.Bymeansoftheintegrationofthesesubsystems,thehumandetectioninavision-basedhospitalsurveillanceenvironmentisperformed.Experimentalresultsshowthattheproposedsystemcaneffectivelydetectmostofthepeopleinhospitalsurveillancevideosequences.

  • 标签: 视频监控 人体检测 检测系统 特征提取 支持向量机 子系统
  • 简介:把Niya节的地质的记录基于多索引的合成研究,它具有在Tarim盆的南部的边缘的高分辨率,和在南部的Xinjiang的另外的地质的记录,这篇论文重建了自从大约4.00kaBP,paleoclimatic的历史在这个区域变化。在最后4.00ka期间,南部的Xinjiang的区域经历了相对寒冷湿、相对的温暖干燥的时期的引申。三个显著寒冷湿的时期(4.00-3.45kaBP,2.50-1.90kaBP,ca。1.40?1.00kaBP)并且三个温暖干燥的时期(3.45-2.50kaBP,1.90-1.40kaBP,1.00kaBP礼品)被识别。人的活动在南部的Xinjiang与古气候的进化有一种亲密关系,这被显示出。

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  • 简介:AbstractObjective:The prevalence of midline birth defects, such as gastroschisis, has increased worldwide, over the last few decades. This study aims to explore the prevalence, maternal epidemiological characteristics, and natural history of neonates affected by gastroschisis at the University Hospital of León city, Nicaragua.Methods:Data were collected from the birth defect surveillance system of the Hospital Oscar Danilo Rosales (HEODRA). The analysis included all pregnancies that had gastroschisis complications between January 1 and December 31, 2020. The prevalence of gastroschisis was calculated according to maternal age. The mothers were interviewed, and the clinical records of the newborns were reviewed.Results:Among the 4,460 deliveries included in this study, four cases of gastroschisis were identified, including three live births and one stillbirth. The gastroschisis rate was 8.9 per 10,000 live births (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.18-17.8). The prevalence among mothers younger than 20 years and those older than 20 years was 26.4 (95% CI: -3.43 to 56.25) and 3.01 (95% CI: 2.89-8.90)/10,000 births, respectively. Mothers of gastroschisis-affected fetuses were of rural origin (n = 3), had normal body mass indexes (n = 3), were exposed to tobacco and wood smoke (n = 2), and one was exposed to pesticides during the periconceptional period. Primary closure of the gastroschisis was performed on one patient, and complex gastroschisis for intestinal perforation was observed in another patient. The mean hospitalization duration was 33 days, and two patients were discharged alive.Conclusions:Gastroschisis was a significant birth defect among children delivered at HEODRA in 2020. Its prevalence in Nicaragua was higher than that in other countries in the region. All complicated pregnancies were young women with unplanned pregnancies, from rural areas, with exposure to secondhand smoke, and without vitamin supplements before or during the first trimester of pregnancy. Only 67% of infants survived after hospital discharge.

  • 标签: Environmental exposures Gastroschisis Preterm deliveries