简介:instrumental motivation is generally characterized by the desire to obtain something practical or concrete from the study of a second language. An instrumental motivation seems to be the major force determining success in the second language learning.While both integrative and instrumental motivation are essential elements of success,and relatedness. Self-determination theory is one of the most comprehensive cognitive motivation theories. It examines both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and describes a continuum of increasing self-determination that begins with extrinsic motivation and ends in intrinsic motivation. Many variables of self-determination theory are really sources of intrinsic motivation.To summarize,students will be intrinsically motivated. Teachers are important in promoting intrinsic motivation and need to take effective measures to sustain students intrinsic motivation.2.2.3 Indirect long-range motivation and direct short-range motivationIndirect long-range motivation bears no direct relationship with learning activities. It emphasizes results and value of learning activities