简介:AbstractIntroduction:Erosive adenomatosis of the nipple is a rare benign lesion involving nipple which can be easily misdiagnosed as more ominous entities such as Pagets disease.Here we reported a case of erosive adenomatosis on the nipple masquerading as paget’s disease.Case presentation:A 21-year-old woman presented with a 6-year history of breast erythema involving her left nipple with tenderness and mild itching. The nipple appeared rough and thickened with areas of erosion and fissuring. Physical examination of other areas of breast as well as imaging studies including ultrasound and mammography showed no abnormalities. The histological examination reveal adiagnosis of erosive adenomatosis of nipple (EAN). The patient was treated by a simple surgical excision without complications and recurrence during 9-month follow-up.Discussion:In the early stage, it can mimic eczema, but in the later stage, more serious diagnosis such as Pagets disease should be differential. It is diagnosed by histopathological examination. Surgical excision is an optimal choice for treament with or without plastic reconstruction.Conclusion:EAN should be considered in the diagnosis of erythema and erosion lesions involving nipple. The gold standard for diagnosis is histopathological examination. A prompt and correct diagnosis of EAN can avoid both unnecessary over treatment and patients emotional stress.
简介:Asperger’s综合征是儿童广泛发育障碍中的一种类型。也称之为“高功能孤独症”。国内报告甚少,尤其是具有典型临床表现的病例更少。1 临床表现患者为14岁男孩初中三年级学生,因行为异常数年就诊。该患儿小时候电视只看广告及天气预报节目,自6岁上学起就不守纪律,上课时不听讲,行为如在家一般,为所欲为。不与同学玩,无论什么东西都爱闻,经常将手放至眼前翻动。至今在校时与同学、老师几乎不说话,提问时无论懂与不懂,都不出声,只静静地站着或嘟哝嘴。毫无是非感,根本不知道什么事能做,什么事不能做,经常在别人书上乱图、乱画。曾经连续三天上课时将同学的水杯放在裤档里直接拉尿,老
简介:摘要:目的:观察分析内镜附件 7s管理效果。方法:我院自 2018年 1月起开始在内镜附件管理中采用 7s管理模式,将 2018年 1-12月期间的内镜附件管理情况作为观察组、 2017年 1-12月期间的内镜附件管理情况作为对照组,观察对比两组的内镜附件检查质量评分和拿取内镜附件用时,同时调查对比两组医护人员的满意度评分。结果:对比两组的内镜附件检查质量评分显示观察组明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义( P< 0.05)。对比两组的拿取内镜附件用时显示观察组明显短于对照组,差异具有统计学意义( P< 0.05)。对比两组医护人员的满意度评分显示观察组均明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义( P< 0.05)。结论:在内镜附件管理中采用 7s管理模式的管理质量更高,值得推广。