简介:【摘要】当前,各中小型民营企业人才流失问题严重,这大大增加了企业的运营成本,同时,也会降低客户的满意度,影响企业的长远发展和运营绩效。此外,频繁的人才流失也会影响在岗员工的士气。为了解决企业人才流失的问题,论文通过分析云南绿源绿色食品有限公司的现状,追根溯源,部析人才流失的根源,提出了解决人才流失问题的方法。 【 Absrtact】 At present, the brain drain of small and medium-sized private enterprises is a serious problem, which greatly increases the operation cost of enterprises, at the same time, it will reduce customer satisfaction and affect the long-term development and operation performance of enterprises. In addition, frequent brain drain will also affect the morale of on-the-job employees. In order to solve the problem of brain drain in enterprises, the paper analyzes the current situation of Yunnan Lvyuan Green Food Limited Company, traces back to the source, analyzes the root cause of the brain drain, and puts forward the solutions to solve the problem of brain drain.