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500 个结果
  • 简介:U波是心电图中较小的波,近年来越来越受到临床的重视,特别是U波振幅显著增高,颅似高钾引起的高尖T波时,因两者治疗预后及临床意义回然不同,故应仔细辨认。例1患者男性,42岁,临床诊断:急性胃肠炎。血钾2.2mmol/L,ECC:(图1A)多导联ST段下移,U波高耸,V3达0.95mv,T与之融合,不易区分,Q—U间期0.52s,ECC诊断:低血钾。补钾治疗5天后,血钾升至5.1mmol/L,ECC(图1B)巨大U波消失。

  • 标签: 心电图 巨大U波 T波 鉴别诊断
  • 简介:甲:大家好!我是电源的外特性图线,反映电源自身的性质,具有丰富的内涵.请看(如图1):

  • 标签: 对话 图象 电源
  • 简介:被互联网'宠坏'的一代开始成为职场主力。他们是'85后'和'90后',年龄在20到30岁之间,人称'新生代'。这一代人身上有着很强的互联网印记,最明显的一点是,他们将自己变成即插即拔的'U盘',一不高兴便随时走人,另寻连接。而市场上也总有这样那样的机会,等待他们去冒险。有数据显示:新生代员工工作不满一年就跳槽的高达56%,一到两年内更换工作的也有25%。有人曾经算了一笔账:流失一名重要员工或者重要岗位上的人才,企业至少需投入2个月时间、4个月的薪金才可以找到新的合适人选。

  • 标签: 新生代员工 管理者 人力资源平台 员工心理
  • 简介:摘要本文根据灌区工程现状和渠道量水设施存在问题,通过介绍U型抛物线形量水槽的结构与优点、相关数据确定、适用条件以及制做方法,总结其在灌区应用和推广,为灌区完善量水计水设施提供参考和借鉴。

  • 标签: 灌区 渠道 U型量水槽 应用
  • 简介:一台TCL施耐德U3进水后,显示屏无灯光,键盘灯都不亮,查限流电阻已发霉,清洗后不行,更换背光灯控制管N702,故障排除。N702位置如图所示。

  • 标签: 背光灯 TCL 显示屏 限流电阻 进水 灯光
  • 简介:故障现象:U盘插入电脑,提示“无法识别的设备”。故障分析解决:对于此现象,首先的一点说明U盘的电路基本正常,而只是跟电脑通信方面有故障,而对于通信方面有以下几点要检查:

  • 标签: 电脑 U盘 识别 设置 故障现象 故障分析
  • 简介:or requirements to conduct research and development in China. ANTIDUMPING AND SUBSIDIES METHODOLOGY The agreed protocol provisions ensure that American firms and workers will have strong protection against unfair trade practices including dumping and subsidies. The U.S. and China have agreed that we will be able to maintain our current antidumping methodology (treating China as a non-market economy) in future anti-dumping cases. This provision will remain in force for 15 years after China's accession to the WTO. Moreover,no restrictions). BANKING Currently foreign banks are not permitted to do local currency business with Chinese clients (a few can engage in local currency business with their foreign clients). China imposes severe geographic restrictions on the establishment of foreign banks. China has committed to full market access in five years for U.S. banks. Foreign banks will be able to conduct local currency business with Chinese enterprises starting 2 years after accession. Foreign banks will be able to conduct local currency business with Chinese individuals from 5 years after accession. Foreign banks will have the same rights (national treatment) as Chinese banks within designated geographic areas. Both geographic and customer restrictions will be removed in five years. Non-bank financial companies can offer auto financing upon accession. SECURITIES China will permit minority foreign-owned joint ventures to engage in fund management on the same terms as Chinese firms. By three years after accession,related investment measures. These provisions will also help protect American firms against forced technology transfers. China has agreed that

  • 标签:
  • 简介:在高中物理《恒定电流》一章里,有不少复杂的计算.但在我们学习了伏安特性曲线后.便充分应用该图象来求解,一方面使复杂的运算得到简化,另一方面又培养了学生的抽象思维能力,取得事半功倍的效果。下面就直接运用U-I图象解决物理问题做一些探讨。

  • 标签: 电路问题 图象 巧用 《恒定电流》 伏安特性曲线 抽象思维能力
  • 简介:UpontheinvitationbytheRefractoriesAssociationofGreatBritain,DMGMidiaLtd,UnitecCeramicsLtd,LAEISBucherGmbHandNaberthermCeramicsLtd,theAssociationofChinaRefractoriesIndustry(ACRI)dispatchedadelegationconsistedoftenpersonstopayanofficialvisitattheaboveorganizationsandcompaniesduringOctober9thto25th,2001.Thefollowingarethehighlights.

  • 标签: 德国 中国 耐火材料工业 陶瓷 英国 金属工业
  • 简介:一个小小的螺丝钉虽不起眼.但在某些时候却能做得比原子弹更好.至少在1960年5月1日是这样的。那一天正是美机U-2飞机被苏联击落的日子。

  • 标签: U-2 前苏联 飞机 击落 美国 原子弹
  • 简介:IntheChineseacademiccircles,thestudyofChina-U.Srelationshasachievedtremendousprogressafternearly30years'endeavor.Thisisnodoubtgratifying.Inrecentyears,theUnitedStateshasputforwardthenewconceptof'stakeholder'and,basedonit,definedChina-U.S.relationsinthe21stcentury.Thetermof'stakeholder'waswrittenintothe2006editionoftheU.S.

  • 标签: 中美关系 人权 台湾问题 贸易平衡 发展趋势
  • 简介:1999年,朗科公司研发出了全球第一款USB闪存盘(U盘),成功启动了全球闪存盘行业。它的问世大大提高了办公效率,使人们生活更加便捷!它可以用于存储照片、资料和影像,虽然体积“娇小”,但储存量却不可小觑。实用性非常强!

  • 标签: U盘 排行榜 USB闪存盘 销售 朗科公司 办公效率
  • 简介:DEC-U360数码相机采用全金属外壳,银色的色彩措配,由于DEC-U360采用了变焦内置设计,没有了传统数码相机那种臃肿和两边不对称的感觉,流线设计彰显紧密简约,不管从哪个角度来看,DEC-U360既显时尚.又不失庄重。在开机键的设计上也一改传统的“Power”按键模式,实行滑盖开机.功能键也换了新面孔,四方向键没有了,取而代之的是五向摇杆键。

  • 标签: 数码相机 DEC-U360 Power 金属外壳 流线设计 不对称
  • 简介:微星U210X是基于AMDYukon平台的上网笔记本。它拥有靓丽的外形、轻巧的机身、舒适的键盘,是移动上网一族的新宠。

  • 标签: 移动上网 微星 双核 笔记本 键盘
  • 简介:or requirements to conduct research and development in China. ANTIDUMPING AND SUBSIDIES METHODOLOGY The agreed protocol provisions ensure that American firms and workers will have strong protection against unfair trade practices including dumping and subsidies. The U.S. and China have agreed that we will be able to maintain our current antidumping methodology (treating China as a non-market economy) in future anti-dumping cases. This provision will remain in force for 15 years after China's accession to the WTO. Moreover,no restrictions). BANKING Currently foreign banks are not permitted to do local currency business with Chinese clients (a few can engage in local currency business with their foreign clients). China imposes severe geographic restrictions on the establishment of foreign banks. China has committed to full market access in five years for U.S. banks. Foreign banks will be able to conduct local currency business with Chinese enterprises starting 2 years after accession. Foreign banks will be able to conduct local currency business with Chinese individuals from 5 years after accession. Foreign banks will have the same rights (national treatment) as Chinese banks within designated geographic areas. Both geographic and customer restrictions will be removed in five years. Non-bank financial companies can offer auto financing upon accession. SECURITIES China will permit minority foreign-owned joint ventures to engage in fund management on the same terms as Chinese firms. By three years after accession,related investment measures. These provisions will also help protect American firms against forced technology transfers. China has agreed that

  • 标签:
  • 简介:trading rights and distribution services will be progressively phased in over three years. China will also open up sectors related to distribution services,and domestic and international services in six years. China will permit 50 percent foreign equity share for value-added and paging services two years after accession,as well as barriers such as quotas and licenses on U.S. products. TARIFFS Tariffs cut from an average of 24.6 percent to an average of 9.4 percent overall and 7.1 percent on U.S. priority products. China will participate in the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and eliminate all tariffs on products such as computers

  • 标签: