Maxillofacial synovial sarcoma - a clinical study
The clinical study on preferred reconstruction means of the oral and maxillofacial soft tissue defects with flap
Clinical analysis of the spectrum of disease in the parotid region
Effect of clinical and pathological characteristics of OSCC on Dendritic cells in the peripheral blood
MicroRNA expression profiles in tongue squamous cell carcinoma and clinical significance
Expression and clinical significance of antiapoptosis gene XIAP in tongue squamous cell carcinoma
Clinical outcome of dental implants placed into fibula free flap for orofacial reconstruction
The study of the influence of immunologic function of oral cancer and tumor bearing mice by thermochemotherapy
A clinic study of direct arterial infusion for oral and maxillofacial squamous cell carcinoma
Randomized controlled study of immunotherapy with OK-432 after curative surgery for oral cancer