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500 个结果
  • 简介:it is affected by many elements One of the elements is their English speaking ability.. So it demands the English teachers in junior schools to develop the student's speaking ability. So also it is necessary for the teachers to help the students develop the ability of speaking.I have observed the students’ speaking English since I became a teacher. I find many students often can speak well in class or in a relaxed occasion. But when I invite some foreign teachers to talk to them,but both some teachers and students don’t find it yet. So they aren’t able to emphasize the speaking English during the teaching. Little by little,speaking、communication、ability、middle school、English teaching.

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  • 简介:1996). Students who have strong learning motivation take a correct and positive attitude towards study and make great efforts to master English with clear goal and desire and consequently gain better grade than those who haven’t acquired motivation and those students usually regard English learning as a heavy and boring burden. It is true that motivation is such a basic factor in language learning that no teacher could avoid being concerned with students’ motivation. So it is necessary to understand motivation more deeply,the learners have a desire in which is a drive to persist in English learning. It is true that two students sit next to each other in a class. They look alike and are similar in ability,motivation is very important to English learning.BodyⅠ. Theoretical rationale1. Definition of motivationA) In the term of psychologyB) In language learning2. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivationA) Definition of intrinsic motivationB) Definition of extrinsic motivationC) Relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation3. Personal factors in motivation A) Motivation and arousal B) Motivation and needs C) Motivation and beliefs D) Motivation and goals Ⅱ. Ways to motivate students in English learning1. Using various and interesting activities2. Involving new and effective techniques3. High expectation and using rewards appropriately4. Create a relaxed and positive learning climate 5. Cooperative activities6. Providing opportunities for students to experience successConclusion 

  • 标签:
  • 作者: 佚名
  • 学科: 军事
  • 创建时间:2019-11-14
  • 简介:中国史学发展中,在中国传统史学中发展最充分,使中国的传统史学随着封建专制制度的发展

  • 标签: 史学文献
  • 简介:直接设立分公司是外资保险公司进入中国市场的最优选择,那些对中国保险市场已经有一定了解并且积累了成熟经验的外资保险公司 (比如从1992年就进入上海的美国友邦保险公司)才敢于承担设立全资分公司的经营风险,作为最早进入上海的外资保险公司

  • 标签: 保险中国 洋保险
  • 简介:七、表示因果关系 and连接两个动词或两个分句,六、表示动作上的伴随关系 and连接两个动词,Come early and you will see him.=If you come early

  • 标签: 理解表达
  • 简介:或者一个至上完满的存在体的观念,而是我所以有时弄错是由于上帝给了我去分辨真和假的能力对我来说并不是无限的,如果他没有给我弄错的能力③

  • 标签: 真理错误
  • 简介:他们分别涉及到好莱坞的歌舞电影、励志型的舞蹈电影、介绍舞种的舞蹈电影、音乐电视中的舞蹈、舞蹈作品当中的投影影像、舞蹈排练厅中的排练影像、为了编舞而做的舞蹈录像笔记等等,  诸多的舞蹈影像展或是舞蹈电影节更是推动了舞蹈录影的发展,舞蹈录影把舞台舞蹈和电影交融出了一种新的艺术形式

  • 标签: 数字化舞蹈
  • 简介:税法对国有商业银行与股份制银行的同一业务也有着不同规定,金融税收行政管理要求审批的事项过多,呆账准备金计提规定不仅增加了不良资产的处置成本

  • 标签: 改不行 税制改 金融税制
  • 简介:express the meaning of the original. Free translation is a skill which translators must know the culture of both source language and target language,use free translation.3.2 Don not add personal enmotion to the original works.3.3 Free translation skill needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language.,if possible.2.2 Literal translation≠word-for-word translation.2.3 Some sentences should not translate literally.3. How to use free translation properly

  • 标签:
  • 简介:既然君子尚且不能全部实践孔子的道德理想,孔子始终是把君子阶层看成是道德实践的主体,  二.君子成仁之路与权力的占有   孔子道德的实践主体是君子

  • 标签: 孔子道德 思想批判 道德思想
  • 简介:本工程VAV系统的设计采用,3.标准层写字间全部采用变风量空调系统(简称VAV系统),尚无一个工程采用VAV系统

  • 标签: 大厦空调 空调设计
  • 简介:  【关键词】混合资本债券 长期次级债券 资本补充渠道 发行定价    一、混合资本债券与长期次级债券比较    《巴塞尔资本协议》按照资本质量及弥补损失的能力,    二、混合资本债券为大量非上市银行提供了新的资本补充渠道    对于少数上市银行来说,发行混合资本债券是大量非上市商业银行补充资本的可取选择

  • 标签: 混合资本 资本债券
  • 简介:认真备课对教学十分重要,备教法的同时要备学生,备学生

  • 标签: 英语教学小结
  • 简介:在理解和翻译该行独白时,[摘 要] 莎剧《哈姆莱特》中的著名独白,我国的莎剧翻译家对这段著名独白的理解和翻译也颇为不一

  • 标签: Tobe is notto
  • 作者: 佚名
  • 学科: 军事
  • 创建时间:2019-03-04
  • 简介:顾炎武的15题悼友诗中,悼友诗作为顾炎武的,顾炎武以这句诗概括了他作为遗民的决心

  • 标签: 遗民世界
  • 简介:    一、服饰是生产水平的直接反映    活生生的服饰能够形象地再现人类从,服饰生产水平社会礼仪思想情感学科互渗    服饰是人类特有的劳动成果,另外服饰还是某个社会集团的标志

  • 标签: 服饰文明 透过服饰
  • 简介:a. adapt the existing English signs,is a well-tested principle for the translation of the public sign.,then is a technical term for the aim or purpose of a translation…an action (which) leads to a result

  • 标签:
  • 简介:如果空间系统中连接值高的空间,构形分析首先要把空间系统转化为节点及其相互连接组成的关系图解,空间句法关于凸状要

  • 标签: 再空间 空间句法