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《价值工程》
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2014年11期
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基于多元回归分析的高星级酒店员工满意度研究
基于多元回归分析的高星级酒店员工满意度研究
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摘要
摘要院酒店员工满意度问题一直受到业界和学界的普遍关注。本文通过对长沙市高星级酒店进行调查,获得基础数据,采用多元回归分析研究酒店员工满意度的影响因素,研究结果发现晋升机会对员工满意度的影响最大,其次是薪酬,而工作本身对员工满意度的影响在统计意义上并不显著。
0dpr56exj2/3583293
作者
王华丽
机构地区
ResearchontheHighStarHotelStaffSatisfactionBasedonMultipleRegressionAnalysis:TakingtheHighStarHotelsinChangshaforExample王华丽WANGHua-li(长沙职业技术学院,长沙410217)(ChangshaVocationalandTechnicalCollege,Changsha410217,China)
出处
《价值工程》
2014年11期
关键词
Abstract
The
hotel
staff
satisfaction
has
been
watched
keenly
by
the
hotel
industry
and
the
academia.
In
this
paper
throughinvestigation
to
the
high
star
hotels
in
Changsha
the
basic
data
are
obtained
and
multiple
regression
analysis
is
used
to
study
theinfluencing
factors
of
hotel
staff
satisfaction.
The
results
indicate
that
promotion
prospect
has
the
largest
impact
on
employee
satisfaction
followed
by
compensation
and
the
influence
of
work
itself
is
not
significant
in
statistical
sense.院员工满意度
高星级酒店
多元回归分析
长沙市Key
words
staff
satisfaction
high
star
hotel
multiple
regression
analysis
Changsha
city中图分类号院F719
F272.92
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)31-0206-02
分类
[经济管理][企业管理]
出版日期
2014年11月21日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
相关文献
屠纯国.
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孙长玉,郭冉冉.
红颜容木桶酒店员工满意度提升策略研究
.,2024-09.
刘锐.
基于动机理论的星级酒店员工满意度测度与诊断——以句容余坤开元酒店为例
.教育学,2016-04.
刘晓炎.
浅谈我国酒店员工满意度管理现状及对策
.文化科学,2019-10.
范晔.
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阚志霞;徐喆.
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.旅游管理,2017-07.
章雪莉.
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.职业技术教育学,2015-01.
李慧.
酒店员工高流失率的现状和对策研究
.政治经济学,2016-12.
李卉.
浅谈酒店员工意识
.企业管理,2005-04.
艾静.
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.产业经济,2009-04.
来源期刊
价值工程
2014年11期
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Abstract
The
hotel
staff
satisfaction
has
been
watched
keenly
by
the
hotel
industry
and
the
academia.
In
this
paper
throughinvestigation
to
the
high
star
hotels
in
Changsha
the
basic
data
are
obtained
and
multiple
regression
analysis
is
used
to
study
theinfluencing
factors
of
hotel
staff
satisfaction.
The
results
indicate
that
promotion
prospect
has
the
largest
impact
on
employee
satisfaction
followed
by
compensation
and
the
influence
of
work
itself
is
not
significant
in
statistical
sense.院员工满意度
高星级酒店
多元回归分析
长沙市Key
words
staff
satisfaction
high
star
hotel
multiple
regression
analysis
Changsha
city中图分类号院F719
F272.92
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)31-0206-02
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