简介: 摘 要:医院内的许多医疗活动,如各项检查等都需要依赖医疗设备,随着医学技术的发展,设备类型也逐渐增多,所以现阶段医院的一项重要的工作就是医疗设备的维护与维修。近几年,在医学技术不断改革的背景下,医疗设备与过去相比有了更高的技术含量,运行过程中设备的潜在问题变得十分隐秘,大大增加了维修难度。在维护与维修医院医疗设备时,必须实现维修模式的多元化,共享资源,才能使设备的维护与维修水平不断提高。文章分析了目前维修与维护医院医疗设备中的困难与挑战,探讨了有效的维护维修策略与实施模式。 关键词:医院医疗设备 困难 维修维护策略 模式 Abstract: many medical activities in hospitals, such as examinations, all need to rely on medical equipment. With the development of medical technology, the type of equipment is also increasing. Therefore, an important work of the hospital is maintenance and repair of medical equipment at this stage. In recent years, under the background of continuous reform of medical technology, medical equipment has higher technology content than before. During operation, the potential problems of equipment become very secretive, which greatly increases the difficulty of maintenance. When maintaining and maintaining hospital medical equipment, we must realize diversification of maintenance mode and share resources, so that the level of maintenance and repair of equipment will be continuously improved. This paper analyzes the difficulties and challenges in the maintenance and maintenance of hospital medical equipment, and discusses the effective maintenance strategy and implementation mode.
简介:摘要: 医疗设备档案管理是医院管理中的一个重要组成部分,是设备管理的基础,其管理水平直接影响到医院的医疗质量和技术水平,所以加强医疗设备档案管理是极其重要的。近几年来,我院把医疗设备管理作为医院综合档案管理的一个重要部分,落实措施,重点加强环节管理,使医疗设备档案在医院工作中发挥了较好的作用。