简介:摘要本文分析目前脊柱外科实习医师学习现状并总结其存在的问题,结合对脊柱区解剖结构及功能的回顾,阐述了Essential Anatomy软件在脊柱外科带教实习医师教学中的应用及其优势。该软件界面友好、操作简单、内容真实、模型直观可视,并可提供视频及刃切功能,使原本复杂抽象的脊柱区解剖实习内容变得新颖形象,极大地加深了实习医师对脊柱区结构、功能、运动及其疾患发病机制的理解,同时很好地调动了实习医师学习的兴趣性和主动性,更好地提高了临床实习效果。
简介:摘 要 :本文以石头河区域鹦鸽站为例,对 SSXT-SQ-02型土壤水分监测仪与人工烘干法的同步监测资料进行应用分析,结果表明:土层深度 10cm绝对误差的平均值 δ为 0.753%, 20cm绝对误差的平均值 δ为 0.878%, 10cm绝对误差的平均值 δ为 0.753%,平均绝对误差的平均值 δ为 0.795%均小于实验室条件下为 δ≤2%,野外条件 δ≤4%,符合规范要求。表明 SSXT-SQ-02型土壤水分监测仪可为土壤墒情监测工作提供有效的技术支撑,可在生产中的到应用。
简介:【内容摘要】 作文历来是语文教学中的老大难问题,要使学生的文章亮丽动人绝非易事,为此必须从观察、拟题、选准切入角度、注重语言积累和语感训练、掌握一定的写作技巧等方面狠下工夫。
简介:AbstractBackground:Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 46 (Zbtb46) is a transcription factor identified in classical dendritic cells, and maintains dendritic cell quiescence in a steady state. Zbtb46 has been reported to be a negative indicator of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We found that Zbtb46 was expressed at a relatively higher level in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) compared to mature cells, and higher in AML cells compared to normal bone marrow (BM) cells. However, the role of Zbtb46 in HSPCs and AML cells remains unclear. Therefore, we sought to elucidate the effect of Zbtb46 in normal hematopoiesis and AML cells.Methods:We generated Zbtb46fl/fl and Zbtb46fl/flMx1-Cre mice. The deletion of Zbtb46 in Zbtb46fl/flMx1-Cre mice was induced by intraperitoneal injection of double-stranded poly (I). poly (C) (poly(I:C)), and referred as Zbtb46 cKO. After confirming the deletion of Zbtb46, the frequency and numbers of HSPCs and mature blood cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. Serial intraperitoneal injection of 5-fluorouracil was administrated to determine the repopulation ability of HSCs from Zbtb46fl/fl and Zbtb46 cKO mice. The correlation between Zbtb46 expression and prognosis was analyzed using the data from the Cancer Genome Atlas. To investigate the role of Zbtb46 in AML cells, we knocked down the expression of Zbtb46 in THP-1 cells using lentiviral vectors expressing small hairpin RNAs targeting Zbtb46. Cell proliferation rate was determined by cell count assay. Cell apoptosis and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation were determined by flow cytometry.Results:The percentages and absolute numbers of HSPCs and mature blood cells were comparable in Zbtb46 cKO mice and its Zbtb46fl/fl littermates (Zbtb46fl/flvs. Zbtb46 cKO, HPC: 801,310 ± 84,282 vs. 907,202 ± 97,403, t = 0.82, P = 0.46; LSK: 86,895 ± 7802 vs. 102,210 ± 5025, t = 1.65, P = 0.17; HSC: 19,753 ± 3116 vs. 17,608 ± 3508, t = 0.46, P = 0.67). The repopulation ability of HSCs from Zbtb46fl/flMx1-Cre mice was similar to those from Zbtb46fl/fl control (P = 0.26). Zbtb46 had elevated expression in AML cells compared to total BM cells from normal control. Knockdown of Zbtb46 in THP-1 cells led to a significant increase in cell apoptosis and reduced cell growth and proliferation.Conclusion:Collectively, our data indicate that Zbtb46 is essential for survival and proliferation of AML cells, but dispensable for normal hematopoiesis.
简介:【摘要】目的:分析研究丁香酚、小檗碱与氟康唑协调抗耐药白念珠菌的作用,为验证两种中药单体抗真菌及逆转耐药作用提供参考及借鉴。方法:采集 2017年 8月 ~2018年 7月外阴阴道念珠菌病患者菌株,筛选耐药真菌 20株,并对菌株分别给予氟康唑、丁香酚联合氟康唑、小檗碱联合氟康唑,观察分析不同情况作用于耐药白念珠菌后真菌结构变化,并判断联合用药是否为协同作用。结果:真菌结构变化:丁香酚联合组及小檗碱联合组均出现细胞的空泡现象及线粒体空泡,细胞壁消失更多,靠近细胞膜处有不明物质堆积且与细胞质界限清楚,且出现包浆肿胀现象。真菌细胞膜麦角甾醇含量下降。丁香酚与氟康唑、小檗碱与氟康唑均为协同抗药作用,协同指数 FICI< 0.05。结论:丁香酚、小檗碱与氟康唑联合针对耐药白念珠菌具有协同抑菌作用,可以起到抗真菌及逆转耐药作用。