/ 25
500 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:This survey was designed to understand the misconceptions about labor epidurals.Methods:This voluntary and anonymous online survey on wenjuan.com was conducted from September 1st, 2015 to January 1st, 2016 via mainly WeChat groups dedicated to perinatal healthcare providers in China. The questionnaire included items inquiring the knowledge and opinions about labor epidural analgesia related to maternal complications, baby safety, and effect on laboring. Incomplete surveys were excluded from the data analysis. The data was presented as percentages and a Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test, as appreciate, was used to quantitatively compare the results.Results:A total of 1412 respondents completed surveys with 42.9% (606/1412) of them being anesthesiologists, 35.1% (495/1412) being obstetricians, 11.8% (167/1412) being midwives, 3.7% (52/1412) being labor and delivery nurses, and 6.5% (92/1412) being hospital administrators and unspecified. The study revealed a lack of knowledge in labor pain control. Although 82.4% (1164/1412) of respondents were familiar with labor epidural analgesia, 8.9% (126/1412) did not know how it works, and 1.1% (15/1412) never heard it in a multiple-choice question. The three main groups (anesthesiologists, obstetricians, and midwives/labor and delivery nurses) were chosen for comparisons. Opinions among these three groups concerning five questions in the three main concerns were evaluated using a statistical significance of P<0.05.Conclusion:The results in our survey indicated an urgent need of continuing medical education to multidisciplinary specialties to improve evidence-based medical practices as these misconceptions have existed for over 10 years in the medical professionals. Lack of public awareness fueled by misconceptions related to labor epidural analgesia may be associated with a lack of professional knowledge. Correct knowledge in professionals needs to be disseminated to the public in order to dispel possible misconceptions and rumors about labor epidural analgesia. This would not only enhance patient understanding of their care but also improve maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes.

  • 标签: Education medical continuing Labor epidural analgesia Patient awareness Questionnaire
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Zoonoses are public health threats that cause severe damage worldwide. Zoonoses constitute a key indicator of One Health (OH) and the OH approach is being applied for zoonosis control programmes of zoonotic diseases. In a very recent study, we developed an evaluation system for OH performance through the global OH index (GOHI). This study applied the GOHI to evaluate OH performance for zoonoses in sub-Saharan Africa.Methods:The framework for the OH index on zoonoses (OHIZ) was constructed including five indicators, 15 subindicators and 28 datasets. Publicly available data were referenced to generate the OHIZ database which included both qualitative and quantitative indicators for all sub-Sahara African countries (n = 48). The GOHI algorithm was used to estimate scores for OHIZ. Indicator weights were calculated by adopting the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process.Results:Overall, five indicators associated with weights were generated as follows: source of infection (23.70%), route of transmission (25.31%), targeted population (19.09%), capacity building (16.77%), and outcomes/case studies (15.13%). Following the indicators, a total of 37 sub-Sahara African countries aligned with OHIZ validation, while 11 territories were excluded for unfit or missing data. The OHIZ average score of sub-Saharan Africa was estimated at 53.67/100. The highest score was 71.99 from South Africa, while the lowest score was 40.51 from Benin. It is also worth mentioning that Sub-Sahara African countries had high performance in many subindicators associated with zoonoses, e.g., surveillance and response, vector and reservoir interventions, and natural protected areas, which suggests that this region had a certain capacity in control and prevention or responses to zoonotic events.Conclusions:This study reveals that it is possible to perform OH evaluation for zoonoses in sub-Saharan Africa by OHIZ. Findings from this study provide preliminary research information in advancing knowledge of the evidenced risks to strengthen strategies for effective control of zoonoses and to support the prevention of zoonotic events.

  • 标签: One Health index One Health performance Zoonoses Sub-Saharan Africa
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Being able to predict with confidence the early onset of type 2 diabetes from a suite of signs and symptoms (features) displayed by potential sufferers is desirable to commence treatment promptly. Late or inconclusive diagnosis can result in more serious health consequences for sufferers and higher costs for health care services in the long run.Methods:A novel integrated methodology is proposed involving correlation, statistical analysis, machine learning, multi-K-fold cross-validation, and confusion matrices to provide a reliable classification of diabetes-positive and -negative individuals from a substantial suite of features. The method also identifies the relative influence of each feature on the diabetes diagnosis and highlights the most important ones. Ten statistical and machine learning methods are utilized to conduct the analysis.Results:A published data set involving 520 individuals (Sylthet Diabetes Hospital, Bangladesh) is modeled revealing that a support vector classifier generates the most accurate early-onset type 2 diabetes status predictions with just 11 misclassifications (2.1% error). Polydipsia and polyuria are among the most influential features, whereas obesity and age are assigned low weights by the prediction models.Conclusion:The proposed methodology can rapidly predict early-onset type 2 diabetes with high confidence while providing valuable insight into the key influential features involved in such predictions.

  • 标签: error analysis key feature influences multi-K-fold cross-validation symptom importance type 2 diabetes screening
  • 简介:Nomatterwhereheisandwhathedoes,Dr.Shenalwaysconsidershimselfasadevotedresearcher,andholdstoughmindthathewillgofurtheralongthemedicineinnovation,headingforthehealthandhappinessofhumanbeing.

  • 标签: 健康 医疗卫生行业 医生 个人卫生
  • 简介:有在吃并且煮的质量的重要差别的四个装饰用的梨树米饭变化在实验被使用。变化在充满阶段的不同谷物在直链淀粉和胶淀粉内容显示出差别,它在充满阶段的不同谷物被归因于淀粉的积聚的速度。在充满时期的谷物期间,变化没在ADPglocosepyrophosphorylase(AGPP)和最可溶的拱门合成(SSS)的活动到达了最大值的时间有差别,但是在淀粉分叉酶(SBE)的活动到达了最大值的时间有差别,在哪个劣等的优秀变化比高质量的早,并且高质量的变化仍然在谷物充满的最近的年龄使酶活动高。在性质与谷物充满的不同阶段改变了的AGPP,SSS,SBE和直链淀粉内容,胶淀粉内容,味道米价值,和RVA之间的关联和关联词度。在SSS活动和味道米价值之间的关联不在谷物充满的整个时期期间是重要的,但是AGPP和SBE的活动与味道米价值有重要或高度重要的关联。它对改进吃并且装饰用的梨树米饭煮在谷物作为父母在迟了的阶段充满或高酶活动的早阶段与低酶活动使用材料的质量有用。

  • 标签: 籼稻 米质 合成酶 生物活性
  • 简介:Takinghundredsofpiecesofhazardousgeologicalmaps(1:10000)ofThreeGorgesres-ervoirarea(3GR)asbackground,weestablishregionalthree-dimensional(3D)geo-hazardmodelusingDEM(digitalelevationmodel)superposedsurfaceimagesandgeo-hazardselements.Basedonlandslidesandothergeo-hazardsurveydata,usingimprovedB-REP(boundaryrepresenta-tion)entitydatastructure(two-body3Ddatastructure),wesetup3Dsolidmodelsforeachhazardousbodiesineachhazardousgeologicalmaps.Thenweintegratethetwotypesof3Dmodelswithdifferentscalesfromareatopoint,whicharetheregionalgeo-hazard3Dmodelandthesolidmodelsofeachdisasterbody,inordertoprovideavisualprocessingandanalysisplat-formfordangerpartition,stabilityevaluation,disasterpreventionandcontrol,earlywarningandcommand.

  • 标签: 区域地质灾害 三维数据结构 三峡库区 三维实体模型 危险性分区 技术
  • 简介:ThispaperanalyzesthethreemainfundamentalissuesinthedesignofChina’sETSpilots,includingallowanceallocation,pricemechanismandstate-ownedkeyenterprises,andproposedsuggestedsolutions.Fortheissueofallowanceallocation,wesuggestthatthegradualhybridmodecouldbeappliedatthebeginning,whichstartswithmainlyfreeallocationandthenincreasesauctionratiogradually.Andgrandfatheringisasuitablemethodoffreeallocation.Fortheissueofpricemechanism,wesuggestapricefloatingzonewithopenmarketoperationtoreducetheuncertaintyofprices.Fortheissueofstate-ownedkeyenterprises,wesuggestagoodcoordinationwithSASAC,definingthestate-ownedpropertyrightandsupervisionrightwhenstate-ownedkeyenterprisesareinvolvedintothecarbonmarket,andthelocalgovernmentcansetrulesofallocationandtransactiontolimittheirpotentialmarketpower.

  • 标签: ETS pilot ALLOWANCE ALLOCATION price mechanism
  • 简介:对策问题”也可称为“博弈”,主要研究在两个人之间进行的数字游戏(或对弈、比赛)中,如何在遵循规则的前提下。选取一个最佳策略来取得对策的胜利.古时“田忌赛马”就是一个很好的例子.相传,齐国大将田忌很喜欢赛马,有一回,他邀齐威王进行比赛.结果连输三局.齐国军事家孙膑观看了这次赛马的全过程,他认定,如果再次比赛的话,

  • 标签: 策问 “田忌赛马” 数字游戏 比赛 全过程 军事家
  • 简介:摘要目前,随着经济大发展,在中小城市内大量的市政设施也拔地而起,但是相对的,各种相关问题也接踵而来。在中小城市市政设施管理中也存在着问题,本文针对中小城市市政设施的管理现状进行合理化分析,制定一系类相关措施,为市政设施的管理提供参考。从而全面建设中小城市,达到经济建筑全发展。

  • 标签: 市政设施 管理 中小城市 现状 对策
  • 简介:<正>1979年以来,我国农村经济体制进行了根本改革,农民有了经营自主权,国家又较大幅度地提高了农产品的收购价格,加上长期以来在农业基本建设中形成的物质技术基础充分发挥了作用,农村经济出现了前所未有的繁荣景象。特别是粮食生产,从1979年到1984年,仅仅六年时间就由3000亿公斤猛增到4073.1亿公斤,每年以5%的速度增长,以至于1984年下半年出现了农民“卖粮难”的现象。1985年以后的农业形势急转直下,出现了“滑坡”现象,特别是进入1987年,我国农产品普遍短缺,“买粮难”的呼声四起,农副产品的市场供应日趋紧张,农产品的严重短缺,形响了我国的经济稳定,改革的深入发展和人民生活水平的进一步提高。出现这种现象的原因在哪里?

  • 标签: 粮食问题 粮食价格补贴 农民 粮食征购计划 收购价格 农业投资
  • 简介:摘要:幼儿的一些问题行为是幼儿园常见的现象,如偏食、发脾气、遗尿、攻击性行为等。这些存在的问题现象,有的教师看到觉得很常见、很普遍,没有引起足够的重视;有的教师发现了问题的存在,想干预,却又不知道怎么解决。本文从幼儿园实践工作者的角度,通过对幼儿问题行为这一侧面进行观察和分析,探寻幼儿问题行为矫正的基本方法和原则,从而为更好的预防矫正幼儿问题行为提供一定的参考策略和经验。教师通过实践和理论的分析,得出一些结论,提出个人的建议和反思。

  • 标签: 小班幼儿 问题行为 行为习惯 对策
  • 简介:案例马校长所在的A校是一所省级重点中学(初高中尚未分设)。现在市教育局对学校质量的评价标准主要是看该校高考本科进线率,而同类学校B校近几年高考本科进线率明显要超过A校。马校长很是心焦,采取了一系列措施,但是与B校仍有一段不小的差距。后来经人指点,方知B校有一个秘着:每年初升高时预留了一些优秀学生,并给这些学生一笔奖金,高考时这些优秀生便充分发挥了作用。

  • 标签: 中学 校长 学校管理 学校评估 评价标准 案例分析
  • 简介:  罚金刑执行中存在的诸多问题,从某区法院判处罚金刑的案件来看,  一、罚金刑适用存在的问题

  • 标签: 刑问题 罚金刑 问题对策
  • 简介:有法不依、有法难依由于环境保护与经济发展在某种程度上是一对矛盾,要做好环境保护工作,则会对某些行业、企业的经济发展带来一定的限制,需安排一定的资金建设环保工程,就会在一定程度上直接经济效益。因此.要严格贯彻执行环保法律法规,会使一些企业、一部分人、一些地方的直接经济利益受到冲击。环境执法或多或少会遇到阻力,甚至遭到反抗,即“有法难依”。

  • 标签: 环境保护工作 执法问题 直接经济效益 经济发展 环保工程 有法不依
  • 简介:文章分析了目前教育见习中存在的问题,提出教育见习除了作为教育实习和某些课程教学的一个环节之外,还应当纳入小学教师培养课程方案中,作为课程计划中不可缺少的、独立的重要教学实践性课程加以实施,应当把他放在与教育实习、毕业论文等实践性课程同等的地位予以重视:文章还论述了教育见习作为一种实践性课程的实施对策

  • 标签: 教育见习 问题 对策
  • 简介:教学反思能力,是教师的职业要求。尽快提高教学反思能力,需要明确教学反思内容,熟悉教学反思途径,对不同教师群体提出各有侧重的教学反思方向,还需要学校的支持和指导,这样才能使教学反思能力的培养落到实处。

  • 标签: 教学反思 内容 途径 群体 指导