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286 个结果
  • 简介:Background:Motorcompetenceandhealth-relatedfitnessareimportantcomponentsforthedevelopmentandmaintenanceofahealthylifestyleinchildren.Thisstudyexaminedcross-culturalperformancesonmotorcompetenceandhealth-relatedfitnessbetweenPortugueseandU.S.children.Methods:Portuguese(n=508;10.14±2.13years,mean±SD)andU.S.(n=710;9.48±1.62years)childrenperformedtestsofcardiorespiratoryfitness(ProgressiveAerobicCardiovascularEnduranceRun),upperbodystrength(handgrip),locomotorskillperformance(standinglongjump),andobjectprojectionskillperformance(throwingandkicking).PortugueseandU.S.childrenweredividedinto2agegroups(6à9and10à13years)fordataanalysispurposes.Atwoàfactoroneàwayanalysisofcovariance(ANOVA)wasconductedwiththeProgressiveAerobicCardiovascularEnduranceRun,handgrip,standinglongjumpscores,kicking,andthrowingspeed(km/h)asdependentvariables.Results:ResultsindicatedthatPortuguesechildren,irrespectiveofsex,presentedbetterperformancesinlocomotorandcardiorespiratoryperformance(standinglongjumpandProgressiveAerobicCardiovascularEnduranceRun)thanU.S.childreninbothagebands.U.S.childrenoutperformedPortuguesechildrenduringthrowingandhandgriptests.Kickingtestspresentedgenderdifferences:PortugueseboysandU.S.girlsoutperformedtheirinternationallymatchedcounterparts.Conclusion:Culturaldifferencesinphysicaleducationcurriculaandsportsparticipationmayimpactdifferencesinmotorcompetenceandfitnessdevelopmentinthesecountries.

  • 标签: CHILDREN Cross-cultural comparison HEALTH-RELATED FITNESS MOTOR
  • 简介:Anexperimentalstudyonabareflexiblecylinderaswellascylindersfittedwithtwotypesofcross-sectionedhelicalstrakeswascarriedoutinatowingtank.Themainpurposeofthispaperistoinvestigatetheeffectsofstrakes'crosssectiononthevortex-inducedvibrations(VIV)suppressionofaflexiblecylinder.Thesquare-sectionedandroundsectionedhelicalstrakeswereselectedintheexperimentaltests.Theuniformcurrentwasgeneratedbytowingthecylindermodelsalongthetankusingatowingcarriage.TheReynoldsnumberwasintherangeof800–16000.Thestrainresponsesweremeasuredbythestraingagesincross-flow(CF)andin-line(IL)directions.Amodalanalysismethodwasadoptedtoobtainthedisplacementresponsesusingthestrainsignalsindifferentmeasurementpositions.Thecomparisonoftheexperimentalresultsamongthebarecylinder,square-sectionedstrakedcylinderandroundsectionedstrakedcylinderwasperformed.Thehelicalstrakescaneffectivelyreducethestrainamplitude,displacementamplitude,responsefrequenciesanddominantmodesofaflexiblecylinderexcitedbyVIV.Andthemeandragcoefficientsofstrakedcylinderswereapproximatelyconsistentwitheachother.Inaddition,thesquaresectionedandround-sectionedstrakesnearlysharethesimilarVIVreductionbehaviors.Sometimes,thestrakeswithround-sectionrepresentmoreexcellenteffectsontheVIVsuppressionofresponsefrequencythanthosewithsquaresection.

  • 标签: 涡激振动 截面形状 弹性圆柱 螺旋 方形截面
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:Some surgeons believe that chest computed tomography (CT) scan should be used more prudently in management of blunt chest trauma patients. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical predictors of abnormal chest CT scan findings in trauma patients.Methods:This cross-sectional study was conducted on blunt chest trauma patients aged ≥18 years who were referred to the emergency departments of two educational hospitals and underwent chest CT scan. These patients were enrolled in the study using a non-probability sampling method. The exclusion criteria included: class III or IV hemodynamic shock, need for immediate surgical or neurosurgical interventions, penetrating trauma, lack of required information, and pregnancy. Demographic factors, accident details, trauma mechanism, vital signs, and level of consciousness in predicting abnormal chest CT scan findings were evaluated. Analysis was performed using IBM SPSS statistics 21.Results:A total of 977 patients (male 51.5%, female 48.5%) with the mean age of (41.71 ± 14.24) years, range 18-88 years were studied; 34.2% of them with high energy trauma mechanism. With 334 (34.2%) patients had abnormal findings on chest X-ray (CXR) and 332 (34.0%) cases had an abnormal findings on chest CT scan (agreement rate was 99.4%). There was a significant correlation between male gender (p < 0.0001), GCS<15 (p < 0.0001), high energy trauma mechanism (p < 0.0001), unstable hemodynamics (p < 0.01), and clinical signs and symptoms (p < 0.0001) with chest CT findings. Chest wall deformity (odds = 8; p < 0.0001), generalized tenderness (odds = 6.6, p < 0.0001), and decreased cardiac sound (odds = 3.8, p < 0.0001) were the important and independent clinical predictors of abnormal chest CT scan findings.Conclusion:Based on the findings, chest wall deformity, generalized tenderness, decreased cardiac sound, distracting pain, chest wall tenderness, high energy trauma mechanism, male gender, respiratory rate > 20 breathes/min, decreased pulmonary sound, and chest wall crepitation were independent clinical predictors of abnormal chest CT scan findings following blunt trauma.

  • 标签: Multiple injuries Decision support techniques Clinical alarms Thoracic injuries Computed tomography X-ray
  • 简介:A2×2cross/barpolymerelectro-optic(EO)routingswitchisproposed,whichiscomposedoftwopassivechannelwaveguidesandtwoactiveEOpolymermicroringswithbendingradiusofonly13.76μm.Detailedstructure,theoryandformulationareprovidedtocharacterizetheoutputpoweroftheswitch.Forobtainingfundamentalmodepropagation,smallbendinglossandphase-matchingbetweenchannelwaveguideandmicroringresonator(MRR)waveguide,thestructuralparametersareoptimizedunderthewavelengthof1550nm.Analysesandsimulationsonoutputpowerandoutputspectraindicatethataswitchingvoltageof5Visdesiredtorealizetheexchangebetweencrossstateandbarstate,thecrosstalkundercrossstateandthatunderbarstateareabout28.8dBand39.9dB,respectively,andtheinsertionlossesunderthesetwostatesareabout2.42dBand0.13dB,respectively.ComparedwithourfourEOswitchesreportedbefore,thisdevicepossessesultra-compactsizeof0.233mm×0.233mmaswellaslowcrosstalkandinsertionloss,andthereforeitcanserveasagoodcandidateforconstructinglarge-scaleopticalroutersorswitchingarraysinphotonicnetwork-on-chip(NoC).

  • 标签: 路由交换机 聚合物 酒吧 微环 电光 紧凑型
  • 简介:Inthispaper,wemadeasystematicstudyonmorethan40yearsofobservationaldataoftentemporaryfault-crossingmeasurementsitesinthecapitalcircleregionofChina.Wecalculatedhorizontalandvertica1componentsoffaultslip,andhorizontalextensionorcompressioncomponents.Consideringthetectoniccharacteristicsofthecapitalcircleregionandregionalseismicity,weanalyzedthepresentfaultactivityofthecapitalcircleregionandtherelationshipwithearthquakes.Theresultsshowthecomplexityoffaultactivityintheregion:thelevelofactivityofallfaultsislow,mostfaultsareleft-lateralstrike-slipfaults;thereislessverticalactivitythanhorizontalactivityandcrustalmovementiscontrolledbyhorizontalmovement;faultactivityandearthquakeactivityhaveacertainrelationship,regionalfaultactivityincreasesbeforeanearthquake,andfaultactivityhascertainabnormalfeaturesbeforestrongearthquakes.

  • 标签: 区域地震活动 首都圈地区 断层活动 观测数据 中国 跨断层
  • 简介:在2016年第二十届深港澳国际车展上,沃尔沃汽车中国宣布2017款V40和V40CrossCountry越界车(以下简称V40CC)共3种动力配置6款车型上市。2017款V40/V40CC凭借90系同源的北欧魅力设计、智慧科技、顶级安全及纯进口车品质,为拒绝标签、坚持本色、勇于表达的年轻风尚一代,

  • 标签: 沃尔沃汽车 上市 国际车展 动力配置 进口车
  • 作者: Song Shuang Chen Na Duan Yan-Ping Kang Jia Deng Shan Pan Hong-Xin Zhu Lan
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《中华医学杂志(英文版)》 2020年第04期
  • 机构:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China,Department of Psychology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China,Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University, Luohu People’s Hospital, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518001, China.
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:As a congenital malformation that results in infertility and an inability to have vaginal intercourse, Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome places a considerable psychological burden on patients, which results in anxiety symptoms. However, only single case studies or a few small to medium-sized cross-sectional studies were identified to focus on anxiety symptoms in MRKH patients. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore the status of anxiety symptoms and the related factors in patients with MRKH syndrome.Methods:This cross-sectional study involving 141 patients with MRKH syndrome and 178 healthy women was conducted from January 2018 to December 2018. All participants were required to complete a demographic questionnaire and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7), Patient Health Questionnaire-9, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised, Short Scale for Chinese, and Chinese Version of the Female Sexual Function Index. The main outcome was the anxiety symptoms measured by the GAD-7. Main outcome was compared between the MRKH syndrome group and the healthy control group. Then, we explored the related factors by comparing patients with and without anxiety symptoms.Results:Of the respondents, 24.1% experienced moderate to severe anxiety symptoms. Patients with MRKH syndrome manifested more severe anxiety symptoms than healthy women. Negative self-evaluation of femininity (odds ratio [OR] 2.706, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.010-7.247), neurotic personality traits (OR 1.100, 95% CI 1.029-1.175), and coexisting depressive symptoms (OR 4.422, 95% CI 1.498-13.049) were more prevalent in anxious patients.Conclusion:The findings stress the importance of anxiety symptom screening in MRKH patients and identify patients at risk of anxiety symptoms, providing a possible basis for future intervention.

  • 标签: MRKH syndrome Anxiety Risk factors
  • 简介:Ozoneisagreenhousegas.Ozoneabsorptioncrosssectionshavebeenreportedwithdiscrepanciesandinconsistencies.Inthispaper,simultaneouseffectsoftheopticalpathlengthandtemperaturevariationsonozonegasabsorptioncrosssectionsareinvestigatedatdifferentwavelengths.HITRAN2012,thelatestavailablelinelistonspectralcalc.comsimulator,isusedinthisstudytosimulateozonegasabsorptioncrosssectionsinrelationtothesimultaneouseffectsoftheopticalpathlengthandtemperatureatthewavelengthsof603nmand575nm.Resultsobtainedforgascellswiththeopticalpathlengthfrom10cmto120cmshowthatthedecreaseintemperaturesfrom313Kto103Kresultsintheincreaseinozonegasabsorptioncrosssections.Atwavelengthsof603nmand575nm,thepercentageincreaseofozonegasabsorptioncrosssectionsis1.22%and0.71%,respectively.Resultsobtainedinthisstudyshowthatinthevisiblespectrum,atconstantpressure,ozonegasabsorptioncrosssectionsaredependentonthetemperatureandwavelengthbutdonotdependontheopticalpathlength.Analysisinthisworkaddressesdiscrepanciesinozonegasabsorptioncrosssectionsinrelationtothetemperatureinthevisiblespectrum;thus,theresultscanbeappliedtogetoptimalconfigurationofhighaccuracyozonegassensors.

  • 标签: 臭氧气体 吸收截面 温度变化 路径长度 模拟器 波长
  • 简介:ThispaperpresentsaDynamicCross-layerDataQueueManagementapproach(DC-DQM)basedonprioritytoaddresstheprioritydeviationprobleminDelay-TolerantMobileSensorNetworks(DT-MSNs).Receiver-drivendatadeliveryschemeisusedforfastresponsetodatatransfers,andaprioritybasedinteractionmodelisadoptedtoidentifythedatapriority.Threeinteractiveparametersareintroducedtoprioritizeanddynamicallymanagedataqueue.Theexperimentalresultsshowthatitcanamelioratedatadeliveryratioandachievegoodperformanceintermsofaveragedelay.

  • 标签: 移动传感器网络 队列管理 优先级 延迟 层数 数据传输方案
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Changes in thyroid hormone levels are commonly recognized characters among the elderly, which were reported to potentially influence incident frailty. Therefore, we examined the cross-sectional associations of thyroid hormones (THs) with frailty as well as the five components characterizing frailty (fatigue, resistance, ambulation, number of illnesses, and loss of weight) among the oldest-old.Methods:Four hundred and eighty-seven community-dwelling oldest-old from a local community in Haidian District, Beijing, participated in our recruitment campaign between April 2019 and May 2020. The primary outcomes were a definitive diagnosis of frailty according to the FRAIL scale (Fatigue, Resistance, Ambulation, Illnesses, Loss of weight) and a positive score for each frailty subdomain. Demographic information (age, sex, marital status, and educational status), comorbidities, and details on the participants’ lifestyles were recorded. Serum THs including free triiodothyronin (fT3), triiodothyronine (T3), free thyroxine (fT4), and thyroxine (T4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were also measured at the beginning of our study. Logistic regressions were conducted to screen for potential risk factors for frailty and its subdomains.Results:Among the total 487 subjects at enrollment, 60 (12.23%) of them were diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism and 110 (22.59%) of the total population scored positive for frailty. Logistic regression analyses adjusted for all potential confounders, showed that frailty was significantly associated with the serum TSH concentration (odds ratio [OR]: 1.06), fT3 concentration (OR: 0.54), and subclinical hypothyroidism score (OR: 2.18). The association between fT4 and frailty was absent in our observational study. The fT3/fT4 ratio characterizing peripheral hormone conversion was also tested to be correlated with frailty.Conclusion:Subclinical hypothyroidism, higher TSH level, lower fT3 level, and decreased fT3/fT4 ratio were all associated with frailty assessed by the FRAIL scale among the community-dwelling oldest-old, suggesting a relevant role of thyroid function in aging. Future longitudinal studies are warranted to determine the casual relationship between thyroid dysfunction and frailty in the oldest-old.

  • 标签: Hypothyroidism Frailty Aging Thyroid hormone Oldest-old Triiodothyronin Thyroid stimulating hormone
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  • 简介:副热带的高度的山脉位置上的跨equatorial流动和它的影响的变化特征在这份报纸被分析了。它如下被显示出。(1)Somalicross赤道的流动的紧张与南部的半球的越来越强烈地在过去的44年和Northem半球交换的气流里在冬季和夏天正在增加。(2)在5月的Somalicross赤道的流动在台风季节在副热带的高度的山脉位置上有大多数影响,介绍积极关联。(3)诊断与在2005的真实状况一致。

  • 标签: 十字赤道仪 亚热带地区 相关性分析 鉴别
  • 简介:AIM:Todeterminethedistributionsofcentralcornealthickness(CCT)andintraocularpressure(IOP)inemmetropiceyesofhealthychildrenofPalestine.METHODS:Thisrepresentativecrosssectionalstudyincludedatotalof1156eyesfrom578healthyschoolchildrenaged7-15y.Inclusioncriteriaincludedemmetropia,noprevioushistoryofocularorsystemicdiseases,noprevioushistoryofcontactlensuse,andtheavailabilityofbotheyes.CCTandIOPweremeasuredusingultrasoundpachymeterandGoldmannapplanationtonometer,respectively.Therelationshipoftheresultswithageandgenderwasinvestigated.RESULTS:Themeanageofschoolchildrenwas11.13±2.8y.MeanCCTwas542.2±37.4and544.3±39.2μmforrightandlefteyes,respectively.MeanIOPwas12.5±2.2and12.3±2.2mmHgforrightandlefteyes,respectively.ApositivecorrelationwasobservedbetweenCCTandIOPoftherighteye(P<0.001,R=0.358)andCCTandIOPofthelefteye(P<0.001,R=0.324).NosignificantdifferenceswereobservedinCCTandIOPduetoageorgender(P>0.05).ThereweresignificantdifferencesinmeanCCTandIOPbetweenrightandlefteyes(P=0.004,P=0.001,respectively).CONCLUSION:ApopulationprofileofCCTandIOPisestablishedinPalestinianchildrenforthefirsttime.MeanCCTiscomparabletosomestudiesbutdifferfromothers.MeanIOPisconsiderablylowerthanthatofmajoritychildrenofotherethnicgroups.Intereyedifferenceofmorethan36μminCCT,and5mmHginIOPshouldpromptevaluationforpotentialoculardisorders.

  • 标签: central CORNEAL thickness INTRAOCULAR pressure intereye
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  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:This study evaluated the angular kinematic and moment of the ankle and foot during shod walking and barefoot walking in individuals with unilateral chronic ankle instability (CAI).Methods:Recreational soccer players with unilateral CAI were recruited for this cross sectional study conducted between January and August 2019. A total of 40 participants were screened for eligibility but only 31 met the inclusion criteria based on the methods of Delahunt et al and Gribble et al. Except for 3 participants not attending the evaluation session, 28 participants were finally included. A three dimensional motion analysis system made up of ProReflex motion capture unit and an AMTIb Kistler force plate, embedded in the middle of nine meter walkway, were used to assess the ankle and foot angles and moment during shod walking and barefoot walking conditions. A Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 20.0) was used to analyze data.Results:During shod walking, the ankle joint plantar-flexion range of motion (ROM) at 10% of the gait cycle (GC) and dorsiflexion ROM at 30% of the GC were significantly higher than those during barefoot walking for both feet (p = 0.001, 0.001, 0.027, and 0.036 respectively). The inversion ROM during shod walking was significantly higher than that during barefoot walking for both feet at 10% and 30% of the GC (p = 0.001. 0.001, 0.001, and 0.042 respectively). At 10% of the GC, the eversion moment was significantly higher between barefoot and shod walking for both feet (both p = 0.001). At 30% of the GC, there was no significant difference between shod and barefoot walking plantar-flexion moment of both feet (p = 0.975 and 0.763 respectively), and the eversion moment of both feet (p = 0.116 and 0.101 respectively).Conclusion:At the early stance, shod walking increases the ankle plantar-flexion and foot inversion ROM, and decreases the eversion moment for both feet in subjects with unilateral CAI. Therefore, the foot wearing condition should be considered during evaluation of ankle and foot kinematics and kinetics.

  • 标签: Foot Gait Barefoot walking Shod walking Recurrent ankle sprain
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Minimal change nephropathy (MCD) is a common pathological type of nephrotic syndrome and is often associated with acute kidney injury (AKI). This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics and related factors of AKI in patients with MCD and nephrotic syndrome.Methods:Patients from Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital who were diagnosed with pathological renal MCD with clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome were included from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017. Patients diagnosed with membranous nephropathy (MN) by renal biopsy from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017 are included as a control population. We retrospectively analyzed the clinical and pathological characteristics of patients as well as the percentages and clinical characteristics of AKI in different age groups. We assessed the correlation of pathological characteristics with serum creatinine using multivariate linear regression analysis.Results:A total of 367 patients with MCD were included in the analysis, with a sex ratio of 1.46: 1 (male: female) and an age range of 6 to 77 years. Among all the patients, 109 developed AKI (29.7%), and of these patients, 85 were male (78.0%). In the 586 patients with MN, 27 (4.6%) patients developed AKI. The percentage of AKI in MCD patients was significantly higher than that in MN patients (χ2 = 41.063, P < 0.001). The percentage of AKI increased with age in the MCD patients. The percentage of AKI in patients aged 50 years or older was 52.9% (46/87), which was significantly higher than that [22.5% (63/280)] in patients under 50 years (χ2 = 6.347, P = 0.013). We observed statistically significant differences in age (43 [27, 59] years vs. 28 [20, 44] years, Z = 5.487, P < 0.001), male (78.0% vs. 51.4%, χ2 = 22.470, P < 0.001), serum albumin (19.9 ± 6.1 g/L vs. 21.5 ± 5.7 g/L, t = 2.376, P = 0.018), serum creatinine (129.5 [105.7, 171.1] μmol/L vs. 69.7 [57.7, 81.9] μmol/L, Z = 14.190, P < 0.001), serum urea (10.1 [6.2, 15.8] mmol/L vs. 4.7 [3.6, 6.4] mmol/L, Z = 10.545, P < 0.001), IgE (266.0 [86.7, 963.0] IU/ml vs. 142.0 [35.3, 516.5] IU/ml, Z = 2.742, P = 0.007), history of diabetes (6.4% vs. 1.2%, P = 0.009), and history of hypertension (23.9% vs. 5.1%, χ2 = 28.238, P < 0.001) between the AKI group and the non-AKI group. According to multivariate linear regression analysis, among the renal pathological features analyzed, renal tubular epithelial cell damage (β = 178.010, 95% CI: 147.888-208.132, P < 0.001) and renal interstitial edema (β = 28.833, 95% CI: 11.966-45.700, P = 0.001) correlated with serum creatinine values.Conclusions:The percentage of AKI in MCD patients is significantly higher than that in MN patients. Patients over 50 years old are more likely to develop AKI. Renal tubular epithelial cell injury and renal interstitial edema may be the main pathological lesions that are associated with elevated serum creatinine in patients with MCD.

  • 标签: Minimal change disease Nephrotic syndrome Acute kidney injury