简介:AbstractObjective:The aim of this work was to explore the feasibility of in vivo and non-invasive monitoring of deuterium/hydrogen (2H/1H) exchange at the metabolic level upon exposure to heavy water (2H2O).Methods:The healthy female mice were randomly assigned to two groups after day 0 when both mice received standard drinking water. The treated mouse was fed with 2H2O (80%, v/v) and the control mouse fed with standard drinking water (H2O) over next 13 days. Real-time mass spectrometric analysis of volatile metabolism emitted through breathing and the skin was performed on days 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, and 13. Animal experiment was approved by the Laboratory Animal Ethics Committee of Jinan University (approval No. 20161117163322) on October 29, 2021.Results:We observed a replacement of 1H by 2H in 52 mass spectral features (60 2H/1H isotopologue pairs) for the mouse fed with 2H2O, but not for the control mouse. These included pyruvic acid and lactic acid, lysine and methyl-lysine as well as short-chain fatty acids comprising acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid and valeric acid.Conclusion:Secondary electrospray ionization-high resolution mass spectrometry allows monitoring in vivo2H-incorporation of metabolites in a non-invasive and real-time setup and opens new opportunities to use 2H tracing to extend current metabolic studies, especially those with a focus on anaerobic glycolysis, lysine methylation and gut microbiome via monitoring of short-chain fatty acids.
简介:摘 要:滤棒的成型工艺是卷烟制造过程中的关键工序,该工艺的主要任务是将醋纤丝束展开、开松、消除卷曲、重新组合。然后将增塑剂涂在均匀展开的醋纤丝束上并将其转移到成型棒上,切割并最终形成符合工艺流程的纤维滤棒。醋纤丝束的开松效果直接影响滤棒吸阻的大小和稳定性。滤棒吸阻的大小和稳定性直接影响成品卷烟的吸阻,进而影响卷烟的吸食质量、卷烟的焦油含量等。滤棒的吸阻率是卷烟味道的重要物理指标。目前业界对滤棒吸阻影响因素做了大量的研究。主要是针对两对开松辘的转速比值进行研究.本文把输出辊也作为研究对象考虑对辐子的转速情况。通过对辊速的研究,为滤棒成型机组操作人员提供操作依据,实现滤棒吸阻的稳定性控制。