简介:[Abstract] Both French and English belong to the Indo-European Family. Since the Middle English period French has had strong influence on English. The influence of the French language upon the English language can be divided into two main stages. The first one is from 1066 to 1500. The decisive factor during this time is the Norman Conquest. A large number of French words poured into English as a part of English etymology,especially by French. Since the Middle English period French had a strong influence on English. The influence of the French language upon the English language can be divided into two main stages. The first stage is from Norman Conquest to 1500. One of the most influential factors is the Norman Conquest. At this stage the French was used by the upper class at first,4.2 The influence of French upon English in the Middle English period4.2.1 The use of French by the upper classWhatever the actual number of Normans settled in England